A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 312: The sun, come out west

The corners of his eyes were getting wet, and his eyes looked at her with sadness. "Manman, I just want to do something for you. Isn't this even possible? Do you know how regretful I am now, how much I want to make up for me Mistake? I live in remorse and pain every day, I just want to do something for you to make up for my owe to you, I just want to do something for you to alleviate the guilt in my heart for you, I only If you want to be better, why don’t you want to fulfill me? You should give me a chance for atonement. Would you let me do something for you?"

When the words fell, he embraced Li Xiaoman's shoulders with both hands, and the tears in his eyes could no longer restrain him from sliding down his handsome face, with sadness and regret, "Manman...I beg you, give Am I a chance for atonement? I don’t have to ask you to accept me again, even if you just let me send you and care about you, I can be much better, I know I have done too many wrong things, I know I broke your heart, I don’t deserve your forgiveness, you should pity me, give me a favor? I don’t want to live in remorse and guilt self-blame, you are so kind, why can’t you be kind and give Am I a redemptive opportunity?"

He lived in remorse, pain, guilt, self-blame, sorrow all day long, he was already breathless, he just wanted to have a chance to atonement, so that he at least no longer need to be so sad, so guilty, so blame Too.

What made him most regretful was that he personally pushed her beloved to other men, and he wished he could smash his body to pieces.

Li Xiaoman looked up at him stunned because of his painful words, and saw that his handsome face had been wet with tears of remorse and guilt. open.

If it was changed to a year ago, his words were enough to shake her whole heart, and it would also make her heartbroken. But now, she has no other emotion except to think he is really sad and pathetic.

He couldn't move her anymore.

Her heart has been completely occupied by Long Sihao. In this life and this life, all her emotions, emotions and sorrows are only for Long Sihao.

Her smile only bloomed for him, only for him.

The expression on her small beautiful face was indifferent, gazing at him coldly, "I have a driver to send me, I don't need you to send it."

When the words fell, Li Xiaoman ignored Huo Yunene and turned to leave.

When she walked to the parking lot of Antai Cemetery, she glanced around and found that the driver who had just sent her was not there, even the car in the parking space was gone.

She raised her eyebrows gently, did the driver go back first?

Huo Yunene who followed came to see her standing at the spot and frowned, and her eyes questioned her in doubt: "Manman, what's wrong? Didn't you see the driver who sent you?"

Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes and looked at Huoyunene, still ignoring him. He walked out of Antai Cemetery and stopped by the roadside.

Seeing this, Huo Yunene immediately drove his black Bentley out of the Antai Cemetery and stopped beside Li Xiaoman waiting for the bus.

He pushed the door of the passenger’s seat open, and her eyes looked softly at her, “Manman, get in the car, your driver is away, you are pregnant, and it’s unsafe to ride alone. Where do you live now, I will send you back."

Li Xiaoman lives in Shuilu Lake, Huo Yunene did not know, he thought she lived in Honghuayuan, had been there to find her, but only after she went to know that she no longer lives there.

After Li Xiaoman lived in Shuiluhu Villa, he rarely came out. Others could not enter there without a pass. Huo Yunene naturally did not know where she lived.

Li Xiaoman did not sit in Huo Yunene's car, she would not have any problems with Huo Yunene, and she also knew that Long Sihao was very mindful of Huo Yunene, so she would never again with Huo Yunene A little relationship.

After waiting for a while and seeing that a car came, she sat in directly after she called in. She called Li Zhenhua first and confirmed his current address before letting the taxi driver take her.

Since Li Sufang's funeral, she has not seen her uncle in Shuilu Lake for half a month, so she came out today and just went to see her uncle.

After all, her relatives, apart from Long Sihao and the baby in her belly, have only Uncle Li Zhenhua and cousin Li Wenbo.

Huo Yunene saw Li Xiaoman would rather take a taxi than to sit in his car. His sorrowful punch hit the windshield with unspeakable pain.

Then he started the car and followed.

Because of Li Sufang's business, Li Wenbo resigned as a financial manager in Yu Yan Lou.

Li Zhenhua has not come out of the grief of Li Sufang's death, so he hasn't made pasta in Yuyanlou.

Several of the apprentices he received had him on leave.

However, in these few months at Yu Yan Lou, the name of the Li family's pasta not only started, but also made some money.

Originally Li Zhenhua and Li Sufang were thinking of using these earned money plus their savings to buy an apartment in the city center, but before they went to see the house, Li Sufang passed away, and the matter was put aside.

Half a month ago, Li Zhenhua and Li Wenbo moved out of the Yuyan Building. The two people rented a three-bedroom and two-hall suite outside the Yuyan Building, less than 200 meters apart.

The 120-story suite is quite spacious, and the price is not too expensive.

Because Li Xiaoman called in advance and knew that she would come to Li Wenbo to wait for her at the agreed place in advance.

Seeing Li Xiaoman get down from the taxi, he immediately stepped forward and reached out to help her.

Li Xiaoman stood up and raised his eyes and smiled with his lips, "Brother Wenbo, thank you."

Li Wenbo was about to speak out, and suddenly a black Bentley stopped not far behind Li Xiaoman. The person who got out of the car was Huo Yunene.

Seeing Huo Yunene, Li Wenbo's handsome eyebrows deepened, his eyes flashing a complex emotion.

"Manman..." Hearing the voice of Huo Yunene behind him, Li Xiaoman turned around and saw him walking towards her after getting off the bus.

She looked startled, narrowing her eyes and staring at him coldly, "What are you doing here?"

No matter how cold Li Xiaoman's face is, Huo Yunene still smiles gently, "Manman, let me take a look at my uncle."

When the words fell, he glanced at Li Wenbo again, and smiled politely, "Wen Bo, uncle is home?"

Li Wenbo looked at Huo Yunene and nodded politely, "Here, President Huo, you are..."

Huo Yunene looked at Li Wenbo again and smiled politely, "Wenbo, we grew up together, we don't have to be so polite, or call me Yunene."

In the same year as Li Wenbo and Huo Yunene, Huo Yunene was only three months older than Li Wenbo. When they were young, the two also had some intersection because of Li Xiaoman.

It's just that Li Wenbo's personality is more restrained and self-learning, and he rarely works with others.

He is a school bully, and he is very good at learning. He originally had the opportunity to study abroad, but he gave up.

If you ask the reason, it's because you can't rest assured that his gambling dad, Li Zhenhua, and his aunt, Li Sufang.

The most important and main reason is naturally that he can't rest assured of what he calls his "cousin" Li Xiaoman.

Li Wenbo saw that Huo Yunene, who was cold and arrogant in the past, lowered his posture at this time and smiled to welcome him. He smiled lightly and politely said: "General Huo, since he came, go sit up."

Huo Yunene saw Li Wenbo let him sit up, naturally, he was very happy.

He was about to speak well, and Li Xiaoman said indifferently: "Wen Bo, what are you doing with irrelevant people?"

When the words fell, she looked at Huo Yunene more and more coldly, "Zuo Huo, don't go up."

"Manman, I just went to see my uncle. Isn't this all right?" Huo Yunene's eyes were full of sadness, and a pair of ink eyes looked at Li Xiaoman tightly.

Li Xiaoman ignored him, but looked at Li Wenbo, "Brother Wenbo, let's go up."

Then she walked ahead.

Li Wenbo looked down at Huo Yunene politely, then turned to catch up with Li Xiaoman.

The suites rented by Li Wenbo and Li Zhenhua are on the tenth floor.

Knowing that Li Xiaoman would come, Li Zhenhua had been waiting outside the door, so as soon as he got out of the elevator door, Li Xiaoman saw him waiting outside.

Only half a month later, he was sick and tired, and people seemed to be much older, his eyes red and swollen, obviously because of crying for a long time.

"Uncle..." When Li Zhenhua was seen, Li Xiaoman's nose was sour, and a layer of water mist appeared in the eyes.

Seeing her red eyes, Li Zhenhua immediately stepped forward and took her little hand, "Manman, come in first."

Just as Li Xiaoman entered the door with Li Zhenhua, Huo Yunene's voice rang again behind her.


Hearing Huo Yunene's voice again, Li Xiaoman's eyes radiated a trace of anger and aversion to him.

Why didn't he leave his soul?

Li Zhenhua turned to see Huo Yunene even came, he was a little surprised.

"Mr. Huo..." He looked at Huo Yunene in surprise, "How are you here?"

Huo Yunene met Li Zhenhua politely calling him President Huo. He was a little uncomfortable. He didn't feel anything before, but now, he doesn't want to put a rack in front of Li Xiaoman's relatives. He doesn't want to stay in Li Xiaoman's heart anymore. impression.

He smiled at Li Zhenhua with a smile, polite and kind, "Uncle, just like Wenbo, just call me Yunene. Your name is Mr. Huo, I'm sorry to call it."

Li Zhenhua saw that he became very friendly, completely different from before, and he was surprised and surprised again.

In the past, Huo Yunene never paid attention to what they called "poor relatives" in Li Xuehe's mouth, let alone talked to him so kindly and let him call him by his name.

Huo Yunene saw Li Zhenhua looking at him in surprise and surprise. He felt very embarrassed. In the past, he had misunderstood Li Xiaoman, so he was very cold and even looked down on her kind family.

But now that the misunderstanding has been lifted, he will naturally not be the same as before.

He glanced at Li Xiaoman deeply, and then looked at Li Zhenhua, embarrassing and guilty apology: "Uncle, I'm sorry! I used to be bad, I have no respect for you, please forgive me."

Li Zhenhua didn't expect Huo Yunene to put down his president's shelf to apologize to him. He was even more surprised.

What day is today?

The sun came out west?

In the past, the Huo family's arrogant and indifferent young Master Huo's president even apologized to him. Did he hear it wrong?

Or was he wrong, not Huo Yunene?


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