A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 311: Love him, this life will not change

Long Sihao stayed in the bathroom for a long time. When he came out, his look and mental state were very good. It didn't look like he had just coughed up blood.

Li Xiaoman, who was sitting on the big bed, saw him come out and immediately stood up and walked towards him.

Her clear water eyes tightly glanced at his beautiful face, with a hint of worry, "Si Hao, did you just cough?"

Seeing her with worries, Long Sihaojun raised her eyebrows slightly and asked with ease: "Have you heard?"

Li Xiaoman nodded his head and was about to ask him what was wrong. He stretched his arms and hugged her into his arms. The fairness reached her forehead. The voice was gentle. "Xiao Xiao, don't worry, I have nothing to do. This is normal."

Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked at him tightly, "Did you catch a cold?"

Long Sihao gazed at her with a pensive gaze, bent her lips and smiled, "No, my is really okay, silly girl, don't worry about me."

When the words fell, he lowered his head and printed a kiss on her lips, "Okay, I should go to the company."

Then he let go of her.

When he turned around, Li Xiaoman suddenly pulled him, and then rushed into his arms, slender hands tightly holding his waist, "Si Hao, I will accompany you to the hospital to see it , Or you can call the doctor, you suddenly cough, I'm not at ease."

Long Sihao smiled at her with a smile, "Xiao Xiao, I'm really okay, don't worry too much, I really want to go to the company."

He wanted to let her go again, but she held him tightly.

Long Sihao looked down at the little woman who held him tightly, and his long narrow eyes were filled with smiles, "Xiao Xiao, why did you suddenly become so sticky?"

Li Xiaoman raised an eyebrow at him and smiled softly, "Don't you want to be glued to me?"

Long Sihao raised his eyebrows slightly and said softly, "Indeed, since you are so reluctant to me, I will not go to the company and stay with you, eh?"

Li Xiaoman was naturally happy to hear him stay, but she couldn't take all his space so selfishly.

He would come back on time every night to eat with her, walk with her, hug her to sleep, she was very satisfied, she can no longer take up his day time.

He also has his business to do, and she can't delay his business.

She let go of her hand and looked at him tenderly and affectionately, "Si Hao, no need, you go to the company, I want to eat at night, I will do it for you."

Long Sihao looked down at her swollen belly, and the deep eyes were filled with the smile of the father, "Xiao Xiao, you only need to give birth to our baby, let them do everything else, I don’t want you to be too tired."

"Huh!" Li Xiaoman looked at Long Sihao and nodded, then watched him leave the bedroom.

Before and after his handsome figure disappeared in her eyes, she frowned, and she was already thinking about him.

Because she had nothing to do, she couldn't sleep, and she couldn't play with her cell phone during pregnancy, she leaned on the bedside and read books like pregnant women's knowledge.

She would read the time every few minutes. At about six o'clock, she put down her book and went downstairs to the kitchen.

Although she promised Long Sihao not to cook by herself, she still wanted to cook Long Sihao by herself. She would be very happy to see him eating her cooking.

She believed that Long Sihao would also feel very happy.

No man does not like to eat the food cooked by the beloved woman himself, and no woman is unwilling to cook for the beloved man.

Male and female, female and female, Long Sihao is busy outside, she really wants to do something for him.

When she got to the kitchen, several chefs in the kitchen heard her say that she would cook in person and gave her a hand.

However, she was busy for more than an hour and made a table dish, but Long Sihao did not return on time.

It was already dark, she sat at the table and waited for him for a long time, the clear water eyes tightly looked at the table dishes she made by herself from steaming to cooling.

Long Sihao didn't come back after 8:30. She with a frowning eyebrow took out her mobile phone and called Long Sihao, but Long Sihao's secretary answered the phone.

"Miss Li, President Long is having an important meeting and will go back later so that you don't have to wait for him."

After hanging up the phone, Li Xiaoman was still sitting at the dining table, and his clear eyes flashed a touch of loss.

Uncle Guan Cheng walked into the restaurant, and when the dishes were cold, she looked at her respectfully and asked, "Young lady, these dishes are cold, do you want to take them hot?"

Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked at the housekeeper, smiling his lips slightly, "Uncle Cheng, don't get hot first, and wait until Si Hao comes back."

Uncle Cheng nodded and left the restaurant.

Li Xiaoman still sat at the dining table and waited. The reason why she didn't let it get hot was that they would lose their original taste if they were heated too many times. When Long Sihao came back to eat, the taste would not be so good.

She thought Long Sihao would be back at twelve o'clock last night, but she waited until two o'clock in the middle of the night and Long Sihao still didn't come back.

During the period, Uncle Cheng Cheng said a few times to let her sleep first without waiting for Long Sihao, and Lori also called several times, saying that Long Sihao might go back very late, so that she did not have to wait, but she still sat Waiting in the restaurant.

Until dawn, she did not wait for Long Sihao to return.

After seeing the breakfast time, Long Sihao did not come back, she said that the food on the table was packed, and asked the housekeeper to arrange a driver to send her to Antai Cemetery.

After arriving at the destination, she got out of the car without letting the driver follow, but entered the cemetery by herself.

Although she has been pregnant for more than five months, she can move freely and will not look cumbersome and hard like some pregnant women.

Reaching Li Sufang's tomb, she cleared her eyes and looked closely at the picture of Li Sufang on the tombstone. She felt a lot of pain in her heart.


With a whisper, her eyes were a little red, and she stretched out her slender hand and knelt down slowly holding the tombstone.

Her petite body leaned against the tombstone, her small hands caressing the photo of Li Sufang on the tombstone, and her eyes were covered with a layer of mist. "Mom, I came to see you, I miss you..."

After a pause, she continued: "Please forgive me for not being able to listen to you and leave Si Hao, he is really good, loves me very much, I love him too, loves and loves very much, I really owe him a lot , He paid so much for me, I really did not pay anything for him, so in the days to come, I will use all my life to love him, sorry, even if you know I think I am not filial, I will not leave him……"

As the words fell, her wet eyes slightly looked at Li Sufang's picture on the tombstone, "Mom, you can rest assured that I won't let you die, Si Hao is investigating what you were killed, I believe him, He must be able to find the real murderer to take revenge."

Deeply looked at Li Sufang's tomb for a while, her slender hands supported the tombstone and slowly stood up.

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded behind her.


Hearing the sound, Li Xiaoman, who had a red eyes, was slightly stunned, and raised his misty eyes, and saw Huoyunene standing in front of her.

Huo Yunene saw her red eyes, frowned, and asked, "Man Man, why are you here alone? Didn't Long Sihao accompany you? You are pregnant, and he is still assured that you are here alone?"

Li Xiaoman's clear water squinted slightly, his eyes alienated and indifferent looked at him, "Why are you here?"

Huo Yunene's eyebrows deepened, and a bit of sadness was accumulated in Rumo's eyes. "I came to see my dad and thought that my aunt's tomb is here, so I came and saw you too..."

Speaking of which, he was silent for a moment before he worriedly looked at her and asked, "Man Man, did something happen between you and Long Sihao? Why didn't he come here with you?"

Realizing that Huo Yunene seemed to be knocking on the side and asking something, Li Xiaoman's narrow, clear water eyes stared at him sharply, "Ho Yunene, what the **** do you want to ask? Me and Si Hao are very good, what Nothing happened."

When the words fell, Li Xiaoman turned to leave, Huo Yunene grabbed her.

His eyes gazed at her tightly, and his eyes were condensed with affection for her, "Manman, you know, I still love you and are waiting for you. If Long Sihao is not good to you, As long as you want, you can come back to me at any time. I don’t mind you having been with Long Sihao. If you can give me this opportunity, I will definitely hurt you and love you."

Li Xiaoman broke free from Huo Yunene's hand and looked at him coldly, "Huo Yunene, no need, Si Hao is very good to me, I will not leave him, he will not leave me, I love He, this life will not change."

The firmness in her words made Huo Yunene take a big step backward, a pair of dark eyes grieved at her, her eyes overflowed with loss, and her lips bleakly raised, "Manman, no matter what, I Your heart will not change, I will wait for you, even if I wait for a lifetime, I will wait, I will never fall in love with others in this life, if you wait until the day I die, you still refuse to Accept me, and I have no complaints or regrets. I missed you and hurt you. Even if I use my life to repay, I can't make up for the mistakes I made."

Regarding Ren Huoyunene's words, Li Xiaoman is still heartless. If these words are said by Long Sihao, she must be moving.

After Huo Yunene saw him say that, Li Xiaoman's expression remained indifferent, without any trace of emotion, and his heart bleed into the bone marrow.

"Manman..." His eyes were sad, his dark eyes wet for a while.

He was a man who stood up to the earth, but at this moment he wanted to cry because of the woman he loved.

How can his manman fall in love with other men?

Just thinking of her falling in love with Long Sihao, but also deeply in love, his heart seemed to be so pained by the sharp blade Ling Chi.

Trying to cover the endless sadness of the eyes, Huo Yunene raised her eyes and gently looked at her, "Manman, Long Sihao didn't accompany you, are you here alone? A pregnant woman is inconvenient to move, I send Will you go back?"

Li Xiaoman raised his worried face with Huo Yunene, the tone was cold, "No need, I don't want to have any relationship with you again, Huo Yunene, see me next time, please pretend not to know me, leave me Farther away, ok?"

Her words made Huo Yunene instantly red eyes.


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