A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 313: The more you look, the more problems

Li Wenbo came out with two cups of tea and a cup of milk.

He put the tea in front of Huo Yunene and Li Zhenhua, and then gave milk to Li Xiaoman.

Because Li Xiaoman is pregnant, drinking tea is not good. He did not make tea for her carefully, but gave her a cup of milk to bring it out.

Holding the steaming milk in his hand, Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and thanked Li Wenbo.

Immediately she scanned the living room and saw that the decoration was okay. She looked at Li Zhenhua and asked, "Uncle, did you buy it here?"

Li Zhenhua frowned tightly, pale, haggard and old, and his face rose with a deep sorrow. "It is rented. My mother and I originally planned to buy a set..."

He didn't finish the speech, because he mentioned Li Sufang, the tears could not stop falling, and a big man in his forties was tears of sadness and grief, and he couldn't cry.

"Dad..." Li Wenbojun frowned, and looked down at Li Xiaoman before he wiped his tears, and exhorted: "Dad, people can't be reborn, don't be sad, you can also be sad. ."

"I..." Li Zhenhua looked at Huo Yunene with tears in her eyes, a little embarrassed, "Yunene, sorry, I made you laugh, I...I..."

Huo Yunene's eyebrows were deep and he didn't mean to make fun of Li Zhenhua. He lost his sister and he could feel his sadness.

Just like when his father passed away, he was sad and sad for a long time.

Looking at Li Zhenhua, he also exhorted: "Uncle, Wenbo is right, people can't be resurrected from death, you must mourn."

Li Xiaoman stood up and sat next to Li Zhenhua. His slender little hand picked up his hand and raised his eyes to look at him. He tried to push back the tears that would come out of his eyes, and said gently, "Uncle, Mom died, I know you are very sad and sad, but you should also pay attention to your body, you continue to grieve like this, crying and breaking your body, and Wen Bo will also be sad and worried. Ma’s greatest wish in his life was to hope that his uncle could cheer up and hurt most. I care most about my uncle's body, so if you are ill, Ma Quan will know and you will be worried. Does your uncle hope that Mom will be uneasy?"

Li Xiaoman's words played a role. Although Li Zhenhua was still sad and sad in his heart, he did not cry as he just did.

He looked at Li Xiaoman and nodded. "Manman is right. Uncle can't be sad anymore. Uncle should cheer up."

Hearing this, Li Xiaoman's small face smiled, "Uncle said it's right."

Li Zhenhua looked at her and smiled, then looked at Huo Yunene, and said politely: "Yunene, Manman, you rarely come here, don't leave, just stay and eat."

Huo Yunene was naturally more delighted to be able to stay and eat, but he did not immediately agree, but looked at Li Xiaoman as if to ask her what she meant.

Li Zhenhua saw him looking at Li Xiaoman, and at her. "Manman, that's it, you don't have to go away first, eat and then go, and uncle cooks."

When the words fell, he stood up and entered the kitchen.

Li Wenbo saw Li Zhenhua entered the kitchen, and said that he wanted to go in to help, and he stood up.

After Li Wenbo entered the kitchen, Li Xiaoman and Huo Yunene were left in the living room.

Huo Yunene looked at Li Xiaoman, who looked indifferent, frowned, "Manman..."

Li Xiaoman didn't like staying in a space with Huo Yunene very much. She stood up and stared at him coldly, "Huo Yunene, you tell me the truth, are the photos that appeared on your wedding with Charlene you? What the hell?"

Huo Yunene didn't expect that she would mention it suddenly. His handsome eyebrows flashed in a panic.

He gazed at her with guilt and apology, "Manman, sorry!"

Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes and looked at him coldly, "Really related to you?"

Huo Yunene didn't say anything, Jun frowned more tightly, and Jun's face was filled with guilt and apology.

Those pictures are the masterpieces of Long Junche, but he can't expose Long Junche, he can only carry it himself.

Li Xiaoman saw that Huo Yunene was silent, and when he accepted it, she raised her lips coldly, her eyes sneered at him, "Ho Yunene, you are really mean, do you just Do these things about dogs and dogs?"

Huo Yunene looked at Li Xiaoman with apology, Jun Mei frowned, "Manman, I'm sorry, I just did it because I loved it so much."

"Love?" Li Xiaoman's squinted eyes squinted at him with disdain, "Ho Yunene, don't mention the word love to me, you simply don't understand what love is."

When the words fell, Li Xiaoman ignored Huo Yunene and stood up and walked straight to the kitchen.

If it wasn’t because it was her uncle’s family, she was not good at making decisions, nor was she able to brush off her uncle’s face, she would have cast him out long ago.

As for the photo, she won't just forget that. The gentleman's revenge is not too late for ten years. One day, she will make Huo Yunene lose his reputation.

After she went in, she left Huo Yunene sitting alone in the living room.

After dinner, it was Huo Yunene called by Li Zhenhua.

During the meal, Li Xiaoman ignored him, and Li Zhenhua was always entertaining him.

When he saw Li Xiaoman ignore her, he felt even more guilty and lost.

After eating, he did not leave immediately, but sat in the living room waiting to send Li Xiaoman back.

Li Xiaoman was afraid that Li Zhenhua would be sad because of Li Sufang's death, so he persuaded him for a while and told him not to be too sad. Seeing that he wanted to drive a lot, she just got up and prepared to leave.

"Uncle, it's not too early. I should go. I'll see you and Wenbo in a few days."

After Li Zhenhua finished his speech, Li Xiaoman raised his eyes to Li Wenbo again, pursing his lips with a chuckle, "Brother Wen Bo, uncle will come to you."

"I know, I will take good care of Dad, and you too, take care of yourself." Li Wenbo looked at Li Xiaoman, frowned, and then said, "I will send you."

The word "you" in his words naturally refers to Li Xiaoman and Huo Yunene.

Huo Yunene did not plan to leave after eating, he knew Huo Yunene was waiting for Li Xiaoman specifically without asking.

Li Xiaoman got up from the sofa and looked at Li Wenbo, "Brother Wenbo, don't need to send me anymore. You take care of your uncle, I'm gone, and I will see you next time."

When the words fell, she still ignored Huo Yunene and turned straight out of the room.

Huo Yunene saw this, his deep eyebrows were deep, and his eyes immediately followed Li Wenbo and Li Zhenhua with a smile. Uncle takes care of the body."

When the words fell, he immediately chased them out quickly.

Li Wenbo wanted to chase it out, but just lifted his foot and received it back. Huo Yunene sent her, what else did he do.

There was a flash of loss in his eyes, he frowned and Li Zhenhua said he would continue to submit a resume and returned to his own room.

Because he quit his job as a financial manager at Yu Yan Lou, he is now investing in resumes to work.

After leaving this building, Li Xiaoman walked to the side of the road, preparing to take a taxi back to Shuilu Lake.

Huo Yunene slowly followed her in a car, put down the window, and a pair of ink eyes squeezed her tightly on her stomach. Junmei frowned deeply, "Manman, come in the car, I Take you back."

Li Xiaoman looked indifferent, and walked his own way, deaf to Huo Yunene's words.

Huo Yunene saw Li Xiaoman go forward as if he hadn't heard him. He stopped the car and walked to Li Xiaoman to stop her. His dark eyes looked at her tightly. , "Manman, don't be angry, I admit that I am mean, but don't I just love you? I know wrong, I'm sorry, I apologize to you, forgive me, okay?"

Li Xiaoman squinted coldly, seeing Huo Yunene's head was doing something wrong, she said in a cold voice: "Ho Yunene, when will you grow up in the end? Why are you? Always wait to do something wrong before asking for forgiveness from others? Do you know what you look like in my eyes now? You are like a child who grows up forever, you never know what is right and what is wrong , You lack opinion, no responsibility, no sense of responsibility, right and wrong..."

Because she doesn't love anymore, she doesn't like Huo Yunene's eyes now.

Having been with Long Sihao, who is very good in every aspect, for a long time, she now looks at other men, and none of them can get into her eyes.

The more she looked at Huo Yunene, the more she felt that he had too many shortcomings.

In Huo Yunene's impression, Li Xiaoman seldom counted him like this, but today, she was out of a bunch of shortcomings. He was not angry, but he felt a joy in his heart.

It feels like a useless husband is being counted by his wife.

Huo Yunene's ink eyes looked at Li Xiaoman with a smile on his face and a gentle voice. "Manman, what other shortcomings do I have to tell me, I will change it."

Li Xiaoman glanced at him without anger and smiled, ignoring him, and was about to walk past him, Huo Yunene grabbed her.

Because Huo Yunene's strength was a little strong, when she was pulled by him and turned, she almost fell into his arms. Fortunately, her slender hands supported his chest in time.

After standing firm, she immediately withdrew her hand, and Huo Yunene held her tightly.

She was about to let Huo Yunene let go, suddenly, a low, clear, mixed familiar voice came from behind Huo Yunene.

"Release her."

Hearing this familiar voice, Li Xiaoman stunned slightly, raised his eyes to the front, and saw Long Sihao in a silver-grey suit, walking in a striking manner.

He tightened his eyes, his eyes deep and cold, especially the beautiful face covered with a layer of frost, shady.

Her clear eyes were filled with surprise, how did he come? Is he supposed to be in the company? How does he know that she is here?

Long Sihao walked in front of Li Xiaoman in three steps and two steps, then he broke Huo Yunene's hand and pulled Li Xiaoman into his arms.


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