Chapter 857 Yandi City, I’m Jiang Chen!

The monstrous power permeated the void, and instantly converged in mid-air into a mysterious area surging with wind and thunder, enveloping Yunposhan.

“Emperor… Realm!”

Yun Poshan’s expression suddenly changed drastically.

Without the slightest hesitation, he directly used the secret method Great Yan Yun Swallowing technique to Ascension his own power to the limit, and wanted to forcibly rush out of Realm, the emperor of the cloud shaking the sky!


The power of the emperor Realm, how can Yunposhan be able to easily break through.

Even if he shot with all his strength, he still couldn’t shake Yun Jingtian’s emperor Realm at all!

“Door… Master, I… I was wrong!”

“I shouldn’t have teamed up with Yun Jinglei and count on you, and hope that the sect master will take my life for the sake of my contribution to the Jingyun Sect.”

“From now on, I promise that I will be the master of the door, and I will never be different!”

Facing Yun Jingtian’s emperor Realm, Yun Poshan looked desperate and quickly begged for mercy in horror.

“Twenty years ago, I already gave you a chance, but you didn’t cherish it.”

“From the moment you chose to shoot at me, it was already too late!”

“I, Yun Jingtian, don’t want to raise a dog that can bite his owner at any time!”

Yun Jingtian’s violent voice fell, and a series of terrifying silver thunders in the Realm, like Nine Heavens, fell against Yunposhan.

Yun Poshan resisted the terrifying thunder attack for just a moment, and his figure was completely overwhelmed by the continuous thunder power.

He didn’t even have time to scream, and the whole person turned into nothingness under the terrifying thunder!

“Is this the Realm of the Emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm.”

Seeing this scene before him, Jiang Chen has also been unable to recover from the shock for a long time.

The emperor Realm, it really is not an ordinary horror!

Even those who are as strong as Yunposhan, such as Divine Soul Realm Kings, are instantly blasted to death!

“Door… Master, we were all forced by Yun Jinglei and Yunposhan twenty years ago, and we hope that the master can spare my life!”

Seeing that Yun Poshan was bombarded and killed by Yun Jingtian’s understatement, the two Jingyunmen Divine Soul Realm Elder’s expressions turned pale.

They knelt directly in front of Yun Jingtian, begging for mercy at Yun Jingtian with horror.

Yun Jingtian cast a faint glance at the two of them: “Let Jingyunwei remove the Yunyantian formation and wait for me on the side.”

The two Divine Soul Realm Elders disappeared in front of Yun Jingtian like they were amnesty.

“Sect Master, after twenty years, Tianxuan finally found you.”

After Yun Jingtian settled Yun Poshan and the others, the old man Tianxuan couldn’t help but came to Yun Jingtian’s face with excitement.

“Xuan Tian, ​​you have been working hard all these years.”

Yun Jingtian smiled slightly, and immediately looked at Jiang Chen: “Little guy, are you okay.”

Jiang Chen said to Yun Jingtian’s cupped fist: “Junior Jiang Chen, I want to think of senior’s life-saving grace.”

“It should be me thank you. If I hadn’t met you on the island, there wouldn’t be the cloud shaking the sky now.”

Yun Jingtian smiled and said: “Jiang Chen, goodbye from Cangdao Island, but Ziyan misses you very much. I will send you to Ziyan’s place now, and wait for me to solve the problem of Jingyunmen, and then I will treat you well. ”

“Senior kindness, Jiang Chen accepted it with heart.”

“However, Profound Sky senior has already set up the teleportation formation, and I want to say goodbye to this and go to Yandi City.”

Jiang Chen shook his head and said.

Yun Jingtian nodded and smiled: “Well, since you have your own plan, then I won’t force it. Jingyunmen is not far from Yandi City, and there will be opportunities in the future.”

Jiang Chen bid farewell to Yun Jingtian and the old man Tianxuan, and immediately activated the teleportation formation again, and his heart became extremely excited.

Yandi City, I’m Jiang Chen!

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