Chapter 858 North Ming City!

Yandi City.

One of the five sacred cities in the Central State Continent, the four-star Sacred Land in the Central State Continent is also one of the top forces in the Central State Continent.

Yandi City has a long history in the Zhongzhou Continent. According to legend, it was founded by Yandi Xiao Jin, a peerless and powerful man who overwhelmed the Zhongzhou Continent for an era tens of thousands of years ago.

And the Xiao family of Yandi City is the descendant of Yandi Xiao Jian.

Because of the existence of the blood of the great emperor, every disciple of the Xiao family is gifted with extraordinary talents, far surpassing ordinary people.

It is precisely because of this.

Yandi City could stand for tens of thousands of years in the Zhongzhou mainland and still prosper forever.

Although Yandi City was named after the city, as the top four-star power in the Zhongzhou Continent, its sphere of influence is extremely vast.

Except for Yandi City.

Yandi City also established a large city guarding the four directions in the southeast, northwest, and guarding the Yandi City in the center.

In the northern edge of Yandi City, in the ancient mountains and forests thousands of miles away from Beiming City, the space became distorted in vain.


A figure suddenly solidified in the void, and slowly appeared above this mountain forest.

The figure that suddenly appeared above the forest was no one else, it was Jiang Chen who came to Yandi City through the teleportation formation.

“Is this the scope of Yandi City?”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, and then he couldn’t help but look around.

Yandi City is one of the five holy cities in the Zhongzhou Continent, and it is impossible for anyone to directly teleport into Yandi City.

Before sending it over.

The old man Tianxuan said that this teleportation formation can only allow him to teleport to the territory of Yandi City.

As for how far he is from Yandi City now, he needs to find out for himself.

“It seems that this is a deserted mountain forest. You must first ask someone where you are.”

Jiang Chen groaned slightly, and immediately turned into a streamer and swept toward the outside of the forest.

After half an hour.

When Jiang Chen walked out of the forest, a vast plain appeared directly in Jiang Chen’s line of sight.

“Huh? There seems to be someone in front.”

Jiang Chen’s gaze crossed a kilometer distance and found a human team.

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate at all, as soon as his figure flashed, he chased after the human team in front.

As he approached, this human team also clearly appeared in front of him.

This is a team of about a dozen people, two or three of them have reached the Divine Sea Realm, and the rest are Practitioners in the Condensed Pill Realm!

It seems that he also felt Jiang Chen behind him.

The fast-flying team also stopped instantly.

One of the middle-aged men in the Divine Sea Realm suddenly turned his head to look at Jiang Chen, his slightly pale face looked wary: “Who is your Excellency?”

Such a middle-aged man Cultivation Base has reached Shenhai Seventh Stage, and he is the strongest person in the entire team.

It’s just that at this moment, the middle-aged man, his face pale, his breath was vacant, and he had obviously suffered serious injuries.

When the middle-aged man was speaking, other Practitioners were holding weapons, guarding a jade-looking girl in the center with a vigilant face.

“You don’t have to panic, I’m not malicious.”

Jiang Chen hurriedly said: “Zai Xia just came here, just want to inquire with you, what exactly is this place?”

“This is one of the four big cities in Yandi City, guarding the northern Mingcheng ruled area.”

When the middle-aged man answered Jiang Chen, the vigilance on his face did not dissipate in the slightest.

North Ming City?

Hearing the words of the middle-aged man, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but feel happy. It seems that he has really reached the territory of Yandi City this time.

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