Chapter 856 Return of the Emperor!

With this faint cold snort, it resounded throughout the world.

The silver figure raised his palm, and shook it lightly at the Divine Soul Realm Elder in front of the Cloud Gate.


The space around the Divine Soul Realm Elder burst into pieces, and his figure flew backside down like a broken kite.

Yun Jingtian!

The last sect master of Jingyun Gate, Yun Jingtian!

A spit of blood spurted out of Elder’s mouth.

He raised his head to look at the stalwart figure on the opposite side, and his face also showed an unprecedented look of horror.

When another expert in the Divine Soul Realm saw this, he was like a frightened bird, and he exploded a distance of tens of feet.

The sudden change also shocked the old Tianxuan and Yun Poshan who were entangled with all their strength.

Almost all of them moved a hundred feet away tacitly, and looked at the silver figure in front of Jiang Chen unanimously.

“The door… the owner!”

Seeing this familiar and unfamiliar figure in front of him, the expression of Old Man Tianxuan instantly became extremely excited.

Twenty years!

Since Yun Jingtian disappeared twenty years ago, Old Man Tianxuan has been tracking Yun Jingtian’s whereabouts all the time.


The old man Tianxuan didn’t expect it.

Just when the old man Tianxuan was almost desperate in his heart, Jiang Chen brought him the news of Yun Jingtian.

What he didn’t even expect was.

Seeing that he and Jiang Chen were about to fall into a desperate situation, Yun Jingtian would actually return at this time!

“Yun Jingtian!”

Looking at the silver figure standing proudly in the void, Yun Poshan’s eyes condensed, and his face became extremely difficult to look at.

Yun Jingtian, Jingyunmen’s most outstanding peerless genius for nearly a thousand years, even in the entire Zhongzhou mainland, is a well-known existence.

Since this guy came into contact with Martial Dao, in less than 30 years, he has successfully made a breakthrough in the Divine Emblem, becoming the youngest sect master in the history of the Cloud Gate.

Twenty years ago.

Yun Jinglei teamed up with him to plot Yun Jingtian, and then he took the position of Yun Jingtian’s sect master.

In the first battle, Yun Jingtian was almost dead for a lifetime, and there was no possibility of surviving at all.

Over the years, they thought that Yun Jingtian was no longer in this world.

But God seems to have made a big joke for them.

Yun Jingtian not only lives in this world, but also suddenly returns to the territory of Jingyunmen!

Yun Poshan’s eyes flickered slightly, and immediately the vitality burst out between his palms, and he directly tore a spatial crack to flee.

Yun Jingtian, the former sect master of the Shocking Cloud Gate, the prestigious emperor of the Divine Embryo in the Central State Continent, was simply not what he could handle.

Now that Yun Jingtian has returned, there is no point in continuing to chase Jiang Chen.

The most important thing at the moment is to return to Jingyun Gate and ask the master Yun Jinglei to discuss countermeasures.

“Yun Poshan, I haven’t seen you in twenty years, I’m just about to tell you the old times, why should you leave in a hurry!”

Yun Jingtian gave a cold snort, and suddenly shook his palm against the space where Yun Poshan was.


I saw the space that had just been torn out by Yunposhan and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Yun Poshan’s expression instantly became extremely furious: “Yun Jingtian, you…what do you want to do?”

“Of course I will recover everything from you twenty years ago!”

“Twenty years ago, Tianxuan asked me to eradicate dissidents. I felt relieved and let you go, and finally gave you a chance!”

“Do you think I will give you a chance this time?”

Yun Jingtian stared at Yunposhan with cold eyes, and a force containing the breath of the surging weather also surged out in an instant.

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