Chapter 726 I’m sorry, I want it all!

“Boy, you are looking for death!”

The two disciples of the Water Dragon Gang of the Seventh Stage of Condensing Pill were suddenly furious.

They directly said coldly to the silver-haired youth on the side: “Brother Zhuo, since this kid is so unsure of what is good or bad, let’s send him to King Yama to report first.”

The silver-haired youth ignored the two.

He stared at Jiang Chen for a while, but in the end he opened his mouth to invite Jiang Chen.

“Jiang Chen, right? Your Excellency can defeat the Practitioner of the Eighth Stage with the Cultivation Base of the Fifth Stage, and I admire you.”

“Since everyone is here, it is a kind of fate.”

“Why don’t we fight the earth dragons and lions together, and then we will divide the treasures in the cave equally, what do you think?”

Since this kid can easily kill the Eighth Stage Practitioner in seconds, his combat power is probably not inferior to the others.

The silver-haired young man didn’t want to do it easily before he knew Jiang Chen’s details.

He invited Jiang Chen to deal with the earth dragon and lion together, not only can use the earth dragon and lion to test Jiang Chen’s details, but also can make Jiang Chen consume the strength of the earth dragon and lion.

By the time.

Waiting for Jiang Chen to fight with the Earth Dragon Lion and both lose, he is trying to clean up the mess, and solve this kid with the Earth Dragon Lion!

With such a strategy of killing two birds with one stone, why would he not do it?

“Equally divide the treasure?”

Jiang Chen shook his head and chuckled, “I don’t think so much about your proposal?”

“Thirty-seven points, you alone have 30%, the three of us get 70%, how about?”

The silver-haired youth’s eyes flashed with brilliance.

In order to attract Jiang Chen to the bait, he directly proposed a more attractive distribution method.

Jiang Chen remained unmoved, shook his head and refused: “Not interested!”

“Boy, don’t be too arrogant!”

“Brother Zhuo invited you to join the other side’s dragon and lion. He has already given you enough Face. Don’t know what is good or bad!”

Seeing this, the two Water Dragon Gang disciples from the Seventh Stage of Ning Dan couldn’t help but glared at Jiang Chen again.

“Jiang Chen, what do you mean?”

Seeing that Jiang Chen refused his proposal time and time again, the silver-haired youth’s complexion also became a little gloomy.

“I mean it’s obvious.”

Jiang Chen grinned at the silver-haired youth: “I’m sorry, I want all the treasures in the cave!”

The silver-haired young man invited him to deal with the earth dragon and lion together.

Jiang Chen didn’t want to be stabbed in the back by the three of them when he was confronting the dragon and lion.

not to mention……

With Jiang Chen’s current strength.

He can completely solve these three water dragon gangs first, kill the earth dragon and lion, and then safely collect all the treasures in the cave!


This kid wants to swallow the treasures in the cave alone?

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, the expressions of the three silver-haired young men instantly became extremely awe-inspiring.

“Jiang Chen, your appetite is really not that big.”

“If you want to swallow the treasures in the cave alone, you have to ask me whether I can agree or not!”

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the silver-haired young man, and he directly shouted at the two water dragon gang disciples on the side: “Let’s do it together, solve this kid first!”

Since Jiang Chen made it clear that he would compete with them for the treasure of the cave, the silver-haired youth did not want to continue wasting time with Jiang Chen.

With a move of his palms, a monstrous Yuan Li Zhang Jin directly sprayed out of his palm, rushing towards Jiang Chen like a furious and angry wave.

at the same time.

The two disciples of the Water Dragon Gang of the Seventh Stage of Condensed Pill also wielded weapons, and aggressively killed Jiang Chen…

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