Chapter 727 If he provokes me, I will kill them all!

Looking at the three people who were killed on the face, Jiang Chen was not afraid at all.

He stepped on the ground with the soles of his feet, and quickly condensed the Taixu combat body, and the huge fist with a faint golden light flashed out with a light punch!

Taixu combat body first type: one punch shakes mountains and rivers!


Following Jiang Chen’s punch, he threw it out.

The three fierce energies of the three silver-haired young men who attacked Jiang Chen were all instantly shattered by a domineering force.

“not good!”

The look of the silver-haired youth suddenly changed drastically.

He quickly urged the vitality of his body to form an airtight defensive mask all over his body.


The domineering fist blasted the defensive mask around him mercilessly.

In an instant…

The silver-haired youth trembled, and his face suddenly became extremely pale, and his whole body retreated several feet.

At the same time the silver-haired youth retreated in embarrassment.

The two disciples of the Water Dragon Gang on the Seventh Stage of Condensing Pill, blood spurted wildly from their mouths, and their figures flew upside down like broken kites.

After a while.

The bodies of the two slammed down at the feet of the earth dragon and lion guarding the edge of the pool.

The eyes of the earth dragon and lion flashed like a copper bell.

It did not give the two Water Dragon Gang disciples a chance to breathe.

I saw his huge soles lifted, and the sharp claws grabbed the two chests mercilessly.


Before they even screamed for a while, the claws of the earth dragon and lion pierced their hearts.

The tragic death of two water dragon gang disciples behind him immediately caused the silver-haired youth to tremble.

“Jian…Jiang Chen, let me go, I will give you all the treasures in this cave!”

The silver-haired young man exclaimed with horror on his face.

Although the boy in front of him only had the Cultivation Base of Fifth Stage, his strength in the body cultivator was too enchanting.

Even with the Cultivation Base where he condensed the Ninth Stage early stage, it was impossible to resist the overbearing power on Jiang Chen’s fist.

If he continues to fight with Jiang Chen, I am afraid he will really have to explain here today.

“Ha ha……”

“Sorry, I not only want the treasures in this cave, but I also accept your life!”

Jiang Chen’s overbearing chuckle slowly fell, and the huge golden fist once again blasted out at the silver-haired youth.


The power of horror instantly penetrated the void and poured down fiercely at the silver-haired youth.

Feeling the horrible punch from Jiang Chen again, the silver-haired youth suddenly felt that the souls were all gone.

He hurriedly used a secret method to Ascension his strength to the Ninth Stage late stage, trying to resist Jiang Chen’s oncoming domineering punch.


The power of Jiang Chen’s punch was beyond the imagination of the silver-haired youth.

Even if the silver-haired young man had all his cards, he was still embarrassed by the power of Jiang Chen’s punch and flew out.


The silver-haired young man looked pale and retreated more than ten steps, and finally slowly stabilized his figure.


The silver-haired young man who had stabilized his figure could no longer suppress the churning breath in his body, and a mouthful of blood couldn’t help but squirted out wildly.

“Jiang… Jiang Chen, you can’t kill me!”

“I, Dage, is one of the three king-level geniuses of the Water Dragon Gang, and is already a half-step strong in the Divine Sea Realm.”

“I have sent him a message just now, if you dare to kill me, he will definitely not let you go!”

Looking at the huge figure of Jiang Chen stepping on slowly, the silver-haired youth quickly screamed in horror.

“What about the king-level genius, what about the half-step Divine Sea Realm?”

“If he provokes me, I will kill them all!”

Jiang Chen snorted lightly, and slammed the silver-haired young man’s head with a merciless punch.

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