Chapter 725 Return to the Yuan Spirit Fruit!

The three Water Dragon Gang disciples in the cave are not strong.

Two of them only condensed the Cultivation Base of the Seventh Stage late stage.

Even the strongest silver-haired young man is not strong enough to condense the Ninth Stage early stage.

If this earth dragon and lion were at their peak, these three people would not be the opponents of earth dragon and lion at all.

I didn’t care about the three beasts in the fierce battle.

Jiang Chen looked directly around the cave.

very quickly.

Jiang Chen’s gaze fell on a puddle behind Earth Dragon and Lion.

When he saw a dark oval hatching egg next to the pool, he finally understood why the earth dragon and lion were in a period of weakness.

This is an earth dragon lion that has just laid its hatching eggs!

His eyes passed over the hatching egg.

Jiang Chen was quickly attracted by the situation in the water pool.

In the center of the pool, a fruit tree two to three meters high grows magically there.

Fruit trees.

Five or six fist-sized golden fruits are extremely dazzling in the cave where the light is slightly dim.

“Huh? It turned out to be Guiyuan Lingguo!”

Looking at the fruit tree finally in the pool, Jiang Chen’s eyes lit up slightly.

Guiyuan Lingguo!

This is an extremely rare heaven and earth spirit treasure, the energy contained in it can be quickly absorbed by the Practitioner.

Not only can it quickly Ascension the Cultivation Base of the Practitioner, it is also the fetish of the Practitioner Breakthrough in the Divine Sea.

To know.

The peak of Pill Condensation Realm Practitioner wants to break through the Divine Sea Realm, he must let the Yuan Dan in his body gradually liquefy into the sea.

Once the essence of the body is completely transformed into the sea of ​​power in Dantian, the Practitioner of the Pill Condensation Realm will be able to make a breakthrough in one fell swoop and become a strong person in the Divine Sea Realm.

And this Guiyuan Lingguo is a spiritual thing that helps Yuandan liquefy!

Even if it is the rare Medicine Pill Huayuan Pill that helps to break through the Divine Sea Realm, there is no way to match the Guiyuan Lingguo!


Just when Jiang Chen’s mind was completely attracted by Guiyuan Lingguo.

The silver-haired young man who was fighting with the earth dragon and lion also felt something instantly.

He quickly drew a distance from the earth dragon and lion, his gaze suddenly turned to the entrance of the cave, and there was a cold stern cry in his mouth.

“Who is outside, get out of here!”

With the cold shout of the silver-haired youth, it fell.

The other two disciples of the Water Dragon Gang from the Seventh Stage of Condensing Pill also quickly withdrew from the battle circle, looking at the entrance of the cave with vigilance. “Hmm… I didn’t think of being excited for a while, even the breath was exposed.”

Jiang Chen shook his head speechlessly.

Since he was noticed by the three inside, it was impossible for him to wait for these three guys to get rid of the dragon and lion before taking advantage of the fisherman.

Jiang Chen simply didn’t hide anymore, and walked into the cave with a swagger.

It turned out to be this kid!

Seeing Jiang Chen walking into the cave, the expressions of the three Water Dragon Gang disciples in the cave changed slightly.

Regarding this Fifth Stage Cultivation Base, Jiang Chen, who abolished a golden disciple of the Eighth Stage of their Water Dragon Cult, is naturally no stranger to the three.

Now that this kid suddenly appeared, it was not a good thing for them.

“Boy, we discovered this cave first, get out of here!”

The two Practitioners of the Seventh Stage of Condensing Dan’s complexion darkened, and could not help taking the lead in sipping to Jiang Chen.

Although the boy in front of him is very powerful, he has the ability to kill the Eighth Stage early stage Practitioner in seconds.


They are now superior in number, and there is also the silver-haired young man, the Ninth Stage early stage.

They really don’t believe it.

What kind of waves can this kid make in front of the three of them.

Hearing the sharp shouts of the two, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but raised his mouth slightly: “You said let me go out and I will get out. Who do you think you are?”

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