Chapter 678 I want to compromise now, but it’s too late!

This… how is this possible!

The scene before him also shocked all the members of the Waning Moon Society in the courtyard.

Wu Yue, the president of their Waning Moon Society, has the Cultivation Base of the Fifth Stage, a golden disciple who ranks more than 30 in the Canglan League in terms of comprehensive combat power.

And the young man in front of him was just a newcomer who had just entered the Canglan League, how could he have such a terrifying strength.


“This… this is definitely not true.”

Ding Hong stared at the situation in front of him with a dull face, and there was an unbelievable roar in his mouth.

“This kid’s talent is probably stronger than those of the Hundred Star Kings of the Canglan League, and the combat power is too terrifying.”

Wu Yue was frightened in his heart.

The Cultivation Base of the Third Stage of Condensation even masters a powerful secret method that can Ascension the three Realms.

Such a terrifying combat power, even if it is for him, it is extremely difficult to deal with!

“That bastard Ding Hong actually told me that Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base is only in the First Stage of Condensation!”

Wu Yue cursed secretly in his heart.

At this moment, he even wanted to kill Ding Hong.

Had it not been for Ding Hong as an idiot to mislead him, even if he was killed, he would not have chosen Jiang Chen as an enemy.

A newcomer who had just entered the Canglan League already had such a terrifying combat power.

Wu Yue could no longer imagine how terrifying he could grow if he gave this guy some time.


What Wu Yue didn’t know was that Ding Hong did not mislead him.

Before Jiang Chen entered the Canglan League, he really only had the Cultivation Base of First Stage.

If Wu Yue knew that Jiang Chen had entered the Canglan League in just a few days, from the first stage breakthrough to the third stage of the pill condensation, God would know if his eyes would fall out of surprise.

“Chairman Jiang, what happened today is that my waning moon meeting is wrong, I am here to accompany you.”

“I’ll get the fire beast back to you right away. I promise that I won’t be an enemy of you Canghaihui after the waning moon meeting. From now on, how about the well water and the river water?”

Wu Yue took a deep breath and solemnly cupped fist to Jiang Chen.

The terrifying power displayed by Jiang Chen in front of him directly caused Wu Yue to lose his thoughts of being an enemy of Jiang Chen.

Enemy with such a terrible evildoer, I am afraid that a little carelessness will bring him a disaster.


“You hurt my people in the Great Ocean Society and captured my fire beast. Now it’s like a word of exposure, how can there be such a cheap thing?”

“From the moment you attacked me today, everything is too late!”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell coldly, and his right fist lifted his powerful fist to explode against Wu Yue once again!

Seeing Jiang Chen’s unwillingness to compromise, Wu Yue’s expression suddenly chilled.

at the same time.

There was also a cold burst in his mouth.

“Leng Yue Wushuang, Kai!”

Wu Yue waved his palms, and the secret method was also quickly activated, and the breath on his body was quickly Ascension to the Sixth Stage!

Strength Ascension’s Wu Yue suddenly clenched his fist, and directly confronted Jiang Chen without evasive.


Two fists with fierce vigor collided in mid-air, and a loud bang broke out in an instant.

The terrifying air wave spread centered on the two Jiang Chen.

The next moment.

The two Jiang Chen, who were the first to bear the brunt, trembled slightly, and immediately they all smashed back more than ten steps.

Wu Yue stabilized his figure.

He raised his head and stared at Jiang Chen on the opposite side, and his coldly voice was also slowly resounding.

“Chairman Jiang, let’s stop here. Although you are very strong, Wu Yue is not a soft persimmon for you to knead!”

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