Chapter 677 Beat Until You Obediently Agree!


“Your Excellency is so loud, I want to see how you make me pay!”

Jiang Chen’s cold voice just fell, and a faint anger came from the courtyard in an instant.

Immediately afterwards.

I saw a gloomy black-clothed youth with a murderous face and a group of members of the Waning Moon Society appeared in Jiang Chen’s sight.

“You are Wu Yue, the president of the Waning Moon Society, right?”

Jiang Chen stared calmly at the black-clothed youth: “You have a chance to return the Fire Lin beast to me, and lead the people of the Waning Moon Society to join the Canghai Society. I will assume that what happened today has never happened.”

“Boy, who do you really think you are? Do you dare to talk to our boss like this while hurting people at our waning moon society?”

“Hey…a mere trash on an island, what qualifications do you have to speak up here!”

“Boss, why bother to talk nonsense with him, dare to run wild on the chassis of our Waning Moon Club, and just throw it out!”


Hearing Jiang Chen’s arrogant words, Wu Yue was furious with the members of the Waning Moon Society behind him.

They all glared at Jiang Chen, in a posture of only waiting for Wu Yue to order Jiang Chen.

“Jiang Chen, it’s better not to be too arrogant.”

“If you think what happened today hasn’t happened, then you have to ask me whether Wu Yuetong agrees.”

Wu Yue smiled coldly.

He stared at Jiang Chen with cold eyes: “You hurt me in my turf. If you don’t show you some color today, what face does Wu Yue have to stand in the Canglan League?”

The King of Hundred Stars, a peerless genius in a million.

If you give the kid in front of you a year, he can grow to an extremely terrifying point.

Since Wu Yue chose Li to be the enemy of Jiang Chen, he never thought of giving Jiang Chen a chance to grow up.

This time, he brought the Fire Lin beast back to the Waning Moon Society, in large part because he wanted to attract Jiang Chen to the door, and then killed and sprouted this potential threat!

“very good.”

Jiang Chen looked at Wu Yue with an indifferent expression: “It seems that you are planning to reject the opportunity I gave you?”

“Ha ha……”

“It’s a big joke, when is my Wu Yue’s turn to give me a chance?”

Wu Yue laughed wildly with disdain, and immediately said provocatively: “Even if I refuse you, what can you do?”

“Not very good, but it will be beaten until you obediently agree!”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell coldly, and his palms suddenly changed into a mysterious gesture in mid-air, and the king-level secret technique Dayan Cloud Swallowing was instantly displayed.

In an instant…

The wind and clouds in the air were surging, converging towards Jiang Chen at a terrifying speed.

The aura in Jiang Chen’s body also rose rapidly at this moment.

Just a few breaths.

Jiang Chen’s aura soared directly from the third stage of the condensed pill to the point of the sixth stage of the condensed pill!

call out!

Jiang Chen, whose aura soared, swept away on Wu Yue indifferently, and his whole body burst out, and the terrifying power of fist also brought a burst of air-breaking sound in mid-air, and slammed into it fiercely. Wu Yue.

Feeling the terrifying power contained in Jiang Chen’s fist, Wu Yue’s expression finally changed drastically.

He quickly urged the vitality of his whole body, condensing a fierce palm strength between his palms, and quickly banged against Jiang Chen’s fist.


At the moment when the fists collided, Wu Yue’s Yuanli Palm Jin was directly defeated by Jiang Chen’s simple punch.

The next moment…

I saw that Wu Yue’s whole person was seven or eight steps away.

He suppressed the turbulent breath in his heart, and finally an incredible horror appeared in his eyes!

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