Chapter 679 Losing both sides, that may not be true!


“But in my eyes, you are a soft persimmon that I can knead!”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, and the Dragon Flame Tyrant body bloodline and Second Stage fist intent exploded at the same time, and once again punched Wu Yue.


This guy hasn’t displayed his full strength just now?

Seeing Jiang Chen who broke out again, Wu Yue suddenly felt his scalp numb.

But at this moment.

Wu Yue didn’t have time to think about it.

“Sky Fire Broken Star Fist!”

Wu Yue screamed in his heart, and immediately swiped his palm into the sky, and a bright flaming beam of light instantly rose into the sky.

In an instant…

The vitality of the world around him was instantly evacuated by the red beam of light.


The fiery red beam of light was in the surrounding heaven and earth vitality, suddenly exploded in mid-air, and then turned into countless hot fist strengths, like a sky fire, smashed down against Jiang Chen.

The countless fiery fists in midair that fell like a meteorite also made Jiang Chen’s figure rushing towards Wu Yue to freeze in vain.

He raised his head slightly, shaking his fists quickly.

Just blink of an eye.

Jiang Chen threw more than ten punches at the fiery fist in midair.

boom! boom! boom!

Under the bombardment of Jiang Chen’s fist, the red boxing in mid-air exploded one after another, exuding a dazzling brilliance like a lighted firework.

More than a dozen red punches burst into pieces in a row.

Jiang Chen directly used the Second Stage’s true meaning, turned into a violent wind and disappeared in the area covered by Wu Yue’s fist.

“Jiang Chen, stop it.”

“If you continue to fight, the only result will be a loss for both sides. I’m afraid it will not be good for everyone.”

Wu Yue used the Celestial Lingwu Heavenly Fire Broken Star Fist to force Jiang Chen back, and couldn’t help but said solemnly to Jiang Chen.

“Both lose out, that may not be true!”

Jiang Chen glanced at Wu Yue faintly. Ninety-nine Taixu war shadows quickly superimposed on his body, instantly condensing Taixu warfare body.

Punch the mountains and rivers!

With the Taixu fighting body condensed, Jiang Chen directly slammed Wu Yue with a punch of interest rate.

Wu Yue’s expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly used Skyfire Star Breaking Fist again, trying to withstand Jiang Chen’s shocking blow.


The two celestial spirit weapons collided in mid-air.

The terrifying air wave swept away, directly causing some of the weaker Cultivation Base members in the courtyard to tremble, and immediately a mouthful of blood spurted out.

And Wu Yueru, who was in the center of the air wave, was struck by lightning, and he flew upside down in embarrassment a few meters away.


Before Wu Yue, who fell back to the ground, could kick his breath, a gleaming golden fist struck him again.

With the emergence of this boxing strength.

Wu Yue suddenly discovered in amazement that there was a visible crack in the space where Fist Jin passed.

It seems that the space in front of you will be shattered by the terrifying power of this punch!

“damn it!”

“How can this guy still possess such a terrifying Martial Skill!”

Wu Yue was frightened in his heart, and his palms shot out more than a dozen palms toward the front one after another.

at the same time.

A crimson defensive mask also condensed around his body.

boom! boom! boom!

The monstrous boxing power instantly defeated Wu Yue’s more than a dozen palm shadows, and then, with the terrifying power of the shattered void, fell on Wu Yue’s body fiercely.

The defensive mask around Wu Yue’s body broke through without even holding on for half a second.

And at the moment when the defensive mask was broken.

Wu Yue suddenly sprayed a red blood mist from his mouth, and the whole person was flying out of the sky…

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