Chapter 535 Ants can also send you on the road!


Jiang Chen actually comprehended the legendary martial arts of heavenly rank!

Xue Xing’s incredible exclamation also caused De Yue Canghen and others to take a breath.

A teenager under twenty years old not only discovered five kinds of Second Stage Realm’s Martial Dao true meanings, but also mastered the legendary martial arts of heavenly rank!

This guy… is really a terrible monster.

“Come on, let me see how strong the strength of Fourth Stage is!”

Jiang Chen displayed the Taixu combat body, and the fighting spirit in his eyes was violent.

A punch shakes the mountains and rivers!

I saw his fist suddenly squeezed, and slammed it at Xue Xing gap as fast as lightning.

In an instant…

An invisible force of fist, carrying a force of breaking the sky, burst out from the front of Xue Xing in an instant.

“Tianyou blood shield, congeal!”

Xue Xing’s expression changed.

He didn’t have time to think about it. He quickly waved his palms, and directly condensed a blood shield exuding a strange light in front of him.


The invisible Quan Jin instantly fell on the Scarlet Light Shield, bursting out with a loud bang.

The next moment…

The bloody light shield became distorted under the impact of Jiang Chen’s punch.


With a burst of crisp clicks, cracks visible to the naked eye spread like a spider web on the blood-colored light shield.

After a while.

The Scarlet Light Shield was finally unable to withstand the terrifying power of Jiang Chen’s fist, and it broke directly in the air, turning into a bit of blood and dissipating in the air.


The blood-colored light shield shattered, and Xue Xing was also embarrassed and retreated several meters under the impact of that terrifying force, and a touch of red blood was also spurted out of his mouth.

“This…Is this the power of Heavenly Martial Arts!”

Seeing that the strong Fourth Stage was injured by Jiang Chen’s punch, Yueyangzhou and the others opened their mouths in shock, and their expressions were shocking and shocking.

Heaven-defying martial arts, an extremely rare heaven-defying martial arts in the Northern Wilderness.

Even in the entire Northern Wilderness Continent, only the Northern Wilderness Three Sects have it.

Although they also knew that the martial arts of Yueyang Prefecture was very heaven-defying, they had the terrifying power to kill the enemy.

But they still didn’t expect the Heavenly Grade Martial Arts to be so powerful.

A mere Practitioner of Kaiyuan Ninth Stage can severely injure the powerhouse of the Fourth Stage of Ninth Stage with the help of Heavenly Martial Art!


This is too scary!

“The Taixu Sect’s celestial martial arts Taixu combat body is indeed well-deserved.”

“It’s a pity that with the strength of your Kaiyuan Ninth Stage, even if you have learned the celestial martial arts too virtual combat body, you are still an ant in my eyes!”

Xue Xing wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, and a cold murderous intent flashed in his hideous eyes.

He condensed the power of Fourth Stage to the point of being so embarrassed by a junior of Taixu Sect.

The enchanting degree of this son is still completely beyond his imagination.

If you can’t get rid of this kid, once he grows up, it will definitely be a nightmare existence for the Blood Demon Temple.

“The strong person in the Fourth Stage of Condensation Pill is indeed very strong. From the beginning, I never thought I could defeat you.”

“I just never met such a strong opponent. I want to use you as a sparring partner to see how much my combat power can reach.”

“Now that the sparring is over, let me, the ant, send you on the road next.”

Jiang Chen curled his lips, and the faint laughter spread in midair in an instant.

“court death!”

Xue Xing burst into anger and shouted, and the surging weather in the Fourth Stage of Condensed Pill burst forth with all his strength…

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