Chapter 536 Killing the Pill Condensation Fourth Stage Strong!

As a blood-clothed deacon in the Hall of Blood Demon, Xue Xing was a strong man at the peak of Ninth Stage!

Under the realm of Shenhai, there is almost invincible existence.

Although there is still a long way to go before returning to the peak, he has already returned to the Fourth Stage of Pill Condensation.

And the Tai Xuzong disciple, who hadn’t even grown his hair in front of him, even dared not put him in his eyes.

That being the case.

He let this kid know what a heavy price he will pay if he dares to despise him!

“Xue Xing is going to be true. I’m afraid Jiang Chen can’t stop him alone. Let’s help him.”

Yue Canghen looked at Xue Xing, who was bursting out with all his strength, and his expression changed slightly.

The gap between Jiang Chen and Xue Xing’s Cultivation Base is too big. Although Xue Xing was injured by his Heavenly Rank Martial Arts, it is still not easy to defeat him completely.

However, Jiang Chen’s combat power is strong, as long as they join hands, they may not have the power to fight Xue Xing.

“Let’s take a look first.”

“Brother Jiang Chen never beat an unsure man. Since he said he could solve the problem, he would definitely have a second hand.”

Yueyangzhou is confident and authentic.

Jiang Chen looked faintly at Xue Xing, who was irritated into anger, and shot with all his strength, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but lifted up with a slight arc.

As soon as he moved his palm, a crystal ball emitting this blue light appeared in his palm.

Jiang Chen did not hesitate at all, and decisively activated the crystal ball.

The next moment…

I saw the cyan light ball directly transformed into a cyan phantom, which appeared directly above Jiang Chen’s head.

at the same time.

A faint cold shout also resounded across the world in an instant.

“Who dares to hurt the deity disciple!”

Seeing the cyan phantom standing proudly on top of Jiang Chen’s head, exuding a frightening aura, Xue Xing’s eyes suddenly tightened.

The divine refining clone of the strong of the sea realm!

And there is still a conscious divine refining clone who can speak.

Such a divine refining clone is definitely not something an ordinary divine sea realm expert can refining.


“An ant of the Fourth Stage condensing pill, dare to hurt the disciple of the deity, and he won’t die for me!”

The faint cold hum of the cyan phantom fell, and the palm of the hand directly faced the space where the blood was located below.

In an instant…

I saw the space within 10 meters of Xue Xing’s body instantly solidified.

“Do not!”

Xue Xing’s expression was suddenly terrified.

He tried his best to break free from the constraints of the surrounding space, but it was impossible to move even a single bit in the solidified space!

One move to imprison the blood.

With a flick of the cyan phantom, a palm-sized monster fire cloud shot out at Xue Xing.

While the fire cloud is flying at high speed, its volume is also rapidly increasing.

When the fire cloud appeared on Xue Xing’s head, it had already turned into a huge fire cloud about three feet in size.

Huo Yun carried a hot breath that burned everything, and under Xue Xing’s terrified expression, he instantly drowned his body…


The fire cloud is like a huge boulder thrown into a calm lake, and the monstrous fire wave sweeps away in the air.

After a while.

The smoke and dust slowly dissipated.

Everyone was shocked to discover that the space where Xue Xing had been previously had turned into nothingness under the terrifying fire cloud.

Including Xue Xing’s body, were all annihilated under the fire cloud.

“Good apprentice, the Northern Wilderness has not been peaceful recently, so be careful in everything.”

“After dealing with the matter, I will return to Taixu Sect as soon as possible. I am waiting for you in Taixu Sect.”

Resolving Xue Xing lightly, the cyan phantom smiled and said to Jiang Chen below, and immediately turned into a little cyan light and dissipated in the air.

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