Chapter 534 Jiang Chen’s Terrible Fighting Power!

“This kid… is indeed very enchanting!”

“It’s just that his Cultivation Base is still in the Kaiyuan Ninth Stage, and finally failed to break through the Ninth Stage.”

“Although with a variety of Martial Dao’s true intentions, he can contend with Xue Xing in a short time, I am afraid it is not so easy to defeat Xue Xing.”

While Yue Canghen was amazed, a worried look appeared in his eyes.

Jiang Chen’s combat power is very strong, even stronger than his combat power in the First Stage Stage of Condensed Pill.


The blood on the opposite side is not an ordinary first-stage pill congealing powerhouse, but a peerless powerhouse who has reached the fourth-stage pill congealing stage.

With such strength, apart from Lao Xia Huang Xiaqiong, there is no other person in Daxia Country that is his opponent.

No matter how enchanting Jiang Chen was, it would be almost impossible for Jiang Chen to defeat the powerhouse of the Fourth Stage of Ninth Stage with the strength of Kaiyuan Ninth Stage.

“President, don’t worry.”

“From what I know about Brother Jiang Chen, although he has always been confident, he has never been arrogant.”

“Since he dared to say what to clean up the Blood Demon Hall remnants for Tai Xuzong, he would definitely be able to do it.”

Yueyangzhou is confident and authentic.


“I am also looking forward to whether this little guy can really create an unprecedented miracle as you said!”

Hearing Yueyangzhou’s confident words, a strange light flashed in Yue Canghen’s eyes.

When Yue Canghen was talking with Yueyangzhou.

Jiang Chen’s Er Lei reached its true meaning and was once again defeated by Xue Xing’s powerful force.

Second Stage Xiaocheng’s thunderous real meaning was defeated again.

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate at all, Second Stage was complete, Realm’s Sword intent cut straight down to Xue Xing as if piercing through the void.


Under the attack of Jiang Chen Second Stage Realm.

He had always been as stable as Mount Tai’s blood, and his figure was finally forced to be retreated for three steps.

He looked up at Jiang Chen opposite, his eyes also looked shocked.

A boy who is less than twenty years old, not only Cultivation Base has reached the Kaiyuan Ninth Stage, but also the five different Martial Dao’s true intentions have been comprehended to the Second Stage.

If you give this kid some time, I’m afraid he will really become a confidant of the Blood Demon Hall!

Such a great genius who has the potential to influence the situation of the Northern Wilderness, since he is the enemy of their Blood Demon Palace, he has to kill him in the cradle anyway!

“With the strength of Kaiyuan Ninth Stage, I was forced to retreat three steps. I didn’t expect Tai Xuzong to produce a genius disciple like you.”

“But… you even displayed your strongest Second Stage Realm Sword intent, so you must be out of skill.”

“If you don’t have other means, you, the world-shattering genius, will probably fall.”

Xue Xing stared at Jiang Chen faintly, and his indifferent voice resounded in mid-air instantly.

“Ha ha……”

“If you want me Jiang Chen to fall here, it depends on whether you have that ability.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly.

His body flashed suddenly, ninety-nine Taixu war shadows raged crazily in mid-air, and then quickly merged into one.

The next moment…

I saw Jiang Chen’s figure suddenly soaring, and he was directly transformed into a golden giant three feet high, which appeared in the eyes of everyone.

This is……

Seeing the changes on Jiang Chen’s body, Xue Xing’s pupils suddenly shrank.

His unbelievable screams also echoed in midair in an instant.

“Too virtual combat body!”

“You…you actually comprehend the Taixu Sect’s only celestial martial arts Taixu combat body!”

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