Chapter 533 Fight against the Pill Condensation Fourth Stage Powerhouse!

“If you make me pay the price, do you deserve it?”

“With me, the throne of Great Xia Kingdom will only belong to Xia Xuan, and there will be no one.”

“I was able to help Xia Xuan take the throne from you that day, and today I can get the throne back for him!”

Jiang Chen glanced at Xia Lin contemptuously, and his proud voice slowly resounded in everyone’s ears.

“Haha…I’m not afraid to flash my tongue when you speak big words!”

“The emperor wants to see today, how can you regain the throne for Xia Xuan!”

Xia Lin laughed wildly with disdain.


He turned his head directly to the middle-aged man in the blood-clothed man and said, “Master Xue Xing, this kid is a disciple of Taixu Sect. In order to prevent the news from being exposed, please solve him as soon as possible.”

“Boy, it turns out that you are a disciple of Taixu Sect. It’s no wonder that you can reach this level of strength at a young age.”

Xue Xing stared at Jiang Chen disdainfully: “But… with your strength, you don’t have the qualifications to be arrogant in front of me.”


“You, the remnants of the Hall of Blood Demon, dare to be so blatant in Taixuzong’s territory.”

“In that case, today I will clean out your remnants from the Blood Demon Hall for Tai Xu!”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, and his whole person instantly became murderous!

“A junior of Taixu Sect, who dares to speak wild words in front of me is really overwhelming. Let me die!”

Xue Xing’s eyes froze, and a bloody palm patted Jiang Chen quickly like lightning.

The true meaning of Second Stage style!

Jiang Chen’s expression moved, and he directly used the Second Stage Wind Dao to avoid Xue Xing’s attack.

at the same time.

The true meaning of Second Stage Realm’s fire was also surging out, instantly smashing Xue Xing’s bloody palm.

“The true meaning of Second Stage, the true meaning of Second Stage, the true meaning of Martial Dao, you really understand a lot of the true meaning of Martial Dao.”

Seeing that Jiang Chen displayed two Second Stage Martial Dao true meanings one after another, Xue Xing’s eyes condensed suddenly.

With the addition of the previous Sword intent, this kid has displayed three different Second Stage Martial Dao true meanings in succession!

This kid… is really a rare evildoer.

“I understand more things than you think.”

“Since entering Taixu Sect, I have never had the opportunity to fight with all my strength.”

“Today… I happened to use you to try it out. It seems that my limit can be reached.”

Jiang Chen was full of fighting spirit.

Seeing his thoughts moved, Second Stage fisted out again at Xue Xing.


Xue Xing’s whole body was gleaming with blood, and he saw a punch out, which lightly blocked Jiang Chen’s Second Stage fist.

Before he had the slightest chance to breathe.

In mid-air, a terrifying Second Stage Lei Dao’s true meaning has already been overwhelmingly oppressing him…

“Ok… so strong!”

“It seems I didn’t make a mistake at the beginning.”

“In just over half a year, Brother Jiang Chen’s strength has reached such a powerful level!”

Looking at Jiang Chen, who was facing Xue Xing in the field, it took a while for Yueyangzhou to recover from the shock.

When I first met Jiang Chen in Thunder Rock City, Yueyang Prefecture was shocked by Jiang Chen’s enchanting talent.

He also firmly believes that as long as Jiang Chen does not fall, he will definitely become a peerless powerhouse in the famous Great Xia Kingdom in the future!

But he still didn’t expect it.

It took only a year for Jiang Chen to grow to the point where he could fight against the peerless powerhouse of Fourth Stage of Pill Condensation.

Such a terrible growth rate is beyond description.

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