Chapter 512 Fight if you want, what are you talking about!

After comprehending the Taixu combat body.

Jiang Chen found that the sixth hour he bought was nearly half of the time, so he planned to continue Insight to gain the experience value of the Taixu combat body.

after all……

The Taixu combat body he now understands is only in the early stage, and can only perform the first move of the Taixu three forms to shake the mountain and rivers.

And if you want to use the second move, Shattering the Void, you have to refine the Taixu body cultivator to Xiaocheng.

As for the third move, Heaven and Earth Silence, this requires the Great Void War Body to be able to use it.

“Ding! Your Insight too virtual combat body, gain 1*100 experience!”

I go!

You can only get a little experience point!

Hearing the prompt sound in his mind, Jiang Chen couldn’t help being speechless for a while.

It seems that after comprehending the Taixu battle body, he wants to quickly upgrade the Taixu battle body by watching this crystal stone wall.

Get a little experience point at a time.

Even if he has the system’s 100-fold experience bonus, I am afraid it will take a lot of time for him to upgrade the Void War Body to Xiaocheng’s Realm.


Just when Jiang Chen was a little speechless about the speed of gaining experience now, a faint fluctuation was uploaded from his identity token.

“Inner Sect ranked 16th, Li Xiangdong challenges you, come to the arena!”

After receiving the news on the identity token, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but stunned.

This Li Xiangdong is ranked 16th in Inner Sect, how could he come to challenge him at 28th.

What made Jiang Chen even more puzzled was that.

Sect sent him an identity token, which means that he can’t refuse this challenge!

In Jiang Chen’s memory.

Only the low-ranked disciple challenged the high-ranked disciple, the high-ranked disciple could not refuse.

But this Li Xiangdong is twelve places higher than him, but he has no right to refuse Li Xiangdong’s challenge.

what is happening?

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly, and he disappeared into the third floor of the Martial Sage Hall in a flash.

More than ten minutes later.

Jiang Chen came to the Inner Sect arena.

“Look at it, Jiang Chen is here!”

“Is this kid stupid, he really dares to accept Li Xiangdong’s challenge!”

“He doesn’t want to accept it. It’s said that Li Xiangdong looks at the room on the eighth floor of this kid Taixu Tower.”

“It turns out that this is the case. I’m afraid this kid is going to be unlucky.”


When everyone looked at Jiang Chen who strode towards the arena, they couldn’t help showing a look of sympathy.

The battle for the Taixuzong Tianban is about to start.

Many of the top-ranked Inner Sect disciples are trying their best to cultivate and prepare for the upcoming battle for the rankings.

It is precisely because of this.

The high-level room of Taixu Tower became extremely tense.

Jiang Chen, a disciple ranked 28th, occupies the room on the eighth floor of the Taixu Tower, which naturally makes many people greedy.

And this Li Xiangdong in front of him seemed to have come for this.

I heard the voices of discussion all around.

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but lifted up a cold smile.

He directly watched countless gazes in the arena, and slowly walked towards the central arena.

“Jiang Chen, you finally came.”

“I’m only here today for the room on the eighth floor of your Taixu Tower. If you are more acquainted, please take the initiative to give it to me.”

Watching Jiang Chen slowly walking onto the arena.

The white-clothed young man who had already stood proudly on the stage glanced at Jiang Chen with disdain, his faint tone seemed beyond doubt!

“Hehe… you want me to give you my things, do you deserve it!”

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously, and his proud voice instantly resounded through the world.

“Aren’t you going to challenge me? Fight if you want, what are you talking about!”

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