Chapter 513: Unbelievable Punch!

“Toast and not eat fine wine!”

Li Xiangdong’s eyes were cold, and the momentum of Kaiyuan Ninth Stage burst out instantly.


With a move of his palm, a long knife with thunder light emerged out of thin air in the palm of his hand.

Li Xiangdong suddenly clenched the long knife, and countless thunder and lightning rose into the sky.

In an instant…

The sky over the entire arena suddenly became surging.

“This…this is the advanced Martial Skill, Saber Technique!”

“As expected of Inner Sect’s 16th-ranked genius, he has actually learned the Martial Skill, which is extremely difficult and insightful like Saber Technique, Kuang Lei!”

Seeing the Martial Skill displayed by Li Xiangdong, many onlookers in the arena couldn’t help but exclaim.

Advanced Martial Skill and Saber Technique.

This is one of the most difficult Martial Skills of Taixu Zong to cultivate besides Taixu Zhanying!

“Jiang Chen, taste the taste of my Kuang Lei Saber Technique!”

Li Xiangdong stared at Jiang Chen sternly, brandishing a long knife and slashing at Jiang Chen like lightning!

laugh! laugh!

The sharp silver sword light smashed down towards Jiang Chen like Nine Heavens thunder.

Watching this scene before me.

Many people in the arena shook their heads with unbearable expressions.

Now Jiang Chen is afraid that he will have to peel off his skin if he doesn’t die.

“Ha ha……”

“Isn’t it just a high-level Martial Skill? Are you embarrassed to show off in front of me?”

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously, and immediately his right fist was casually punched at the oncoming blade light!

A punch shakes the mountains and rivers!

Although Jiang Chen didn’t use the Taixu combat body, he couldn’t really exert the power of the first type of the Taixu combat body, but it was completely enough to clean up the guy in front of him!


Following Jiang Chen’s seemingly dull punch, a violent spatial vibration was suddenly heard in the air.

The next moment…

The silver blade light that was slashing down towards Jiang Chen suddenly trembled, and it instantly turned into a bit of silver light, and it shattered in mid-air.


And at the moment when the silver sword light shattered, Li Xiangdong spouted a mouthful of blood, and his whole body flew upside down like a broken kite.


Seeing that Li Xiangdong, who fell from the arena, fainted in a pool of blood.

Suddenly fell into a dead silence on the huge arena!

Everyone looked at Jiang Chen with unprecedented horror.


He defeated Li Xiangdong with just an understatement!

What shocked them even more.

Jiang Chen’s punch just now looked dull, and they couldn’t even sense any energy fluctuations.

But with such a flat punch, it easily killed Li Xiangdong, who had displayed the advanced Martial Skill and Saber Technique!


Jiang Chen’s punch just now was really incredible!

“The punch that this kid just now…”

Looking at Jiang Chen standing proudly on the arena, and the black deacon who was in charge of the challenge, there was also a touch of horror that could not be concealed in his eyes.

As a Pill Condensation Realm powerhouse, his eyesight is naturally much older than these Inner Sect disciples on the field.

With that punch that Jiang Chen cast at random just now, he actually vaguely felt the charm of a kind of heavenly martial arts Taixu combat body.

Although he also knew that Jiang Chen’s Taixu Fighting Shadow had been cultivated to complete Realm, and he had the qualifications of Insight Tianxu Taixu Fighting Body.

But he didn’t expect it anyway.

Jiang Chen could insight into the fur of the Taixu combat body in such a short time, and it was also used in battle!

This son… really is an evildoer that can’t be described by common sense!

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