Chapter 511 Ding! You comprehend the celestial martial arts Taixu combat body!

After Ao Tiankui disappeared.

Jiang Chen walked straight to the center of the Great Hall, his eyes fixed on the crystal stone wall directly in front of him.

I saw it on the crystal stone wall.

A man in a golden robe stood proudly in the air.


The palm of the man in the golden robe slammed into the void, and ninety-nine golden phantoms instantly condensed around the man in the golden robe.

at the same time.

A faint shout also came from the man in the golden robe.

“Tai Xu combat body, give me condensate!”

As the man in the golden robe fell down, his palms suddenly closed on his chest.

The next moment…

Ninety-nine golden lights and shadows directly immersed in the body of the man in the golden robe like a ghost.

And the body of the man in the golden robe rose by a foot in an instant, standing proudly in the void like a God of War!

“A punch shakes the mountains and rivers!”

“Two fists break the void!”

“Three punches, the world is silent!”

On the crystal stone wall.

After condensing the Taixu combat body, the golden-robed man successively demonstrated the three Fist Techniques of the Taixu combat body in mid-air.

With these three punches thrown out.

I saw that the space within several tens of feet in front of the man in the golden robe was blasted out of countless space cracks abruptly!

“Is this the celestial martial arts Taixu combat body, it is really strong!”

Seeing the Taixu combat body demonstrated by the man in the golden robe on the crystal stone wall, Jiang Chen couldn’t help showing an extremely shocking look in his eyes.

It is worthy of the legendary martial arts of heaven.

If he can completely master the Taixu combat body, there will never be anyone in Kaiyuan to be his opponent!

Even facing some strong pill condensing realm who just broke through, I am afraid they are fully qualified to fight!

“Ding! Your Insight Heavenly Martial Arts Taixu combat body will trigger Hundred Times Comprehension and gain 100*100 experience!”

When Jiang Chen was shocked by the powerful power of the Taixu body, a familiar reminder sounded in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“Today’s grade martial arts Taixu combat body is really much harder than local martial arts Taixu combat shadow Insight.”

Hearing the prompt sound in his mind, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but mutter to himself

When Insight was too virtual, he could get 1,000 experience points in one minute.

Now the Insight too virtual body can only get 100 points, which is ten times slower!


With a systematic one-hundred-fold bonus, Jiang Chen is still confident that he can comprehend the Taixu combat body in a short period of time.

“Ding! Your Insight Heaven Grade Martial Arts Taixu Battle Body, gain 100*100 experience!”

“Ding! Your Insight Heaven Grade Martial Arts Taixu Battle Body, gain 100*100 experience!”


Just like this, Jiang Chen stood proudly in the middle of the Great Hall, staring motionlessly at the crystal stone wall in front of him, and the system prompts in his mind continued to sound.


Five hours passed in a flash.

After continuously gaining experience points like this, Jiang Chen’s understanding of the Taixu combat body became clearer and clearer.

About half an hour passed.

The mechanical beep in Jiang Chen’s mind for gaining experience points finally changed.

“Ding! You have successfully comprehended the Taixu combat body of Heavenly Martial Art!”

“Ding! You successfully comprehend the first form of Taixu warfare body: one punch shakes the mountains and rivers!”

Is it finally successful?

Hearing the reminder in his mind, Jiang Chen’s slightly tired face also couldn’t help showing a look of joy.

With the help of the system.

He spent more than five hours in succession to gain experience points, and finally succeeded in comprehending the Taixu Sect’s only heavenly martial arts Taixu combat body!

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