Chapter 508 The third floor of the Martial Sage Hall!

“Good… terrifying strength!”

Lei Guangyan stared at this scene in a daze, with incredible shock in his eyes.

One trick to solve Inner Sect’s three fathers Dongfang Hao!

This cold weather is really the cold weather that drops again and again in the Inner Sect rankings!

“His true meaning of cold ice is very strong, he has reached the Realm of Second Stage completion, and he is only one step away from the true meaning of Third Stage cold ice.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “On this basis, Dongfang Hao is a big margin.”


When Lei Guangyan heard Jiang Chen’s words, he couldn’t help but breathe in his heart.

No wonder Leng Tianhan was able to freeze Dongfang Hao into an ice sculpture with such an understatement. It turns out that what he just displayed was the real meaning of Second Stage’s Realm’s perfection!


When everyone was shocked.

There was a sudden bang in the air, and a fiery red light burst out from Dongfang Hao’s body, which finally shattered the ice layer all over his body.


At the moment the ice broke, Leng Tianhan’s figure also appeared in front of Dongfang Hao like a ghost.

Before Dongfang Hao could react.

Leng Tianhan’s extremely cold palm strength had already been stamped on Dongfang Hao’s chest.


Dongfang Hao’s face suddenly turned pale after receiving Leng Tianhan’s punch, which was too late.

The next moment…

I saw that his figure was like a kite with a broken line and fell a few feet away in embarrassment.

“you you……”

Dongfang Hao looked at Leng Tianhan with horror on his face, and immediately felt a sweet throat, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the whole person passed out directly.

“Good… so strong!”

“Didn’t Leng Tianhan’s strength regress to Inner Sect tenth? How could it be so strong?”

“It seems that Leng Tianhan has solved the physical problem. The first genius who used to be the famous Inner Sect, I am afraid he will be back.”


Seeing that Leng Tianhan defeated Dongfang Hao so lightly, everyone was unable to recover from the shock for a long time.

Dongfang Hao, one of the dignified Inner Sect three sons, actually had no power to fight back in front of Leng Tianhan!

With such a terrifying strength, I am afraid that they are already qualified to challenge the five true disciples!

this moment.

Almost everyone already understands.

Leng Tianhan, the peerless genius who has been silent for two years in Inner Sect, has once again returned to the king!

“Jiang Chen, your gift of reconstruction is more unforgettable for Leng. If it is useful in the future, please send it to me.”

Resolving Dongfang Hao lightly, Leng Tianhan greeted Jiang Chen, Xuan even turned around and left.

“What an interesting guy.”

Seeing Leng Tianhan’s leaving back, Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows, and then bid farewell to Lei Guangyan, and walked in towards the Martial Sage Hall of Heaven.

The Martial Sage Hall has three floors.

The first layer has many powerful Martial Skills of Taixu Zong, and the second layer is where Insight’s various Martial Dao true meanings are.

As for the third level, only one martial arts can be Insight.

no doubt.

This martial art is the only celestial martial art Taixu combat body of Taixu Sect!


The conditions for entering the third floor of the Sky Martial Sage Hall, Insight Taixu battle body, are extremely harsh.

Not to mention that for every hour spent on the third floor of the Martial Sage Hall, 10,000 honor points were spent.

Simply cultivating the Taixu Fighting Shadow to achieve Realm is enough to make more than ninety-nine percent of Taixu Zong’s disciples look forward to sigh.

Jiang Chen entered the Heavenly Martial Sage Hall and walked directly to the third floor of the Heavenly Martial Sage Hall.

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