Chapter 507 Leng Tianhan’s terrifying power!

“Ha ha……”

“Leng Tianhan, do you think you still failed the Inner Sect on the first day?”

“Now that you retreat and then retreat, I am afraid that soon you will not be able to keep your top ten position in Inner Sect. Do you think you still have the qualifications to be arrogant in front of me?”

Dongfang Hao laughed disdainfully when he heard Leng Tianhan’s crazy words.

Although Dongfang Hao had to admit that the talent that Leng Tianhan had shown was not something he could match.

If it weren’t for Leng Tianhan’s strength not to advance and retreat two years ago, he would never have the opportunity to set foot in the top three of Inner Sect and become one of the three sons of Inner Sect.


Everything about Leng Tianhan has long since become a past tense.

Leng Tianhan is just a fallen genius now, and his strength has regressed to barely rank tenth in Inner Sect.

How could Dongfang Hao take such cold weather into his eyes?

Leng Tianhan’s eyes were cold: “It seems that you are not going to roll?”

“I think the person who should get rid of is you!”

Dongfang Hao smiled disdainfully and said: “Leng Tianhan, you don’t take a picture of yourself without pissing, can you manage the affairs of this son?”

“Originally… if you left now, you still have a chance to stay in the third position of Inner Sect for two more days.”

“Since you have to force me to do something, then give me back the position that belongs to me now!”

Leng Tianhan stared at Dongfang Hao with cold eyes, a bit of biting chill instantly spread from his body, as if even the surrounding space was freezing.

“Ha ha……”

“Leng Tianhan, I didn’t expect that your strength has regressed a lot in the past two years, but people have become more and more arrogant!”

“If you want to get back the top three position of Inner Sect, it depends on whether you have the ability!”

Dongfang Hao laughed disdainfully, and the overwhelming hot energy radiated from him again.

“Brother Jiang Chen, Leng Tianhan’s strength has deteriorated a lot in the past two years, do you think he will be Dongfang Hao’s opponent?”

Lei Guangyan couldn’t help but his expression solemnly as he watched the raging battle in front of him.

“Leng Tianhan’s retreat is due to the influence of the poisonous body.”

“As long as he controls the biophagosome according to the method I gave, his strength will skyrocket to an extremely terrifying level.”

“What’s more… Even if Leng Tianhan’s poisonous life has not been resolved, Dongfang Hao may not be his opponent if he really wants to fight his life.”

Jiang Chen said slowly.

“This…Is it impossible?”

Lei Guangyan said incredulously.

Leng Tianhan has regressed to the top ten of Inner Sect in the past two years, and everyone can see it.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, without speaking.

Intuition told him that Leng Tianhan was at least far more dangerous than the opposite Dongfang Hao.

“Dongfang Hao, if it wasn’t for my physical problem, do you think you would have a chance to get involved in the top three of Inner Sect?”

“Today I will let you know that you, the so-called Fireman, are not worth mentioning in my eyes!”

When Jiang Chen was talking with Lei Guangyan.

Leng Tianhan’s cold, biting voice resounded abruptly in mid-air.


Seeing his palm moved, a horrible icy true meaning instantly filled Dongfang Hao’s body out of thin air.

Dongfang Hao’s expression changed drastically.

As soon as he was about to make a move, the terrifying cold ice instantly froze his body, standing there like an ice sculpture!


Seeing this shocking scene in front of them, not only Lei Guangyan and others were shocked!

Even Jiang Chen, who knew the cold weather was extraordinary, was shocked!

one move!

Only one move overpowered Dongfang Hao!

This Leng Tianhan’s strength is really not an ordinary horror.

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