Chapter 509 You are not qualified to let me get out!

Not long.

Jiang Chen arrived at the entrance of the third floor of the Heavenly Martial Sage Hall, but was blocked by a transparent light curtain at the entrance.

On that light curtain, a line of unusually conspicuous handwriting also appeared in Jiang Chen’s line of sight.

Those who are not consummated in the Taixu war shadow are not allowed to enter!

Jiang Chen’s expression moved, and Realm’s Taixu War Shadow was also displayed in an instant.

And after Jiang Chen showed the perfect Realm Taixu War Shadow, his figure was directly immersed in the transparent light curtain.

Enter the third floor of the Martial Sage Hall.

Jiang Chen glanced slightly, only to realize that the third floor of the Heavenly Martial Sage Hall was extremely simple.

This is a quaint Great Hall about 100 square meters.

Right in front of the Great Hall, there is a crystal stone wall that Jiang Chen is very familiar with.

This crystal stone wall is undoubtedly the place where the Heavenly Grade Martial Arts Taixu combat body is preserved.

The only thing that surprised Jiang Chen was that.

At this moment, three feet away from the crystal rock wall, there was a burly youth in golden robe standing there.

“This guy… is it Ao Tiankui, one of the five true disciples of Taixu Sect?”

Looking at this burly young man, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but a strange look appeared in his eyes.

As far as he knows.

Now in Taixu Sect, only Ao Tiankui, the body cultivator genius, has cultivated Taixu Zhanying to the complete Realm.

Except for this person, there will be no other disciples of Taixuzong who are qualified to come to the third floor of the Heavenly Martial Sage Hall!

“Boy, who are you, how come you came to the third floor of the Martial Sage Hall!”

While Jiang Chen was looking at Ao Tiankui, Ao Tiankui also spotted Jiang Chen who had suddenly appeared, and his faint voice rang directly in Jiang Chen’s ears.

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth suddenly raised a slight arc.

He looked at Ao Tiankui with a faint smile and said, “This is brother, this is not yours, why can’t I come?”


“The third floor of the Heavenly Martial Sage Hall, is it a place where you, a little brat, can come?”

Ao Tiankui grimly shouted, “Give you ten seconds, get out of here immediately, don’t influence my Insight too virtual body here!”

“Since I can come here, it proves that I have the qualifications to enter the third floor of the Martial Sage Hall.”

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously: “What are you, what qualifications do you have to let me get out?”

“Ha ha……”

“Boy, you are not afraid to flash your tongue when you speak big words!”

“To obtain the qualification to enter the third floor of the Martial Sage Hall of Heaven, you must cultivate the Taixu Zhanying to the Consummation Realm. Don’t tell me, you have cultivated the Taixu Zhanying to the Consummation Realm!”

Ao Tiankui sneered disdainfully.

It can be said that Ao Tiankui knows better than anyone how difficult it is to cultivate Taixu Fighting Shadow to achieve Realm.

Even among the five true disciples of Taixu Sect, he was the only one who succeeded.

In front of him, the brat he had never seen before, it is absolutely impossible to cultivate Taixu and Realm to Consummation!

80% of this kid used some improper means to come in by opportunism.

“Aren’t you nonsense, if I hadn’t cultivated Taixu and Realm to Consummate Realm, how could I appear here?”

Jiang Chen curled his lips: “In this world, you are not the only one who can cultivate the Realm of Taixu to Consummation.”


“Then let me see the perfect Realm in your mouth!”

Ao Tiankui’s eyes were cold, and the ninety-nine Taixu war shadows exuding fierce vigor were also condensed in an instant.

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