Chapter 370 Who said there is no animal trainer here!

“I’ll try!”

“It’s just a group of walking corpses without thinking, I don’t believe they can have immortality!”

Xing Xiong, who has always been impatient, yelled and swept out one of the blood zombies with a big knife.

In an instant…

The sharp sword aura swept across the army, and it was cut at the waist of the blood zombie in the blink of an eye.


The blood zombies were directly cut into two pieces by Xing Xiong.

“Hehe… It seems that this blood zombie is nothing more than that.”

Killing the blood zombie with a single knife, Xing Xiong couldn’t help but smiled triumphantly.

“Humph! You are too happy too early. What you killed just now was just a blood zombie in the Xiantian realm.”

at this time.

Old Yuan directly poured a basin of cold water on him.

“Hey… even if it is a blood zombie in the Kaiyuan realm, I can’t kill it!”

Xing Xiong laughed wildly, and immediately turned his long sword, smashed Huashan with a force, and then smashed an oncoming blood zombie of the Kaiyuan realm.

“Kang Dang!”

Xing Xiong’s knife landed directly on the head of the blood zombie, and there was a sharp metal crash in the air.

I saw that the blood zombie’s body only gave a slight pause, and then the blood flashed in his eyes, and he rushed towards Xing Xiong again.


Xing Xiong was shocked.

With a big sword dancing wildly in his hand, he did not hesitate to use a profound skill Saber Technique to blast the blood zombie away.


After being hit by Xing Xiong, the blood zombie quickly stood up from the ground unscathed.

He let out a low growl in his throat, and rushed towards Xing Xiong with the blood zombies around him.

“This… how is this possible!”

Looking at this incredible scene in front of him, Xing Xiong’s eyes finally showed a touch of horror that could not be concealed.

“Let’s exit the stone bridge first!”

Looking at the group of blood zombies coming on rampage, Yuan Lao’s expression changed slightly, and he quickly led everyone out of the stone bridge.

And after they exited the stone bridge, the blood zombies who lost their target of attack again wandered aimlessly on the stone bridge.

“Old Yuan, these blood zombies are too abnormal, what shall we do now?”

Mo Jingyun looked at the blood zombies on the stone bridge, his brows couldn’t help but twisted together tightly.

“These blood zombies can only be destroyed with absolute power.”

“If you want to completely kill the blood zombies in the Kaiyuan realm, I am afraid that only the strong in the Pill Condensation realm can do it.”

Old Yuan sighed lightly: “It would be great if we had brought an animal trainer on this trip.”

“Old Yuan, what do you mean… can the trainer conquer these blood zombies?”

Jiang Chen’s heart moved, and a look of excitement flashed in his eyes.

These blood zombies are powerful and immortal. The combat power of each blood zombie is stronger than the fourth rank Demonic Beasts.

If you can conquer these blood zombies, this is simply not too cool!

“These blood zombies were originally pets refined by the senior officials of the Blood Demon Hall.”

“Now these blood zombies are unowned and unconscious, much easier than controlling Demonic Beasts.”

“As long as a fourth rank animal trainer, these blood zombies can almost be easily subdued.”

Old Yuan sighed lightly.

“What’s the use of saying these, we don’t have a beast trainer now.”

Xing Xiong snorted coldly: “Although these blood zombies are resistant to attack, the attack is not strong. We don’t get entangled with them, just rush over in one breath!”

“Who said there is no animal trainer here?”

Just as Xing Xiong’s voice fell, a faint voice rang in his ears…

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