Chapter 369 The Undead Blood Zombie!

“Sister Ruolan, how could this place become the ruins of the Blood Demon Hall, have you heard of the Blood Demon Hall?”

Jiang Chen was puzzled, so he had to speak to Qiu Ruolan beside him.

“Blood Demon Hall, Sect once flourished in the Northern Wilderness. It is said that the Blood Demon Hall at its peak is very powerful, and it can almost compete with the current three sects of the Northern Wilderness on its own.”

“It’s just that they were defeated by the Three Northern Wilderness Sects and disappeared without a trace ever since.”

“It now appears that the ancient strong man with the Xiantian Guiyuan Body should be the person in the Blood Demon Hall.”

After a while.

Qiu Ruolan’s somewhat solemn voice also rang in Jiang Chen’s mind.

Hearing Qiu Ruolan’s words, Jiang Chen couldn’t help taking a breath.

Fight against the Three Sects of the Northern Wilderness with your own strength!

What a powerful existence is this Blood Demon Hall?

“Old Yuan, this place doesn’t look big. The Blood Demon Hall was once prosperous, and its Sect remains should be much more than that, right?”

Mo Jingyun frowned slightly.

“The Hall of Blood Demon is extremely mysterious. Even the Three Sects of the Northern Wilderness don’t know where its headquarters is. How can we easily find it.”

Old Yuan Yuan smiled slightly and said, “This is just a part of the Blood Demon Hall.”

“Mr. Mo, what’s going on, don’t you say that this is the relic of a strong Xiantian Guiyuan body?”

Jiang Chen asked pretendingly.

“It’s not wrong to say that it was the ruins left by the strong Xiantian Guiyuan body, because he is the master of the branch hall of the Blood Demon Hall.”

“Blood Demon Hall has always been weird and unpredictable. I am afraid this place is not easy. Please be careful.”

Old Yuan said, and then cautiously led everyone to the front.

A few minutes later, everyone came to a stone bridge hundreds of meters long.

The light on the stone bridge was very dim, and Jiang Chen and the others could still clearly see the many scarlet figures hovering on the stone bridge.

These scarlet figures wandered back and forth on the stone bridge like walking dead.

Even at a distance of hundreds of meters, Jiang Chen and the others could feel a bloody qi rushing toward their faces.

“These bloody people on the stone bridge…what are they?”

Mo Jingyun looked at the dozens of bloody figures on the stone bridge, his face instantly becoming more solemn.

“This is a blood zombie refined by the unique secret method of the Blood Demon Hall!”

Old Yuan Yuan said solemnly: “The stone bridge is the only way to the ruins of the Blood Demon Hall. Let’s take action together and kill directly.”

Before he finished his words, he immediately stepped onto the stone bridge.

When Jiang Chen and the others saw this, they also hurriedly followed.

And the moment Jiang Chen and the others set foot on the stone bridge, the blood zombies wandering back and forth felt something instantly.

Their gleaming bloody eyes all looked at Jiang Chen and the others.

The two blood zombies closest to them roared, and then rushed towards Jiang Chen and the others with their teeth and claws.


With the movement of Old Yuan’s palms, a terrifying palm power swept out at the two blood zombies.

In an instant…

The two blood zombies smashed a distance of several meters like a kite with a broken line.

Next, a scene that shocked Jiang Chen and the others happened.

I saw the two blood zombies that were slapped flying by Yuan Lao’s palm. They just turned over and got up from the ground, and then led more blood zombies toward Jiang Chen and the others!

“Damn, these blood zombies don’t seem to be killed at all!”

Looking at the oncoming group of blood zombies, Yuan Lao was frightened, his complexion became extremely difficult to look.

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