Chapter 371 Conquer the blood zombies!

“Boy, don’t you tell me that you are still an animal trainer?”

Xing Xiong was taken aback for a moment.

He tilted his head to look at Jiang Chen who was talking, and suddenly couldn’t help but sneered in disdain.

Jiang Chen said lightly: “I am an animal trainer, is there any problem?”

“Little guy, you are really an animal trainer, I don’t know how many levels the animal trainer has reached?”

Old Yuan looked at Jiang Chen with surprise.

To conquer these blood zombies, you must at least have the strength of a fourth rank animal trainer.

This kid’s talent on Martial Dao is already very enchanting, can he still reach the fourth rank beast trainer with the beast trainer?

“My trainer’s rank is not too high, but it shouldn’t be a problem to subdue these blood zombies.”

Jiang Chen smiled slightly.


“Since Brother Jiang Chen is so confident, we will cover you to subdue these blood zombies for a while!”

Mo Jingyun’s eyes flashed, and he said directly to Jiang Chen.

“I disagree!”

“In case this kid can’t tame the blood zombies, wouldn’t this be a waste of everyone’s time and energy.”

Xing Xiong snorted coldly: “I think it might as well as everyone rushing over.”

“Do you think it’s okay if you rush over?”

“The existence of these blood zombies is obviously to protect this place.”

“It’s okay for us to withdraw, but once we rush into the ruins, these blood zombies may not let you go!”

Jiang Chen sneered disdainfully.

“Little friend Jiang Chen is right. If we just rush over, we may not be able to get rid of these blood zombies.”

“We will cover for a while, little friend Jiang Chen, try to conquer these blood zombies.”

Old Yuan nodded, and finally chose to let Jiang Chen try.

If Jiang Chen can’t tame these blood zombies, they can return safely.

But if they rush directly and finally cannot get rid of these blood zombies, sooner or later they will have to be consumed to death by these blood zombies!

Seeing that both Mo Jingyun and Jiang Chen supported Jiang Chen, Xing Xiong’s expression also became a little unsightly.

He stared at Jiang Chen coldly and said, “Boy, you better pray that you can conquer these blood zombies, otherwise Daddy will never end with you!”

Jiang Chen was too lazy to pay attention to Xing Xiong.

He briefly discussed with Mo Jingyun and the other two, and the group stepped on the stone bridge again.

After sensing the breath of Jiang Chen and the others, the blood zombies rushed over again with their teeth and claws.

Upon seeing this, the old people in Yuan all shot down most of the blood zombies at the same time, leaving a blood zombie in the Kaiyuan realm to Jiang Chen.

Looking at the oncoming blood zombie.

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate, he directly displayed the mark of controlling the beast in the ancient beast control technique and printed it on the head of the blood zombie!

The imprint of the beast is instantly submerged into the body of the blood zombie.

The next moment.

Jiang Chen had already clearly felt that he had established a connection with the blood zombie in front of him without any hindrance.

“These blood zombies, as expected, are already unowned, and it takes no effort to conquer them!”

Jiang Chen was immediately overjoyed.

He quickly took the blood zombie under his control into the ring, and then continued to cast the beast control seal on the next blood zombie.

This kid… is really an animal trainer who has at least reached the fourth rank!

Seeing that Jiang Chen took a blood zombie lightly and subdued it.

Whether it is Mo Jingyun and Yuan Lao, or the Xing family brothers.

In their eyes looking at Jiang Chen, there was an unbelievable look of horror.

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