Chapter 277 The emperor’s assessment, it is enough to have me alone!

Jiang Chen’s coldly voice directly stunned the three young men in the hall.


Their eyes were all looking at Jiang Chen at the door.

“Jiang Chen, it turned out to be you.”

Looking at Jiang Chen who appeared at the entrance of the hall.

One of the young men sneered and said: “Who is so arrogant in me? It turns out that it is you, the Wu Kui of the Jiufu Huiwu.”

This young man was wearing a Taoist robe, with a fourth rank junior formation badge hanging on his chest impressively.

“Jiang Chen, the emperor’s assessment is not as simple as you think. Do you really think that you can help the third prince win the throne?”

Another fourth rank animal trainer also said sarcastically.

“How do I help the three princes win the throne? You don’t need to worry about it.”

Jiang Chen said indifferently, “Are you going to roll by yourself, or do you want me to make you roll by myself?”

“Jiang Chen, don’t be too arrogant.”

“This is the residence of the third prince, and even the third prince did not speak. What qualifications do you have to let us go!”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, the young Practitioner who hadn’t spoken couldn’t help yelling at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s eyes condensed, and the true meaning of the First Stage wind was revealed in an instant.

Before the young man Practitioner could react, Jiang Chen’s fist had already hit his chest with a ghostly punch.


The figure of the young Practitioner suddenly flew out of the hall like a broken kite.

“you you……”

Looking at the young Practitioner who was beaten up and down by Jiang Chen’s punch in the blink of an eye, the expressions of the other two young men in the hall suddenly became horrified.

The young Practitioner who was punched out by Jiang Chen just now has the strength of Xiantian Ninth Stage.

To know.

In the Jiufu Huiwu held more than a month ago, Jiang Chen was no more than the strength of Xiantian Fourth Stage.

How come it has only been more than a month before Jiang Chen has become so terrifying that even Xiantian Ninth Stage’s Practitioner can be defeated by one move?

“This guy… really is a monster that can’t be described by common sense.”

It took a while for the third prince Xia Xuan to recover from the shock.


He didn’t expect it either.

Jiang Chen has grown to such a terrifying level in just over a month in Yanhuang Wuyuan!

With one punch out of the young Practitioner, Jiang Chen looked at the two people in the hall with indifferent eyes.

“If you don’t want to be the same as his fate, just disappear from me immediately.”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, the two young men dared to hesitate for a while, and hurriedly headed toward the outside of the hall.

After the two left the hall.

Jiang Chen couldn’t help turning around and facing the third prince Xia Xuan: “The third prince, what’s going on with these people?”

“In the assessment of the emperor of the Great Xia Kingdom, the first test is actually the ability of the princes to attract talents.”

“Each prince can find one person to assist in the assessment process from the Practitioner, the alchemist, the formation teacher, and the animal trainer.”

“And the person you are looking for cannot be more than twenty-five years old and must reach the fourth rank.”

Xia Xuan smiled bitterly: “If you can’t make up such a team, you will directly lose the qualifications for the emperor’s assessment.”

Jiang Chen pondered slightly and said, “If someone is the fourth rank pill refining division and the fourth rank formation division, can one person take the place of the two?”

Xia Xuan was stunned, but still nodded and said, “Of course.”

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth was slightly curved, and a faint chuckle sounded in Xia Xuan’s ear.

“The third prince, if this is the case, you don’t need to find someone.”

“This time the emperor’s assessment, I alone is enough!”

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