Chapter 278 There is no pill recipe that I can’t understand!

For the emperor’s assessment, it is enough to have me alone!

Hearing Jiang Chen’s domineering words, the third prince Xia Xuan was immediately shocked.

He never thought of it.

Jiang Chen unexpectedly wanted a person to help him participate in the emperor’s assessment!

Doesn’t this mean.

Not only did Jiang Chen reach the extreme in Martial Dao and Alchemy, he also reached the fourth rank in Formation and Beast Taming?

This… This is too exaggerated.

“It seems that the three princes don’t quite believe that I alone can help you win the throne.”

Jiang Chen looked at Xia Xuan’s incredible expression and couldn’t help but smiled slightly: “If this is the case, the third prince might as well come with me.”

Xia Xuan was taken aback for a moment: “Where to go?”

“Go to the pill refining division first.”

As Jiang Chen said, he turned around and walked out of the hall.

When Jiang Chen and the three princes went to the pill refining division.

The headquarters of the pill refining division of the imperial capital of the Great Xia Kingdom, in a primitive room filled with pill refining.

Yan Qingxuan was sitting opposite an old man in white robe who looked like a fairy-style.

In front of them, there is a broken pill recipe that seems to have existed for a long time.

Both of them looked at the pill recipe in front of them with furrowed brows, bowed their heads and thought hard.

“Old man Qin, Seven-Rank pill recipe has been lost in Daxia Kingdom for many years. Even you and I have never been in contact with Seven-Rank Medicine Pill’s pill recipe.”

“With our ability, it seems impossible to get this incomplete 7-pill recipe Insight out.”

I don’t know how long it took.

Yan Qingxuan finally broke the silence in the room and couldn’t help but shook his head and sighed slightly.

“Old man Yan, this pill recipe which is incomplete 7-pill recipe was obtained after a lot of effort.”

“We have not been able to break through the seventh-pill pill refining Great Master. The most fundamental point is that there is no pill recipe for the seventh-pill Medicine Pill.”

The old man surnamed Qin said with a wry smile: “Insight this volume of remnants, I am afraid it is your only hope for you and me to make the seventh pill refining Great Master.”

“You’re right, we naturally want Insight for this volume of remnants.”

“I have a little friend whose talent on Alchemy is rare in tens of thousands of years. The ordinary incomplete pill recipe can be found in a glance.”

Yan Qingxuan smiled slightly and said, “If you invite him, it might be helpful to our Insight seven pill recipe.”


The old man surnamed Qin said in amazement, “Daxia country really has such a powerful Alchemy genius?”

Yan Qingxuan couldn’t help but smiled.

When he was about to speak, there was a rapid knock on the door.

“Chairman Qin, there is a pill refining teacher named Jiang Chen outside. He said he is here to assess the fifth rank pill refining teacher.”

Yan Qingxuan could not help but froze for a moment when he heard the voice outside the door.


He couldn’t help but chuckled at the old man surnamed Qin.

“Haha…what a coincidence.”

“Old man Qin, the Alchemy genius I was talking about has already arrived, so let him come here directly.”

The old man surnamed Qin heard Yan Qingxuan’s words and directly ordered the man outside the door to bring Jiang Chen over.

He wanted to see if this little guy named Jiang Chen was really as enchanting as Yan Qingxuan said.

After a few minutes.

Under the leadership of a staff member of the Pill Refining Masters Association, Jiang Chen came to the room where Yan Qingxuan and the others were.

Looking at Yan Qingxuan in the room.

Jiang Chen was also obviously stunned for a moment: “Brother Yan, why are you here?”

“Boy, I heard Yan Qingxuan say, your Alchemy talent is close to monsters, especially in the insight of Ruan Fang’s very high attainments?”

Before Yan Qingxuan could speak, the faint voice of the old man surnamed Qin rang first.


Jiang Chen glanced at the old man surnamed Qin and said proudly: “In this world, there is no pill recipe that I can’t understand!”

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