Chapter 276 The team of the three princes, don’t need rubbish!

“Boy, your tone is not small.”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s arrogant words, Xia Qiong didn’t mean to blame at all, instead he showed a rare smile.

“My details, Xia Huang must have already investigated it clearly.”

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth made a slight arc: “Does Xia Huang think I don’t have that ability?”

“Haha… Whether you are in kendo or in all aspects of Alchemy’s talents, you really make this emperor amazed.”

“In less than ten years, you will probably be the first person in the Great Xia Country!”

“But…according to the legacy of the royal family’s ancestors, the heir to the throne of the Great Xia Kingdom cannot yet be designated by the emperor.”

Xia Qiong smiled slightly and said: “Three days later, this emperor will start the emperor assessment of the ancestral land of the imperial family. I hope you can help the youngest to ascend the position of God.”

The emperor’s assessment.

Jiang Chen nodded, and didn’t say much.

People respect him a foot, and he respects others a foot.

The third prince Xia Xuanneng asked Emperor Xia to help him, and he naturally wanted to help Xia Xuan ascend to the throne of God.

“Go ahead.”

Xia Qiong waved his hand, and then closed his eyes directly.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen also directly withdrew from the Great Hall.

“It seems that you are planning to pass the throne to the third prince Xia Xuan? Regarding strength, the eldest prince Xia Lin is probably much better than him.”

Just after Jiang Chen left, a faint voice suddenly rang in the Great Hall.

“This son has an extraordinary relationship with Yuehen Chamber of Commerce and Yan Qingxuan. As long as he helps, the strength of the youngest will not be weak.”

Xia Qiong suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a burst of brilliant light in his eyes.

“What’s more… this son is a peerless evildoer that will not be born for thousands of years, even in the genius Sect, he can stand out!”

“Maybe…he can become the one who will dominate the destiny of the entire Northern Wilderness Nine Kingdoms in the future!”

“The emperor of the Great Xia Kingdom can only be handed over to the third child who has a good relationship with him, so I can rest assured.”

Leaving the palace.

Jiang Chen went directly to the third prince’s residence on the side of the palace.

“Master Jiang Chen, you are here.”

Seeing Jiang Chen at the door now, one of the guards hurriedly greeted him.

Jiang Chen asked faintly: “Can the three princes be in the house?”

“Yes, the third prince also specially ordered that if Young Master Jiang Chen comes, you don’t need to pass it through, let me take you in directly.”

As the guard said, he gestured to Jiang Chen, “Master Jiang Chen, please please inside.”

Under the leadership of the guard, Jiang Chen quickly came to the main hall of the mansion.

In the main hall.

The third prince Xia Xuan seemed to be discussing something with a few well-dressed young men.

“Third prince, sorry, for some reasons, I am afraid I can’t help you participate in the emperor’s assessment three days later.”

“The third prince, I think that his ability is limited and can’t help you win the throne. Please ask you to be clever.”


Hearing the words of the young people in the main hall, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but frown.

These young men were obviously the ones that the third prince asked to help him participate in the emperor’s assessment.

But now.

All of these people who had promised to help the third prince had to abandon him!

Jiang Chen didn’t need to think about it to know that someone must be making a ghost in secret.

A cold light flashed in Jiang Chen’s eyes and strode directly into the main hall.

at the same time.

His coldly voice also rang in everyone’s ears instantly.

“Humph! Even if you want to join the team of the three princes, you have to ask me if I agree!”

“The team of the three princes, you don’t need rubbish like you, you all get out of me!”

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