Chapter 275 The three princes are emperors, I will protect the country of Xia Wu You!

Jiang Chen glanced at Meng Tianheng coldly, then turned around and looked at the sky in the summer dome.


Before he could speak, Xia Qiong’s voice was the first to ring in his ears.

“Jiang Chen, since it’s okay, come and see me at the palace.”

As this faint voice fell, Xia Qiong’s figure also instantly became blurred.

In the blink of an eye, it dissipated completely in mid-air!

“This is……”

Jiang Chen looked at the situation in midair, his eyes condensed suddenly.

He only discovered now that Emperor Xia Tianqiang, who appeared in mid-air just now, does not seem to be his real body!

“This is a projection clone, a means that only Shenhai Power can display!”

Watching this scene before me.

Even Yan Qingxuan’s muddy old eyes couldn’t help showing a look of horror.

On the other side, Meng Zhenshan, the Patriarch of the Meng Family, changed his expression drastically, and an inexplicable chill instantly hit his heart.

Emperor Xia Xiaqiang, even the magical means of the Divine Sea Realm could be used.

Fortunately, he did not choose to come hard with Xia Qiong before.

Otherwise… Today their Meng family might be really dangerous.

Jiang Chen was also shocked: “Brother Yan, what do you mean… Emperor Xia’s strength has reached the Divine Sea Realm!”

“His breath still stays in the Condensed Pill Realm, but to be able to display this hand projection clone, I am afraid that he should have reached the half-step Shenhai, and has already touched the threshold of the Shenhai Realm.”

Yan Qingxuan took a deep breath and immediately said, “Brother Jiang Chen, since Emperor Xia wants to see you, go into the palace quickly.”

“Brothers, thank you for your help today. I’m going to the palace first.”

Jiang Chen hugged the cupped fist to Yan Qingxuan and Yueyangzhou, and then dashed away.

Leaving Meng’s house.

Jiang Chen went straight to the imperial palace of the Great Xia Kingdom.

In less than ten minutes, Jiang Chen had already arrived at the gate of the imperial palace.

“Young Master Jiang Chen, by the order of Emperor Xia, he has been waiting again for a long time.”

at this time.

A middle-aged guard wearing a golden armor directly faced Jiang Chen and said, “Please, Mr. Jiang Chen, follow me into the palace.”

Jiang Chen nodded, and then followed the golden armored guard into the palace.

Under the leadership of the golden armor guards, Jiang Chen soon came to a magnificent Great Hall in the imperial palace.

Jiang Chen looked up slightly, and saw the Xia Huang Xiaqiong sitting high on the dragon chair.

“Junior Jiang Chen, see Emperor Xia, thank you Xia Huang for helping me today.”

Jiang Chen looked at the high seat in the summer dome at the end of the Great Hall, and saluteed neither arrogantly nor arrogantly.

“Little guy, you are really arrogant.”

Xia Qiong smiled faintly: “The person you want to thank should be the third prince, but he used the only privilege given to him by the emperor and asked me to help you.”

The third prince!

He finally understood why Emperor Xia, who had never met before, would help him. It turned out that the three princes were behind.

“Jiang Chen, the emperor touched the threshold of the Divine Sea Realm six months ago. He has already abdicated and concentrated on Martial Dao.”

“It’s just that among the many princes, no one seems to be able to control the current situation of the Great Xia Kingdom, and this has been hesitant.”

Xia Qiong said here, with a slight pause: “I don’t know what do you think?”

“This question, Xia Huang should have made a decision long ago, so why bother to ask me?”

“If Emperor Xia insists on giving me an answer, my answer should be very clear to Emperor Xia.”

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth rose slightly, and his proud voice resounded instantly in the Great Hall.

“If the three princes are emperors, I will protect Wu You!”

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