Chapter 2469 Fighting Quasi Mahayana cultivator

“Boy, die!”

The black robe old man’s voice sounded, and a heavy mountain of breath immediately enveloped Jiang Chen.

With a move of his palm, the majestic blood color really condensed into a huge blood shadow, covering Jiang Chen overwhelmingly.

that moment.

The heavens and the earth have faded, the sun and the moon are dull.

The blood shadow pierced the void, and the ferocious facial features made a strange smile, as if to swallow Jiang Chen.


With a move of his palm, Jiang Chen directly spurred the golden ancient sword to display the Sword Art of Eliminating Immortality, and the sword slashed towards the blood shadow.


Only a loud bang was heard, shaking in the starry sky.

The dazzling Sword Qi and the blood shadow exploded at the same time, and the terrifying energy ripples, causing the surrounding starry sky to blow a storm of destruction.

“Boy, I underestimated you. I didn’t expect you to be such a sword technique.”

Seeing that Jiang Chen’s sword blocked own’s attack, the old black robe’s eyes couldn’t help but a look of surprise appeared.

He obviously didn’t expect it.

The god-king Ninth Stage boy in front of him has the ability to compete head-on with his quasi-Mahayana cultivator.

In particular, the sword art that this kid had just displayed was incredibly powerful, and even compared to some sword fairy techniques he had seen before, it would not be inferior in the slightest.

Jiang Chen sneered contemptuously and said, “Old guy, your so-called quasi-Mahayana cultivator is not so good.”

“Boy, don’t think that you have the ability to be arrogant in front of me. Today I will show you the power of the quasi-Mahayana cultivator!”


When the black robe old man’s voice fell, his whole body of Blood Qi rose to the sky, and the strong Magic power fluctuations caused terrible storms in the starry sky, causing the surrounding starry sky to appear distorted.

“Sword Art of Destroying Immortals, Slaughter Immortals!”

Jiang Chen quickly squeezed out a sword tactic, and the golden ancient sword in his hand swayed slightly, and a mighty Sword intent of immortal might spread out in an instant, and then turned into a sword shadow containing a monstrous killing intent.

The sword shadow was as high as one hundred meters, and the terrifying killing intent pierced the starry sky, and a pitch-black crack appeared.

Under the stalemate standing proudly and the sword shadow, the whole person is sharp and sharp, like a sword immortal in the dust.

“Sword Art is good, but Cultivation Base is a bit worse. With your strength, you still don’t have the qualifications to compete with me!”

When the black-robed old man said, he immediately waved his big hand, and the terrifying power of blood, like a blood-colored waterfall, descended from the sky and enveloped Jiang Chen.

This power of qi and blood permeated the world, covering half of the sky, and the starry sky where the two were fighting was dyed into a blood-red world.

“Boom boom…”

In the blood, the amazing Killing intent squeezed the starry sky to explode continuously.


The murderous intent was overwhelming, as if the sword shadow that was enough to kill the gods, tore the blood-colored world directly, and then cut straight to the black-robed old man.


The black robe old man’s eyes condensed suddenly.

The sword immortal art that this kid has mastered is really extraordinary.

He raised his hand a little, and a condensed bloody fingers directly shattered the remaining sword shadow from the burst.

“What a stunning sword art. With this sword art, even the cultivator at the peak of the ordinary Transcends Tribulation, I am afraid that it is impossible to resist. It is a pity that you are facing me today. No matter how you struggle, you are destined to be inevitable today. Die!”

The black-robed old man stared at Jiang Chen sternly, and the killing intent in his eyes became more and more intense.

The talent and strength of this child is really terrifying.

With the Cultivation Base of the God King Ninth Stage, he can hardly shake his quasi-Mahayana cultivator without losing the wind.

Even in their Immortal Cultivation Universe, I am afraid it is difficult to find a genius who can compare with them.

Once this son breaks through and dominates the realm, I am afraid that even the general Mahayana cultivator will be unable to contend with it.

“Nether Blood River!”

The black-robed old man gave a cold scream, and his power burst to the extreme in an instant.

I saw his fingers volley a little, and a blood burst at his fingertips. At first it was only the size of a finger. In the blink of an eye, it swelled to a thousand feet wide, as if in the starry sky, it opened up a river of blood!


The Blood Qi rises in the blood river, and from time to time a hideous face emerges, like the Nine Nether River, the wicked aura permeates all directions, as if to swallow Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s complexion was calm, his hands pinched a sword tactic again, and the golden ancient sword also shook slightly in the void.


The starry sky oscillates.

I saw the space around Jiang Chen, a series of incomparable sword lights suddenly gathered, once again turned into a heavenly sword shadow.

Jian Ying carried the terrifying aura of Tuxian killing God, drew a stunning arc in the starry sky, and slashed his sword on the bloody river of evil spirits.


A loud noise that shook the sky was rippling in the starry sky.

The starry sky where the two of them are located seems to have become two worlds, once it is a dazzling sword shadow in the sky, and on one side is a river of bloody blood, and they are clearly separated from each other.

After the two terrifying forces intertwined in the starry sky for a while, they finally burst apart with a bang.


Jiang Chen was shocked, and his whole body flew upside down a distance of thousands of feet.

His breath is a bit heavy, and his face is paler than before.

Opposite Jiang Chen, the situation of the black-robed old man was undoubtedly much better. He just stepped back on the starry sky for more than ten steps, and then slowly stabilized his figure.

“The quasi-Mahayana cultivator is really not that easy to deal with.”

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, forced a sigh in his heart to suppress the churning breath in his body.

With his background, even in the Divine King Realm, he can fight across two or three Realms.

Now that his Cultivation Base has reached the Ninth Stage, he is still struggling to face a quasi-Mahayana cultivator that is quite similar to the half-step dominance.

This can be seen.

There is an insurmountable gap between Martial Dao and Martial Dao, Transcends Tribulation cultivator and Mahayana cultivator.

“Bloodless, what are you doing? It’s amazing for such a long time that even a god-king Ninth Stage boy can’t clean up, so he can’t quickly solve that kid and come and help me!”

At this moment, above the starry sky thousands of miles away, an extremely frightened voice rang instantly.

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but followed the voice and looked over.

Thousands of miles away, Wu Zhantian was full of swordsmanship, and the extremely powerful offensive made the opposite quasi-Mahayana cultivator fled in embarrassment.

Wu Zhantian was able to become a powerhouse at the peak of God King Ninth Stage before the restoration of God’s Domain, and his talent was naturally rare in the world.

Back then, when he was still in the Ninth Stage of the God King, he was able to shake the halal people who were fused with the Mahayana body.

Now that Insight has the power of dominance, stepping into the half-step dominance state, the combat power has naturally reached an extremely terrifying point.

Even if it is a general quasi-Mahayana cultivator, it is simply difficult to compete with it!

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