Chapter 2468 Star Wars

In the endless Universe Galaxy Cluster.

A huge starry sky battleship, directly separated from the nebula, and under the gaze of Jiang Chen and the others, descended thousands of miles away from the starry sky city.


A blood-clothed man stepped out from the starry sky battleship.

Immediately afterwards.

Hundreds of cultivators also followed the men in blood, bursting out of the starry sky battleship.

Even if they didn’t explode a single bit of power, the mere reduction of the terrifying coercion was enough to scare people.

Jiang Chen’s gaze was locked tightly on the Bai Daoist shadow that stepped out of the starry sky battleship.

The blood-clothed man’s breath is unfathomable, even compared to the Mingyue Heart who stepped into the dominance state, he is better than that. Obviously, he should be a real Mahayana cultivator.

In addition to this blood-clothed man, there are three powerful auras behind him, no less inferior to True Man Cangming and Wu Zhantian.


All three of them are quasi-Mahayana cultivators who are not inferior to half-step dominance.

Behind these four, there are hundreds of cultivators whose Cultivation Base has reached the Transcends Tribulation stage, and even the cultivators of the peak of Transcends Tribulation have at least no fewer than ten.

One Mahayana cultivator, three quasi-Mahayana cultivators, and hundreds of Transcends Tribulation cultivators.

Seeing the lineup of Xiuxian Universe’s expedition to God’s Domain, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If the Heavenly Dao of the Gods is restored and the worlds are merged and unified, Xiu Xian Universe will send such a lineup, which can almost sweep the Gods, leaving them without any resistance.

But in the past few years, the strength of God’s Domain has gained rapid Ascension.

Now they have not only a Martial Dao ruler like Mingyuexin, but also Cangming and Wu Zhantian in the half-step dominating realm, and the number of Divine King Realm is no less than a hundred.

With the current strength of God’s Domain, there is no need to be too afraid of the expedition army of these immortal cultivating universes.

“I didn’t expect that the Divine Realm, which was nearly shattered back then, could still be restored to such a degree. It seems that your Universe really has some unknown secrets.”

The blood demon’s gaze swept slightly across the many powerhouses in God’s Domain, and the faint voice also resounded in the starry sky.

Mingyue stared at the blood demon with cold eyes: “You are a member of the blood evil sect. I didn’t expect you to cultivate the Universe, so you still have the guts to invade God’s Domain?”

“I cultivated the Universe. I never thought of invading God’s Domain. I just wanted to get back a monument.”

The blood demon said indifferently: “It is said that the immortal monument has already come out in your god’s realm. As long as you are willing to hand over the immortal monument, we will immediately retreat and guarantee that we will never invade the god’s realm again.”

God’s Domain World has recovered, and its strength has grown at a terrifying speed.

The expedition army that they descended into God’s Domain this time has no confidence in taking the God’s Domain.

If the news is sent back again, waiting for the Xiuxian Universe reinforcements to arrive, I am afraid it will take at least three to five years.

But if you wait another three to five years, with the current state of God’s Domain, the strength will probably be more than several times stronger than it is now.

It is precisely because of this.

The blood demon intends to retreat to second place.

They cultivated the immortal Universe from beginning to end, all for the immortal monument.

As long as God’s Domain is willing to hand over the immortal monument, the blood demon does not intend to continue to fight the God’s Domain.

“My palace doesn’t know what the immortal monument you are talking about is, even if it knows, it won’t give you the immortal monument to the Universe.”

A cold light flashed in Mingyue’s cold eyes, and coldly said: “Stop talking nonsense, you either get out of it right away or fight to the death.”

Since the ancient wars, God’s Domain was destroyed due to the invasion of the Xiuxian Universe, and the relationship between God’s Domain and the Xiuxian Universe has long been an endless situation.

Although Mingyuexin didn’t know what the immortal monument was in the mouth of the blood demon, the things that could be obtained by the Xiu Xian Universe at the expense of launching a Universe-level battle were absolutely extraordinary.

Back then, the ancestors of God’s Domain, faced with a Cultivation Universe that was twice as powerful as their own, did not hand over the so-called immortal monument.

Now, how can they easily hand over the things that their ancestors have desperately guarded with blood to Xiu Xian Universe?

not to mention……

Although Mingyuexin hadn’t seen the immortal monument, she could still vaguely feel that the immortal monument in the blood demon’s mouth was probably on Jiang Chen’s body.

Even God’s Domain can evolve and grow to be stronger than the ancient times, it is very likely to be related to this!

If you hand over the immortal monument, what is the difference from digging your own grave?

“Toast and not eat fine wine, do you really think that you are not going to be afraid of this meeting?”

The blood demon’s face sank, and his mouth could not help but let out a stern shout of anger and anger: “Do it, kill them for me, and break into the realm of God!”

Boom boom boom…

As the blood demon’s sharp shout fell, hundreds of Transcends Tribulation cultivators behind it broke out.

Directly under the leadership of three quasi-Mahayana cultivators, with the terrifying aura of the trembling starry sky, they killed towards the starry sky giant city.

And behind them.

I saw that huge starry sky battleship also burst out towards the starry sky giant city.

Universe Galaxy Cluster is extraordinary. It is not a cultivator in the Divine King Realm or Transcends Tribulation period, and it is impossible to walk in the sky in the Universe Galaxy Cluster.


Those cultivators in the amalgamation period directly controlled the starry sky battleship and killed the starry sky giant city.


The cold voice of Mingyue’s heart slowly resounded through the world, and directly stepped across thousands of miles of void, and fought with the blood demon in the depths of the Galaxy Cluster.

True person Cangming and Wu Zhantian also shot at the same time, and one person restrained a quasi-Mahayana cultivator.

“Father, let me deal with the last quasi-Mahayana period. You lead everyone to guard the giant starry sky and block the army of Xiu Xian Universe.”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell, and it directly turned into a dazzling Sword Ray penetrating through a thousand miles of void, and slashed at the last black-clothed old man in the quasi-Mahayana period.

“An ant-like existence, dare to attack me?”

Seeing Jiang Chen cut with a sword, this black-clothed ancestor couldn’t help showing a scornful smile on his face.


He raised his hand and waved, and the vast Magic Power of True Essence instantly turned into a black giant palm, directly slapped Jiang Chen who had come by storm.


Hearing a loud bang, Jiang Chen walked back hundreds of feet across the starry sky.

“Is this the power of the quasi-Mahayana cultivator? It is much stronger than I thought.”

He forced the surging aura inside his body, and his look at the black-clothed old man became more solemn.

The Martial Dao master and the Mahayana cultivator are both half-celestial bodies that have approached the question of Immortal Ascension.

The half-step master and the quasi-mahayana, although they have not really made a breakthrough to this Realm, it is equivalent to Insight’s power of a half immortal.

Compared with Martial Dao and Transcends Tribulation cultivator, these powers are more than a star and a half stronger.

Even if the combat power is as strong as Jiang Chen, now the Cultivation Base breakthrough God King Ninth Stage, facing the quasi-Mahayana cultivator like the old man in black, it still looks extremely difficult.

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