Chapter 2470 Joining Hands To Kill

Jiang Chen looked away and looked at several other battlefields.

Mingyuexin and the Mahayana cultivator blood demon have reached the depths of the 100,000-mile starry sky, turning that whole world into an endless starry sky storm, making it hard to see what’s inside.

Real Cangming and another quasi-Mahayana cultivator are of equal strength to each other, and no one can do anything for a while.

The starry sky giant city has amazing defenses. Even if the power of the cultivating universe is much stronger than that of God’s Domain, without the help of the Mahayana cultivator, it would be difficult for them to break into the starry sky city for a while.

In short.

The current battle situation is not too bad for God’s Domain.

As long as Mingyuexin can hold the Mahayana cultivator, the expeditionary army of the Cultivation Universe, it should be difficult to win them.

“Boy, you can use the Cultivation Base of the Divine King Realm to push me to such a level, it is enough to be proud.”

Seeing that another quasi-Mahayana cultivator was about to lose the battle, the black-robed old man’s eyes became increasingly cold.

While he was talking, the mysterious bloody light suddenly converged on the center of his eyebrows, and then turned into a third eye. The bloody eyeballs twirled in it, reflecting the starry sky of thousands of miles of blood red!

“Boy, let you see the supreme supernatural powers of my Blood Demon Sect today. He is addicted to Blood Demon eyes, open it to me!”


The third demon eye in the middle of the black robe old man’s forehead opened, and the bloody eyeballs inside were like the blood-colored sun, bursting out with magical blood.

that moment.

The entire starry sky was plunged into a continuous dimness, and the monstrous Blood Qi filled the sky, as if everything in the starry sky was attracted by this eye.


The starry sky behind the black-robed old man fluctuates, and then a huge opening is directly opened, and a huge and incomparable eye also emerges from it.

This eye was a mysterious blood-red color, exuding a rich bloody light, like a round of blood-colored sun, hanging behind the old man in black robe, turning thousands of miles of starry sky into a blood-colored world.

Feeling the blood Qi breath emanating from the eye behind the black robe old man, Jiang Chen’s pupils shrank suddenly.

The quasi-Mahayana cultivator that exploded in full force, undoubtedly reached a very terrifying point.

Even with Jiang Chen’s current strength, he instinctively felt a trace of danger from the bloody eyes.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, and when he was about to fight back desperately, a ghostly black shadow appeared beside Jiang Chen out of thin air.


Seeing the familiar figure appearing next to him, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but stunned slightly.

Wu Xing raised his head and looked at the blood-colored eyes, and said in a deep voice: “The giant starry sky city will not be in danger for the time being. This old guy’s blood demon eye is not easy to deal with, I will help you.”


Jiang Chen nodded, Sword Qi soaring above the golden ancient sword in his hand, he directly used the Qingdi sword without hesitation.


Only a loud noise was heard, a cyan phantom surrounded by immortal energy, stepped out of the immortal gate, and then pierced the starry sky with a sword and slashed at the black robe old man.

“Destroyed God’s Palm!”

At the same time Jiang Chen shot.

The light of destruction in the witch torture burst out, and a black palm print that extinguished the heavens and the earth, like the palm of an ancient demon god, with the power of destroying the heavens and the earth, suppressed the black-robed old man.

As the reincarnation of the ruined lord of the ancient times, although witch punishment has not yet entered the dominance and returned to its former peak, its control of the power of destruction has also reached an extremely terrifying point.

His combat power is also far beyond the average God King Ninth Stage Heavenly Powerhouse, and he will not be inferior to Jiang Chen in the slightest.

With such two peerless figures joining forces, even the quasi-Mahayana cultivator, the black-robed old man, couldn’t help but feel unexplainable at this moment.

“Looking for Blood Demon, swallow!”

The black-robed old man yelled sharply, his eyes condensed suddenly.


I saw the huge bloody eyes hanging behind him suddenly widened, and a bloody light burst out from it. A terrible bloody storm, with the power to swallow everything, swept towards Jiang Chen and the others in an instant.


Three terrifying magical powers collided in the starry sky in the blink of an eye.

The world is shattered and the starry sky collapses.

I saw the bloody storm bursting out of the huge bloody eyes behind the black robe old man, it was impossible to stop the joint blow of Jiang Chen and the two, directly under the powerful offensive of the Qing Emperor’s sword and the shattered palm.

Just blink of an eye.

The bloody storm that stretched for thousands of miles had already dissipated in the starry sky.

Even the blood-colored giant eyes behind the black-robed old man were impacted by the distance, and they slammed into the sky of blood mist and dissipated in the starry sky with a bang.

The black-robed old man himself trembled, his whole body flew upside down thousands of feet away in embarrassment, and a mouthful of blood couldn’t help but squirted out wildly.

He looked pale and looked up at the two Jiang Chen opposite, and there was also an incredible look of horror in his eyes.

“How can so many stunning demons have been born in this God Realm?”

Although the two people in front of them only have the Cultivation Base of the God King Ninth Stage, they are more enchanting than the other, and almost all have the terrifying ability to compete with the quasi-Mahayana cultivator.

Now that the two of them work together, even if he is a little bit overwhelmed.

Such a peerless genius, even if they cultivate the Universe, I am afraid it will take many years to be born before one is born.

But on the side of God’s Domain, the Universe that had been beaten by their Immortal Cultivation Universe almost shattered, unexpectedly two such geniuses appeared one after another.

This… This is too incredible.


Together with Jiang Chen, he repelled the black-robed old man. Witch Punishment didn’t intend to give him any chance to breathe. He saw the light of destruction more than three points, and then gathered directly behind him into a blade of destruction.

“Blade of Destruction, go!”

Wu Xing’s gaze was as cold as a knife, and he directly controlled the Blade of Destruction on his back, slashing it out with a single blow.


At that moment, the Galaxy Cluster collapsed, and the world went up and down!

The pitch-black blade light, like the waterfall of the Nine Nether Yellow Springs, directly penetrated the Galaxy Cluster and slashed at the black-robed old man.

“The sword and the image are one, the human emperor sword, cut it for me!”

When Jiang Chen saw this, he also did not hesitate at all. He directly merged the golden ancient sword and the divine body vision man’s emperor sword, turning it into a peerless sword to suppress the black-robed old man.

Looking at the two Jiang Chen who once again joined forces to kill, the old man in the black robe couldn’t help but feel inexplicably cold in his heart.

The combat power of these two people in front of them is really terrifying.

If he was a little careless today, he would really fall into the hands of these two people.

Where did the black-robed old man dare to hesitate at all, he only heard a scream of anger from his throat, and the huge Blood Demon eyes behind him also suddenly condensed again.


The eyes of Blood Demon condensed, and the scary bloody light swept out from the eyes of the demon once again, colliding with the powerful offensive of the two Jiang Chen again.

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