Chapter 2206 Sacred Dragon Stele Comes Out to Suppress Long Jiuhan

This is a dragon-shaped token about the size of a palm, with a touch of golden light exuding the whole body.

As soon as it appeared, a wave of supreme dragon power, which seemed to come from the ancient times, spread directly into the starry sky.

Even the onlookers who are separated by tens of thousands of feet of sky below, feel that they can’t breathe under the pressure of the supreme dragon.

“This is… the might of Ancestral Dragon!”

“Is the token in Long Jiuhan’s hand the Xiantian Dao Item Ancestral Dragon Order of the Ancient Sacred Dragons?”

Some well-informed veteran god kings stared at the token in Long Jiuhan’s hand, and a look of astonishment appeared in their eyes.

Xiantian Dao Item!

God’s Domain World is the supreme artifact born in the heaven and earth.

In today’s world of God’s Domain, the well-known Xiantian Dao Item, there are only ten in total, known as the top ten Xiantian Dao Item.

Among the top ten Xiantian Dao Items, one of them is the Ancestral Dragon Order of the Ancient Sacred Dragon Race!

They obviously didn’t expect that Long Jiuhan actually took out all the ancestral orders of the ancient holy dragon clan!

“The ancient sacred dragons even possessed the Ancestral Dragon Order, how is this possible?”

Numerous ancient gods and phoenix tribes Elder stared at the Ancestral Dragon Order in Long Jiuhan’s hand, his face also showed an unbelievable look.

In ancient times, the Great Tribulation of God’s Domain came.

Countless experts in God’s Domain Continent fell in the process of fighting the Great Tribulation, and the top ten Xiantian Dao Item of God’s Domain also completely disappeared in that Great Tribulation.

Their ancient gods and phoenix clan also once mastered the Fengxi Qin, one of the top ten Xiantian Dao Items.

After the Great Tribulation of God’s Domain came.

An ancestor of the ancient Shenfeng tribe took Fengxiqin to respond to the catastrophe, and finally disappeared in the Gods Domain Continent together with Fengxiqin.

The Xiantian Dao Item Ancestral Dragon Order of the ancient sacred dragons should have disappeared like Fengxiqin.

But Long Jiuhan now took out the Ancestral Dragon Order!

This is too incredible.

“How powerful is the Xiantian Dao Item Ancestral Dragon Order. Although this token is very similar to the Ancestral Dragon Order, it is far from comparable. It should be an imitation created by the ancient Sacred Dragons.”

The white-haired Elder said in a deep voice.

Although this Ancestral Dragon Order is just a textile imitation, the ancient Sacred Dragons obviously spent a lot of effort to give it a trace of Ancestral Dragon Order’s charm.

The power of this token is probably still very powerful.

Jiang Chen, that kid, this time I am afraid it is really dangerous.

“Jiang Chen Big Brother!”

Feeling the terrifying power emanating from Long Jiuhan’s palm token, Gu Feng’er’s beautiful eyes couldn’t help but show a look of worry.

She clasped her jade hand tightly, her eyes locked tightly on the starry sky, ready to take action at any time.

“Goddess, don’t worry, if your Big Brother really loses to Long Jiuhan, the ancient gods and phoenix clan will come to the rescue.”

White-haired Elder couldn’t help but smile when he saw this.

The relationship between Gu Feng’er and Jiang Chen has completely exceeded their imagination.

White-haired Elder knew very well that if the ancient gods and phoenix clan still wanted Gu Feng’er, the goddess of the phoenix, I am afraid that something happened to Jiang Chen today.

“Thank you Elder.”

Gu Feng’er couldn’t help but quickly thanked the white-haired old man, and he was also slightly relieved.

With Big Elder’s guarantee, no matter if he wins or loses in this battle, Jiang Chen Big Brother will at least not be life-threatening.

Starry sky.

Looking at the Ancestral Dragon Order in Long Jiuhan’s hands, Jiang Chen also instinctively felt the crisis of Death from the token.

He took a deep breath, and immediately moved his palm, and the Holy Dragon Monument suddenly appeared from his palm.

The token in Long Jiuhan’s hand was too powerful.

He can only use the Holy Dragon Stele now, I am afraid he can compete with Long Jiuhan.

“Jiang Chen, you can force me to use the Ancestral Dragon Order with the Cultivation Base of the Celestial Venerable Realm. That’s enough to be proud of me. Let me die.”

Long Jiuhan’s gaze was fierce, and he directly gathered his whole body’s strength to urge the Ancestral Dragon in his hand.

He only heard a heaven-shaking dragon roar resounding through the world, a divine dragon condensed by black and white two qi, instantly traversed the starry sky, with the power of destroying the sky and destroying the enemy, hovering towards Jiang Chen.

“Holy Dragon Monument, give me the town!”

Jiang Chen was expressionless, and the Azure Emperor Longevity Art worked to its extreme, spurring the Holy Dragon Stele in his hand with all his strength.


In the eyes of countless people astonished.

The green light on the sacred dragon monument exploded, instantly transforming into a monument of the supreme god, standing tall between heaven and earth.

On the god stele, a series of strange runes are engraved, as if condensing the endless heaven and earth, and it makes people feel that they dare not look at it.

The Wanzhangshen Stele stands above the stars, like an ancient sacred mountain that suppresses everything, and the sun, the moon, and the world seem to be suppressed.

“No, this is…”

After seeing Jiang Chen urging the Holy Dragon Stele, Long Jiuhan finally thought of something, his pupils suddenly shrank.


It’s too late at this time.

The Wanzhang Divine Stele shook slightly, causing the entire world to collapse for it.

In the starry sky, an impenetrable blue ripple, instantly centered on the divine monument, quickly spread in all directions.


The cyan ripples collided with the black and white divine dragon, directly destroying the black and white divine dragon into nothingness.

Long Jiuhan looked terrified.

He quickly urged the Taixu Sacred Dragon, condensing the Third Stage vision to greet the cyan ripples that swept across.


How could the power of Long Jiuhan Taixu Sacred Dragon Diagram withstand Jiang Chen’s full force to urge the Sacred Dragon Stele to issue a blow?

Just blink of an eye.

The Third Stage vision that Long Jiuhan condensed was all annihilated by the cyan ripples.

And his whole person, also under the impact of the cyan ripples, embarrassedly smashed into the starry sky thousands of feet long dark cracks.


Although Long Jiuhan tried his best to guarantee his life under the suppression of the Holy Dragon Stele, his entire body was almost shattered.

Countless golden blood also spilled down from the stars.

He quickly swallowed a Medicine Pill to stabilize his injury, and shouted with horror: “Sacred Dragon Tablet, that one’s Sacred Dragon Tablet, as expected, you have grasped it.”

Sacred Dragon Stele, this is a divine object not inferior to Xiantian Dao Item, comparable to the real Xiantian Dao Item Ancestral Dragon Order.

Such a fetish, how could his imitation Ancestral Dragon be able to contend?

“It’s a pity… you knew it too late.”

When Jiang Chen’s voice fell, he would once again urge the Holy Dragon Stele to oppose Long Jiuhan’s suppression.

“Do not!”

Long Jiuhan looked terrified.

Just now, he urged Zu Longling to face Jiang Chen’s sacred dragon stele with all his strength, and was directly severely injured.

For a time.

Long Jiuhan could only stare at the huge behemoth that looked like a monument to the god of heaven, and his pupils rapidly enlarged.

“Oh! Be merciful, I wonder if this little friend can give the old man a thin face?”

Just when Jiang Chen was about to urge Sacred Dragon Tablet Town to kill Long Jiuhan, a slight sigh suddenly came out in the void.

Along with this sigh, it fell.

Jiang Chen’s body, together with the Holy Dragon Stele that had been suppressed by Long Jiuhan, all solidified at this moment in vain.

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