Chapter 2207 God King Seventh Stage

This sudden change caused Jiang Chen’s pupils to shrink suddenly.

He exhausted his entire body to try to break free from the power around him, only to realize that he could hardly move at all.

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but shudder in his heart.

He didn’t need to think about it, it should be the Seventh Stage of the ancient god king secretly making the shot.

Just when Jiang Chen’s thoughts flashed.

A rickety Cang old man’s shadow also slowly emerged in front of Jiang Chen.

The old man was dressed in a gray robe, with white hair and beard, and looked like an ordinary old man with a dying wind.

Only the pair of sunken eyes are extremely deep, like a black hole with infinite suction. Just looking at it, there is a feeling that people can’t help but sink into it.

“Ancestor Qitian.”

As soon as this gray-robed old man appeared, the many senior seniors of the ancient gods and phoenix clan below suddenly couldn’t help but bow and salute respectfully.

The gray-robed old man is no one else, but the ancestor of the Seventh Stage Heaven, Feng Qitian.

Feng Qitian nodded slightly towards the bottom, and his eyes fell directly on Jiang Chen’s body: “Today the ancient gods and phoenix clan intends to exchange and discuss, until you click. Please also give me a Face, don’t hurt the killer. ”

At Lieyang Peak that day, this guy had already killed Mosin, the god son of God Black Sun Sect.


Hei Sun Shenzong is only a second-rate god king force in the Central Region, and the strength is not strong.

Even if their god son Moxin was killed by Jiang Chen in the ancient Shenfeng tribe, the Hei Sun Divine Sect did not dare to put this account on the head of their ancient Shenfeng tribe.

But Long Jiuhan was different.

This guy is the contemporary god son of the ancient sacred dragon clan, and is among the top ten in the Zhongyu Tianjiao list.

If Long Jiuhan really fell to the ancient gods and phoenix clan, the ancient gods and phoenix clan and the ancient sacred dragon clan would be completely guilty.

Although the ancient gods and phoenix clan are not afraid of the ancient sacred dragon clan, but there are really more enemies like the ancient sacred dragon clan, and it is also a very troublesome thing for the ancient gods and phoenix clan.

It is precisely because of this.

Feng Qi genius had no choice but to rescue Long Jiuhan.

“Since senior wants to save his life, I won’t kill him today.”

Jiang Chen is naturally not a person who is ignorant of practice.

With his current strength, even with all his cards, he can hardly compete with the powerhouse of God King Seventh Stage.

not to mention……

There is more than one strong man above the Seventh Stage of the ancient gods of the Phoenix tribe.

Since the ancient Shenfeng tribe wanted to save Long Jiuhan’s life, it was almost impossible for him to kill Long Jiuhan in the ancient Shenfeng tribe.

“Thanks a lot.”

Feng Qitian smiled slightly, and immediately raised his hand with a wave, and the power that had imprisoned the starry sky dissipated.

With a move of Jiang Chen’s palm, the Wanzhang Sacred Dragon Stele shrank sharply in the starry sky, and finally disappeared in front of Jiang Chen out of thin air.

“Long Jiuhan, you have lost this competition, so go back.”

Feng Qitian couldn’t help turning his gaze to Long Jiuhan, who was horrified behind him, and his faint voice resounded in the starry sky.

Long Jiuhan clenched his fists, his expression ugly to the extreme.

As the son of the ancient sacred dragon clan, one of the ten great arrogances on the Zhongyu Tianjiao list, how arrogant is Long Jiuhan?


In this battle, Jiang Chen completely shattered his former glory.

Long Jiuhan didn’t expect that the existence of an ant in front of him more than two years ago had grown to such a point now.

But at this moment.

No matter how hard it was for Long Jiuhan to accept it, he had to accept this cruel reality.

Because he knew very well that if Feng Qishan hadn’t made a move at a critical time before, I’m afraid he would really be crushed by the sacred dragon stele in Jiang Chen’s hands.

He raised his head and glanced at Jiang Chen, who stood proudly in the starry sky. He immediately flickered and disappeared into place out of thin air.

Long Jiuhan was defeated!

Looking at the starry sky, the square below also fell into deathly silence.

The eyes of many ancient people are still filled with shock that is hard to conceal.

No one could have imagined that the dignified ancient sacred dragon clan god son, the seventh-ranked god king Third Stage Tianjiao, would have lost this way.

Moreover, the person who defeated Long Jiuhan was still an existence who was only in the Heavenly Sovereign Realm.

Defeating the top ten Divine King Realm Tianjiao with the Tianzun Realm in the Central Region Tianjiao Ranking is probably unique in the history of the Divine Realm Continent.

Seeing that Long Jiuhan disappeared, Jiang Chen did not stay too much in the starry sky.

His figure flashed, he landed directly from the starry sky, and landed in front of Gu Feng’er under countless shocking gazes on the square.

“Girl, your Big Brother didn’t let you down, right.”

Looking at Gu Feng’er in front of him, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but smile.

Gu Feng’er smiled sweetly: “I know that Jiang Chen Big Brother will always be the best.”

Back then, Jiang Chen used his own power to completely wear the blood spirit race in the Xuanling Continent.

Now that he has come to God’s Domain Continent, Jiang Chen’s demeanor remains the same.

Even if compared to Long Jiuhan’s top mid-domain arrogant, Jiang Chen is still better than him.

With Long Jiuhan’s defeat, naturally no one would dare to challenge Jiang Chen again.

To know.

Long Jiuhan is ranked seventh in the Zhongyu Tianjiao list. Jiang Chen’s ability to defeat Long Jiuhan is enough to prove that he has at least a strength comparable to the top five in the Zhongyu Tianjiao list.

With the existence of such an evildoer, who would dare to challenge easily?

Some people who had previously deliberately shot Jiang Chen couldn’t help but feel fortunate.

Fortunately, I haven’t been the first person to come forward.

Even Long Jiuhan is not Jiang Chen’s opponent. If they attack Jiang Chen, it will be no different from sending them to the door for death.

Jiang Chen naturally ignored the thoughts of the young Tianjiao present.

After chatting with Gu Feng’er for a while, he couldn’t help but swept his eyes slightly on the square, and said softly: “Girl, are the people from the Northern Ming Sect come today?”

“The Beiming Divine Sect and the ancient Shenfeng clan have always had a good relationship. Naturally, they will send people to participate in this event, but Qingxue Big sis doesn’t seem to be here.”

Gu Feng’er frowned, and a look of doubt passed across her delicate face.

Today’s grand gathering was prepared for her by the ancient gods and phoenix clan.

Logically speaking, after Qingxue Big sis got the news, there was no reason not to come to the ancient Shenfeng clan to participate in this grand event.

But now Meng Qingxue has not appeared, which inevitably makes Gu Feng’er a little confused.

“Where are the people from the North Ming Divine Sect, take me to see you.”

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, and a sharp cold light flashed in his eyes!

Jiang Chen naturally thought of what Gu Fenger could think of.

Today is the canonization ceremony of Gu Feng’er’s goddess. Unless something happens, Meng Qingxue has no reason not to come to the ancient Shenfeng clan to participate.

Jiang Chen had a feeling that Meng Qingxue probably had an accident in the Northern Ming Sect.

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