Chapter 2205 The Sword Of Time

“You…what is your Sword Technique?”

Seeing that his shot was slashed by Jiang Chen’s understatement, Long Jiuhan couldn’t help but an unbelievable horror appeared in his eyes.

Holy Dragon Spear Technique!

The ancient sacred dragon clan inherited the oldest Zhen clan magical technique, and it is also one of the ten famous assault magical arts on the Continent of Gods.

Since Long Jiuhan mastered the Holy Dragon Spear Technique, it was the first time he had encountered a person who had broken his Holy Dragon Spear Technique with a single sword.


The guy who broke his holy dragon spearmanship, Cultivation Base is only in the Celestial Realm.

Long Jiuhan couldn’t even imagine how terrifying the power of the sword just now would be if this guy broke through the Divine King Realm?

“Sword Technique that can kill you, try another sword!”

Jiang Chen’s eyes were indifferent, and the golden ancient sword in his hand swept into the void again.


Space oscillates, time flows.

A transparent long sword as thin as autumn water, as if being pulled out of the endless river of time and space by Jiang Chen.

At the moment the sword came out, the entire time and space of the Ten Thousand Miles of Star Dome solidified in an instant, as if completely still.

Even Long Jiuhan’s figure seemed to be frozen in the starry sky at this moment.

Time is a sword!

Qingdi Sword Technique’s second sword after Huafan’s sword was finally used by Jiang Chen at this moment.

“call out!”

Jiang Chen had no expression on his face and swung his sword directly.

The transparent long sword as thin as autumn water pierced through Long Jiuhan’s horrified gaze.


After the transparent long sword was slashed on Long Jiuhan, the time and space of the solidification of the ten thousand li star dome collapsed suddenly, returning to its original appearance again.

And Long Jiuhan, who was cut by the transparent long sword, only felt that his own life span was cut off by Jiang Chen’s sword.

Divine King Realm is powerful, and the lifespan can reach 100 million years.

But Jiang Chen’s sword just now almost cut his lifespan by a tenth!

this moment.

In Long Jiuhan’s eyes, there was finally an unprecedented panic.

The Sword Technique Jiang Chen displayed was really strange and terrifying, and it had completely exceeded his cognition.

In front of this Sword Technique, Long Jiuhan was completely irresistible.

If Jiang Chen slashed so many swords, I am afraid that his hundred million years of life in the Divine King realm will be cut off by Jiang Chen.

“What a weird Sword Technique, this set of Sword Techniques Jiang Chen has displayed is better than the sacred dragon spear technique of the Ten Great Destroying Divine Techniques of God’s Domain Continent. Why have I never heard of it? ”

An ancient god-phoenix clan Elder said in horror.

God King Xuanfeng looked at Jiang Chen in the void, with a complex expression in his eyes.

Not long ago.

She stopped Jiang Chen from coming to participate in this grand gathering at Lieyang Peak. If it weren’t for Gu Feng’er’s face, she would have liked to slap this arrogant boy for fear of death.

But until this moment.

God King Xuanfeng finally realized that he underestimated Jiang Chen.

Long Jiuhan is finally the ten most famous arrogance. Although Cultivation Base is in the third stage of the gods, the combat power is not inferior to hers such as the gods of the fifth stage.

Even Long Jiuhan is at a disadvantage in Jiang Chen’s hands.

Although this guy is arrogant, he has arrogant capital.

“This Sword Technique contains a very high and deep time avenue, even if the Lingxi God Clan ranks third in the top ten attacking magic arts, it may not be comparable to this Sword Technique.”

The headed white-haired Elder said astonishingly: “This Sword Technique may not be the Sword Technique of God’s Domain World!”

Not the Sword Technique of God’s Domain World!

When many Elders of the ancient gods and phoenix clan heard this, their pupils couldn’t help but shrank suddenly.

As one of the oldest forces in the gods, the ancient gods and phoenix clan naturally know many secrets that are difficult for ordinary people to know.

The Divine Realm and the countless lower realm planes that existed depending on the Divine Realm world constituted the Universe they are currently living in.


In the vast world, it is not only the universe of God’s Domain.

According to the records in the ancient gods and phoenix clan, the ancient catastrophe caused the shattering of the gods’ realm, which was closely related to other universes outside the gods’ realm.

Could it be…

Did Jiang Chen get the inheritance of a universe outside of God’s Domain by chance?

“Years and swords, cut again!”


Jiang Chen looked cold and didn’t intend to give Long Jiuhan any chance to breathe. He stepped out directly, and once again used the sword of time, and slashed at Long Jiuhan.


With Jiang Chen’s current strength, it is already the limit to use the sword once and for all.

Now that it is used again, it is obviously a bit reluctant, and the whole person has received the backlash of this sword.

I saw the black hair in his shawl, and a few white silks appeared strangely, but Jiang Chen didn’t care at all, his expression was extremely cold.

For the ancient sacred dragons, Jiang Chen didn’t have any favorable impressions at all.

Now that Long Jiuhan wanted to hit Gu Feng’er’s idea, how could Jiang Chen easily let it go?

Even if he pays some price, he will kill the god son of the ancient sacred dragon clan!


As Jiang Chen swung this sword, the starry sky of Wanli solidified again.

Long Jiuhan didn’t have time to make the slightest movement, so he was held down by an inexplicable force, making it difficult for him to even move his fingers.

Only those eyes showed a look of horror.

“call out!”

There is no trace of the long sword, no trace of time.

The transparent long sword as thin as autumn water drew across Long Jiuhan’s body, and did not seem to cause any harm to Long Jiuhan.

But Long Jiuhan looked like a young man in his early twenties, and instantly turned into a middle-aged man in his forties.

Jiang Chen’s sword almost cut off nearly one-third of his lifespan.

“It seems that it is not easy to cut this guy’s lifespan.”

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but let out a low whisper in his heart.

The Azure Emperor Sword Technique is certainly powerful, whether it is a sword of Huafan or a sword of time, it is a power that surpasses the Martial Dao of the gods, and it is difficult to resist.


This Sword Technique is not invincible.

With the Cultivation Base of Jiang Chen’s four-star Tianzun, he was still a little reluctant to use the second style of Qingdi Sword Technique.

He used the sword of time twice in a row, only to cut off a half of Long Jiuhan’s lifespan, and he was backlashed by the force of time, and lost a lot of lifespan.

If he continues to use the sword of time, even if he can cut out Long Jiuhan’s life, he himself will probably have to pay a heavy price.

The sword of these years, for the current Jiang Chen, is undoubtedly a trick to injure the enemy a thousand and harm himself by 800.

“Ah… Jiang Chen, I’m going to kill you!”

Seeing that his billion-year life was cut in half by the two swords that Jiang Chen had downplayed, Long Jiuhan couldn’t help but let out a ferocious roar.

When he moved his palm, a simple token that seemed to come from the ancient times, also emerged out of his palm out of thin air…

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