Chapter 2204 Holy Dragon Spear Technique

on the square.

Everyone looked at Jiang Chen, who was not at a disadvantage in the starry sky, and there was a touch of horror that could not be concealed in their eyes.

Long Jiuhan!

The ancient god son of the holy dragon tribe, with the three-star Tianzun to prove the peerless arrogance of the Taoist king, the Cultivation Base has reached the third stage of the gods, and the combat power is comparable to the gods of the Fifth Stage.

But Jiang Chen, who was not in the Cultivation Base of the Heavenly Venerable Realm, had the strength to rival Long Jiuhan.

This is really incredible.

“How can this be possible with the Heavenly Sovereign Realm to counter the three-star Heavenly Sovereign Realm’s Divine King Realm Tianjiao?”

An Elder of the ancient gods and phoenix clan looked at this scene in the void, his expression also looked shocked.

In the cultivation system of God’s Domain.

The Samsung Celestial Venerable is already the Realm of the Realm God Realm, and Jiang Chen is at most a Tristar Celestial Venerable.

Although Samsung Tianzun is also strong and weak to each other.

But any three-star Celestial Venerable can definitely not compete with the Divine King Realm Celestial Pride who can prove the way with the three-star Celestial Venerable.

The first white-haired Elder said surprisingly: “It’s not impossible, if this guy has surpassed the Realm of Samsung Tianzun.”

Many ancient gods and phoenix clan Elders heard this, their complexion suddenly changed.

“This is impossible!”

“That place hasn’t been opened for a long time. How can there be a presence beyond the three-star Celestial in the God’s Domain Continent today?”

An ancient kamikaze Elder cried out in disbelief.

“Who knows?”

White-haired Elder whispered: “No matter what, this is extraordinary. The ancient gods and phoenix clan must not target him again, and don’t interfere with his relationship with the goddess of the heavenly phoenix.”

Long Jiuhan is the God King Realm Tianjiao ranked seventh in the Zhongyu Tianjiao list.

Jiang Chen can compete with the Cultivation Base of the Celestial Realm, and his talent is beyond imagination.

Once he proves the Dao God King, even the number one on the Zhongyu Tianjiao list may not necessarily be Jiang Chen’s opponent.

The Heavenly Phoenix Goddess can have such a Big Brother, and it is not a bad thing for their ancient God Phoenix tribe.

And when everyone in the square was shocked by the situation in front of them.

Starry sky.

Long Jiuhan took a deep breath, his whole body’s strength exploded to the extreme at this moment.

After the test just now, Long Jiuhan has already very clear that now Jiang Chen’s strength has completely surpassed his imagination.

Today, he wants to kill Jiang Chen, I’m afraid he has to pay some price.


The internal energy of Long Jiuhan’s body surged wildly, and the majestic ice avenue’s supernatural power instantly turned into ice dragons circling and flying around Long Jiuhan’s body.

Long Jiuhan stepped on the void and held a spear that was crystal-clear as jade. The spear was like a cast of ten thousand years of profound ice. The whole body was cold and glowing, and it exuded a terrifying force that was enough to freeze the soul.

“Jiang Chen, although I have to admit, almost no one is your opponent in this God’s Domain Continent under Realm.”

“But… you want to compete with me with the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, but it’s still not enough!”

Long Jiuhan’s eyes were extremely sharp.

A huge black hole slammed into the void on the soles of his feet, and his figure appeared above Jiang Chen’s head in a flash.

“Holy Dragon Spear Technique, Wan Long Yin!”

He only heard a cold scream, and the ice crystal spear in Long Jiuhan’s hand spear thrust out directly.


Spear shadows covering the sky and the sun shrouded Jiang Chen.


In the sky full of gun shadows, there seemed to be countless dragons’ voices, a stern and violent killing, instantly turning Jiang Chen’s body space into nothingness.

Holy dragon spear method, one of the ancient sacred dragon tribe’s great skills of the town, is also the most overbearing attacking technique of the ancient sacred dragon tribe.

Even if Long Jiuhan used it once, he would have to pay no small price.

In order to kill Jiang Chen this time, Long Jiuhan didn’t have the slightest reservation at all, and he used his strongest power as soon as he shot.

“It turned out to be the sacred dragon spear technique. I didn’t expect Long Jiuhan to directly use this spear technique.”

When everyone looked at Long Jiuhan’s horrible shot, they were all exclaimed.

Sacred Dragon Spear Technique, this is the ancient Sacred Dragon Clan’s Sacred Art, even in the entire Divine Region Continent, it is well-known, known as the top ten attacking techniques of the Divine Region, and it is extremely powerful and overbearing.

Using Long Jiuhan’s strength to use this holy dragon spear technique, even the average god king Fifth Stage might have to retreat.

Then Jiang Chen might be dead.

“Seven Star Heavenly Sword Art!”

Looking at Long Jiuhan’s terrifying shot, Jiang Chen’s pupils couldn’t help but shrink slightly.

I saw the golden ancient sword in his hand flashed out of thin air, echoing the Northern Dipper star map above his head, and then merged into one, turning into a Star Heaven Sword and collided with the spear shadow in the sky.


He only heard a loud noise, a terrifying starry sky storm, instantly turning the sky into chaos.

Under the impact of the terrifying starry sky storm.

Jiang Chen also stepped back into the void for a distance of thousands of feet.

The origin of the realm gods of the realm of realm gods still has an essential gap compared with the divine power of the great grandeur of the realm of gods.

Long Jiuhan is also the top talent on the Zhongyu Tianjiao list. Whether it is talent or foundation, he is one of the best in God’s Domain Continent.

Although Jiang Chen is a four-star heavenly sovereign, he has also cultivated the Azure Emperor Longevity Art, and the origin of the realm god in his body is more than a hundred times thicker than the three-star heavenly sovereign.

But in the face of Long Jiuhan and other Tianjiao figures, he obviously couldn’t ask for any advantage.

Seeing that Jiang Chen blocked own’s shot, Long Jiuhan’s expression did not change at all.

The spear technique in his hand suddenly changed, and the spear shadow over the sky instantly condensed on the tip of the spear, and then turned into an ice holy dragon across the starry sky, roaring out at Jiang Chen.

“Holy Dragon Spear Technique, Dragon God Fury!”

Feeling the terrifying power contained in the ice holy dragon, Jiang Chen couldn’t help taking a deep breath.

The Azure Emperor Longevity Art in his body was also urged to the extreme in an instant, and then with an incomparable strength, he slashed at the ice holy dragon.

Qingdi Sword Technique, transforming a sword!


Jiang Chen struck the ice holy dragon with this sword, and there was no unexpected shocking collision.

I saw that after Sword Ray submerged into the body of the ice holy dragon, the power contained in the ice holy dragon was directly weakened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It’s just a moment.

The ice sacred dragon that was enough to shake the god king Fifth Stage sky had already lost more than half of its power.

Jiang Chen raised his hand to cut out a Sword Qi, smashing the ice holy dragon to pieces.


Although a sword smashed the Frozen Sacred Dragon, Jiang Chen’s expression did not show any joy, on the contrary, he added a touch of unprecedented solemnity.

When he used the sword of Huafan, it almost cut off Long Xingyun’s First Stage Cultivation Base with one sword.

Now facing Long Jiuhan, this sword has only broken Long Jiuhan’s spear technique, and Long Jiuhan himself has not been affected by Huafan’s sword at all.

This guy in front of him… really is much more difficult to deal with than the Dragon Nebula of the God King Fourth Stage sky.

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