Chapter 2185 Dragon Nebula


As Jiang Chen turned the Azure Emperor Longevity Secret Art, and continuously injected the origin of the world god into the sacred dragon stele, the response of the sacred dragon stele became more and more intense.


The entire Sacred Dragon Mountain peak, as if it had been hit by an earthquake, began to shake.

Under the urging of Jiang Chen, the sacred dragon stele also gave out a burst of silver light.

After a while.

I saw the Sacred Dragon Tablet flew out from the top of Sacred Dragon Mountain, and then slowly turned into a three-foot-long stone tablet, directly appearing in Jiang Chen’s palm.

“Unexpectedly, after cultivating the Azure Emperor Longevity Art, it would be so easy to spur the holy dragon stele.”

Looking at the sacred dragon stele floating in his palm, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

It seems…

This sacred dragon stele is closely related to Emperor Xu Qing, the sword fairy who taught him the Azure Emperor Longevity Art.

Even Xu Qingdi, the sword immortal, is most likely the owner of this sacred dragon stele.


The demon Wuxue who had been hiding in secret to protect Jiang Chen’s law also looked surprised.

Since coming to Shenglong Mountain, Demon Bloodless has tried every means to obtain the Holy Dragon Stele for the past few years, but ultimately failed.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen mastered the Holy Dragon Stele so easily two years after Insight into the Holy Dragon Stele.


Thinking of Jiang Chen’s terrifying talent to easily crush the God King Second Stage Heaven with the Heavenly Venerable Realm, Yao Wuxue felt relieved.

If even a genius like Jiang Chen can’t reap the Sacred Dragon Stele, who else can conquer it?

Yao Wuxue shook his head. Just as he was about to show up to congratulate Jiang Chen, a sneer that seemed to come from thousands of miles away was ghostly rippling over Shenglong Mountain.

“Tsk tusk… I really can’t find a place to break through the iron shoes. It’s all effortless to get it.”

“It seems that my Dragon Xingyun was lucky this time. Not only did I find the ancient holy dragon wanted person, but I even found the traitor’s holy dragon stele!”

The sudden voice also caused the complexions of Jiang Chen and Ji Wuxue to change suddenly.

They looked up and followed the sound, and they saw a silver-haired man with sword eyebrows and stars stepping into the sky from the distant sky with the might of the Rolling God King’s Avenue.

“What a strong breath!”

Yao Wuxue looked at the silver-haired man who was coming with overwhelming pressure, and his heart was also shocked.

The great power exuding from this silver-haired man is many times stronger than the existence of the Second Stage Heavenly King, the God King!

This silver-haired man is probably at least a strong man in the God King Third Stage Heaven and even God King Fourth Stage Heaven.

“A member of the ancient holy dragon tribe?”

Jiang Chen stared at the silver-haired man in front of him, his eyes cold involuntarily: “As expected of the top clan of the Gods Domain Continent, I didn’t expect you to be able to find here.”

He has been.

He escaped into the eternal void, no matter the ancient holy dragon clan or the human palace, it is impossible to find his whereabouts in the endless eternal void.

Until this moment.

Jiang Chen discovered that he still has some means to underestimate the top powers of the Gods Domain Continent.

“Even though the ancient sacred dragons are powerful, they don’t have the ability to find you out of the eternal void.”

Long Xingyun shook his head and said: “You don’t even know how much the Ji clan and my ancient sacred dragon clan paid to find you!”

In order to find Jiang Chen in the eternal void.

The ancient Sacred Dragon Clan and the Ji Clan sent people to the Dongxuan God Clan, and paid a great price to ask the Dongxuan God Clan to deduce the whereabouts of Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen is the existence of the emperor’s luck, even the Dongxuan god clan who is good at deduction, it is difficult to deduct easily at all.

Until not long ago.

The Profound Cave God Clan barely deduced some information and gave them a rough range.

This range is exactly the Holy Dragon heaven created by the traitor of the ancient Holy Dragon clan!

The ancient sacred dragons no longer hesitate now, and directly dispatched Long Xingyun to this area to find out.

After Long Xingyun came to this eternal void, he only asked for a little bit, and he got the news that the relic of the holy dragon had come out.

Long Xingyun thought for the first time that this so-called relic of the holy dragon was most likely the holy dragon world exiled by the traitor of the ancient holy dragon clan.

Without the slightest hesitation, he drove over directly to the ruins of the holy dragon.

With the powerful strength of the Dragon Nebula God King Fourth Stage Tian, ​​it didn’t take much time to explore half of the relics of the holy dragon and found Jiang Chen in the holy dragon mountain.

What makes Long Xingyun ecstatic is that.

He was still in Jiang Chen’s hands and saw the divine object that the traitor had once acquired, the Holy Dragon Stele!

According to the records of the ancient sacred dragon tribe, the sacred dragon stele in that person’s hand is at least a strong fetish comparable to the Xiantian Dao Item.

Back then, with the Holy Dragon Stele and the Cultivation Base of the God King’s Fourth Stage, he was able to suppress the power of the God King’s Seventh Stage.

In the battle of the ancient Sacred Dragon Clan to destroy the Sacred Dragon Palace, it even shot three powerhouses over the Seventh Stage of the God King before defeating them!

For this sacred dragon stele, the ancient sacred dragons have always wanted it very much.


In the battle that year, before his death, the traitor expelled the core area of ​​the holy dragon world from the spatial turbulence and sealed it, and their ancient holy dragons ultimately failed to obtain the holy dragon stele.

Now that the ancient holy dragon clan dreamed of the holy dragon monument, it just appeared in front of him, how can this not make Long Xingyun ecstatic?

“Hehe…you two people really look up to me.”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly: “It’s a pity…Since you found me at a huge price, you shouldn’t be the only one to come to this eternal void.”

“Jiang Chen, you are really not your average self-confidence.”

“I heard Long Jiuhan mention your combat power. If there is no absolute certainty, how can I come to the Eternal Void to look for you?”

Long Xingyun looked at Jiang Chen faintly, revealing a strong confidence all over his body.

Although he is not a great genius in the ancient sacred dragon clan, he is also a fourth stage powerhouse from the ancient sacred dragon clan, and his combat power is stronger than the average god king Fourth Stage.

The God King Fourth Stage sky and the God King Third Stage sky are a watershed in the God King Realm.

With his own strength, to deal with Jiang Chen this hairy boy, that is not a hand.


Jiang Chen couldn’t help but lifted a playful smile: “Then I wonder if Long Jiuhan told you that when he met me, I was only in the realm of respect?”

God King Fourth Stage Heavenly Powerhouse!

If he had just left God’s Domain Continent, he might not be an opponent yet.

But during this period of time, he first used the Dao Sword Pond to break through the four-star Celestial Venerable in one fell swoop, bringing his strength Ascension to a whole new level.

This time Insight Holy Dragon Monument.

Jiang Chen was even more successful in cultivating the Azure Emperor Longevity Technique, a Cultivation Technique that is more powerful than the Taixu Sacred Dragon Diagram, and his strength has exploded to a level.

Although Jiang Chen didn’t know how much his current combat power had reached.

At least the Dragon Nebula in the fourth stage of the god king in front of him can pose no threat to him at all!

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