Chapter 2186 God of War King Fourth Stage

Long Xingyun was slightly taken aback.

When he felt the breath on Jiang Chen’s body, his eyes sank slightly: “Have you broken through the heavenly realm?”

The last time Long Jiuhan clearly told him that Jiang Chen only had the Cultivation Base of the Divine Realm.

Long Xingyun obviously did not expect it.

This time when he found Jiang Chen in the Eternal Void, Jiang Chen had already broken through the Heavenly Sovereign Realm.

When this kid was in the realm, his combat power was no less than the powerhouse of the God King Third Stage Heaven.

Now that the breakthrough heaven is real, isn’t it true that he has the ability to contend with the god king Fourth Stage heaven?

“Jiang Chen, you deserve to be a heaven-defying existence with the emperor’s luck. I didn’t expect that it was only two or three years before you broke through from the earthly realm to the heavenly realm, which is really surprising.”

An icy light flashed through Long Xingyun’s eyes.

The speed of this kid Cultivation Base Ascension is really a bit terrifying, and he definitely can’t give him time to grow.

Once he was allowed to prove the Taoist King, even their ancient holy dragon clan, few people could easily suppress it.

“I can surprise you, but it’s much more than that.”

Jiang Chen curled his lips and glanced at Long Xingyun faintly: “The ancient holy dragons will only send you to deal with me this time. I am afraid that I am doomed to miscalculate.”

“Huh! Don’t be ashamed!”

“Even if you break through the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, you still don’t have the qualifications to be arrogant in front of me!”

The killing intent in Long Xingyun’s eyes exploded, and his momentum changed in vain.

The stars flickered in his eyes, and his breath was ethereal, as if the starry sky dominated the mortal world.


A dazzling Star descended from the sky, rendering the surrounding void a hazy silver star.

Long Xingyun’s long sleeves fluttered, and the boundless majesty of the Star Avenue crashed down, crushing thousands of miles of the sky to faintly collapse.

Jiang Chen carried his hands on his back and stepped on the world, as if he had not been affected by the power of the Star Avenue above his head.

He raised his hand and pointed at Long Xingyun volley, a bright Sword Ray rushed up into the sky, and instantly broke through the power of the Star Avenue in the void, and slashed towards Long Xingyun.

“The Palm of the Heavenly Star!”

Long Xingyun stood under the dim stars, facing Jiang Chen’s sword that opened up the world, his expression was neither joy nor sorrow.

He stretched out his palm and lightly pressed against Jiang Chen.

The power of the Star Avenue in the sky of thousands of miles instantly turned into a giant Star palm that obscured the sky and the sun, like a meteor falling down, with the power of destroying the sky and the earth, pressing against Jiang Chen with one palm.


This sword slammed into each other with a palm, and the sky-shattering explosion instantly swept across the country.

I saw that the palm of Long Xingyun condensed with the divine power of Star Avenue was like a piece of paper, easily crushed by Sword Ray.

After Sword Ray smashed Star’s giant palm, it only slowed down slightly, still carrying a forward momentum, and slashed towards Long Xingyun.

Long Xingyun’s pupils shrank, and the bright stars instantly condensed a Star’s escape in front of him, blocking the straight Sword Ray.


Sword Ray landed on the Star Great Sword and once again broke out with a bang.

I saw Long Xingyun’s body trembled slightly, and his whole body burst into the void in an instant with a distance of tens of thousands of feet.

“The master’s strength is too terrifying!”

Looking at this scene in the void, Yao Wuxue, who had been forced to retreat from Wanli by the battle between the two of Jiang Chen, couldn’t help but breathe in his heart.

He originally thought that Jiang Chen could easily crush his Second Stage Heaven with the Cultivation Base of the Heavenly Venerable Realm. It was already very heaven-defying.

But he didn’t expect that the powerful existence of the god king Fourth Stage Tian in front of him would be suppressed by Jiang Chen!

Tianzun realm suppresses God King Fourth Stage Heaven!

This f*ck shouldn’t be so perverted.

Yao Wuxue was very fortunate in his heart.

Fortunately, he decisively chose to surrender Jiang Chen, otherwise I am afraid that he would not know how he died.

“This kid… really isn’t an ordinary evildoer!”

Long Xingyun strongly suppressed the churning aura in his body, and there was also a touch of horror that was hard to conceal in his gaze towards Jiang Chen.

Although Long Xingyun had foreseen that Jiang Chen, who had broken through the heavenly realm, would be very strong.

But Long Xingyun still didn’t expect that Jiang Chen was already strong enough to easily suppress him.

“Galaxy Cluster God King Road, open it for me!”

With a roar of anger, Long Xingyun no longer had the slightest reservation. Behind it, a Galaxy Cluster measuring forty-one thousand feet long stretched across the sky like the Milky Way of Nine Heavens.


In the Galaxy Cluster, the river that evolved by the power of Star is surging, pouring down like the Galaxy Cluster waterfall above Nine Heavens.

Wherever it went.

It seems that everything between heaven and earth is annihilated into nothingness under the Galaxy Cluster waterfall.

Jiang Chen’s face was expressionless, and the Emperor Sword of the Divine Body and Visionary Man behind him crashed out.


The Sword of Human Emperor faced the sloping Galaxy Cluster waterfall, causing the power of the star pouring down to evaporate in midair in an instant.

It’s just a blink of an eye.

The Galaxy Cluster waterfall pouring down from the tens of thousands of feet of starry sky was all extinguished by the human Emperor Sword.

After the human emperor sword extinguished the Galaxy Cluster waterfall, the remaining prestige on it slashed directly towards the Galaxy Cluster God King Road behind the Dragon Xingyun.

“Jiang Chen, you can have such a combat power with the Cultivation Base of the Celestial Realm. It is indeed a monster to the extreme.”

“But no matter how evil you are, you are destined to die today!”

Long Xingyun was full of murderous intent, and a sword chant containing Sacred Longwei suddenly resounded through the sky and the earth.

The next moment…

An incredible Sword Ray shot out from the silver ancient sword in his hand.


Even the power of Jiang Chen’s divine body visionary imperial sword was instantly smashed by this Sword Ray!

Jiang Chen swept the silver ancient sword in Long Xingyun’s hand slightly, and said lightly: “Your sword is very good!”

“Jiang Chen, I came to Eternal Void this time. Just in case, the senior middle-level clan asked me to bring an ancestor weapon.”

“This is a weapon left by the ancestor Ninth Stage, a god king of my ancient sacred dragon clan. I thought I wouldn’t be able to use it, but now I have to use it to kill you!”

Long Xingyun’s icy voice fell, directly urging the ancient silver sword to slash Jiang Chen!

This sword was so powerful that it was a blow from the five-day powerhouse of the God King, and Jiang Chen also felt a trace of danger from it, and had to avoid the sharp edge for a while!

“Can you hide?”

“I said, no matter how enchanting you are, you are destined to die today!”

With a grinning smile, Long Xingyun directly swung out Sword Ray three times in a row, and the finished glyph slew towards Jiang Chen.

Facing this scene, Jiang Chen’s expression remained unchanged.

“Long Xingyun, if you think that you can kill me with this sword, it would be too strange.”

“Today, I, Jiang Chen, will use the Heavenly Sovereign Realm to kill a God King Fourth Stage to see!”

After speaking, Jiang Chen held the golden ancient sword that emerged out of the air in his palm, and drew it out into the void with a slight stroke.

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