Chapter 2184 The Legend Of The Immortal Realm

“People who are destined, I am the sword immortal Emperor Xu Qing, give you the Azure Emperor Longevity Art!”

With this misty sound of Ruoyouruowu sounded in Jiang Chen’s mind, Jiang Chen felt that there was a mysterious operation method in his mind.

Jiang Chen was attracted by this in an instant, and he couldn’t help but mobilize the origin of the realm god in his body to operate according to the method in his mind.

Immediately afterwards.

The sword power of the cyan phantom body continued to explode, and every sword power he passed through Jiang Chen’s body would leave a movement technique in Jiang Chen’s mind.

Although these methods are extremely mysterious, in Jiang Chen’s heart, it seems that they are not so obscure.

very quickly.

Jiang Chen integrated these methods of operation and formed a brand-new Cultivation Technique, which replaced the previously cultivated image of the Supreme Void Sacred Dragon.

at the same time.

A system reminder sound also instantly sounded in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“Ding! You successfully cultivated the Cultivation Technique, the Azure Emperor Longevity Technique!”

Hearing the prompt sound from the system, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but startled slightly.

Fairy Cultivation Technique?

What level of Cultivation Technique is this?


Although Jiang Chen didn’t know exactly what kind of Cultivation Technique the Azure Emperor Longevity Secret Art was, it was definitely much stronger than the Taixu Sacred Dragon Diagram he had cultivated.

He cultivated the Azure Emperor Longevity Art, although the Cultivation Base has not changed much.

But the essence of the world god condensed in the body was many times more than before!


This Qingdi Longevity Art is a kendo peak powerhouse cultivation Cultivation Technique.

Compared with the Taixu Sacred Dragon, the Azure Emperor Longevity Art is undoubtedly more compatible with him.

In fact, after breaking through the realm of the realm, Jiang Chen wanted to seek a Cultivation Technique that was more suitable for him, but unfortunately he never encountered a Cultivation Technique that satisfies him.

Even Ji Tianyou’s Cultivation Technique stayed in Tianyou Hall, Jiang Chen didn’t really appreciate it.

Now that he obtained the Azure Emperor’s Longevity Secret Art through this sacred dragon stele, Jiang Chen was naturally very satisfied.

What surprised Jiang Chen most was.

Under the guidance of the cyan phantom, he did not spend much time fully mastering the Azure Emperor Longevity Secret Art, which undoubtedly saved a lot of trouble.

Without the help of the blue phantom, even if the system triggers a hundredfold comprehension, it will probably take a lot of time to cultivate into the Azure Emperor Longevity Art.

“Sword Immortal Emperor Xu Qing, I really don’t know what a peerless existence this one is…”

Jiang Chen glanced at the cyan phantom that had long disappeared without a trace, and he couldn’t help but let out a low whisper.

At this moment, the surrounding space gradually dissipated. Before Jiang Chen could react, he felt that he had returned to the front of the Holy Dragon Stele again.

“Boy, what did you encounter in the Holy Dragon Stele, this time Insight actually took two full years?”

Before Jiang Chen could come back to his senses, the voice of Shenglongtian Palace Spirit rang in his mind.

Jiang Chen was shocked: “What? Two years have passed?”

He thought he was just staying in that mysterious space for a while, who knew that two years had passed outside!

“No doubt, two full years have passed since you started insight into the Holy Dragon Stele.”

“Although your Cultivation Base did not have Ascension in the past two years, I can clearly feel that your strength has been getting stronger.”

The Holy Dragon Palace exclaimed: “I’m really curious, what exactly did you encounter during the insight of the Holy Dragon Stele.”

Regarding the Holy Dragon Heaven Palace Spirit, Jiang Chen did not conceal it, and directly explained what happened to the Insight Holy Dragon Stele.

Hearing the words of the Holy Dragon Palace Spirit, it was also speechless for a long time.

After a while, he looked incredibly authentic: “Boy, are you sure that the Cultivation Technique you cultivate is called the Azure Emperor Longevity Technique?”

Hearing these words, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but his spirits shook: “Hall Spirit senior, have you heard the Azure Emperor Longevity Secret Art?”

“I have never heard of the Azure Emperor Longevity Art, but the name of this Cultivation Technique is very shocking.”

Shenglongtian Palace said slowly: “Especially the word eternal life, it reminds me of an extremely ancient legend in the world of God’s Domain.”

Jiang Chen’s heart moved: “What ancient legend?”

“Longevity, for any practitioner in God’s Domain, it is almost always a dream thing.”

“But even if it is the God King of Enlightenment, and even the dominance above the God King, although the life span is extremely long, it can’t truly be detached and gain longevity.”

Shenglongtian Palace Ling sighed slightly.


He was silent for a while and said, “In some ancient legends in God’s Domain, there is a Realm above the Domination Realm. This Realm is called the Immortal Realm!”


Jiang Chen’s pupils suddenly shrank!

“The Immortal Realm, as the name suggests, is to transcend the avenue and gain immortality.”

“The Cultivation Technique you got can actually be named as a long life, which is really incredible!”

The Holy Dragon Palace Lingyu said astonishingly: “I have a bold conjecture. This Azure Emperor Longevity Art may be a Cultivation Technique that directly points to the immortal realm!”

When Jiang Chen heard the words, his heart was shaken.

This Azure Emperor Longevity Secret Art is really a Cultivation Technique that directly points to the Immortal Realm?

Could it be that the existence of Emperor Xu Qing who claimed to be the Sword Immortal was the failure of an immortal realm powerhouse?

“Boy, don’t think too much.”

“No matter what, the Azure Emperor Longevity Art you get is more powerful than the Ancient Saint Dragon Cultivation Technique Taixu Saint Dragon Diagram.”

“Even if the Azure Emperor Longevity Art is as I guess, the immortal state is too far away for you.”

At this moment, the voice of the heavenly palace spirit of the temple rang again.

Jiang Chen also shook his head, no longer thinking about it.

He is still some distance away from breaking through the Divine King Realm, not to mention that there is a Domination Realm between the Immortal Realm and the Divine King Realm.

The matter of the immortal realm is indeed not something he can consider now.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and immediately set his gaze on the Holy Dragon Tablet in front of him again.

The feeling of this sacred dragon stele to Jiang Chen is really too mysterious.

In any case, he had to find a way to put this Holy Dragon Tablet into his own bag.


Jiang Chen looked at the Baizhang Sacred Dragon Stele in front of him, and suddenly he didn’t know how to start.

He couldn’t help asking in his heart: “Dian Ling senior, you know how the Holy Dragon King senior controlled this Holy Dragon Stele in the first place.”

“do not know.”

The Spirit of the Palace of Shenglongtian said straightforwardly: “If you want to control the Holy Dragon Monument, you can only rely on yourself.”

Jiang Chen had to shook his head helplessly.

He tried to pull out the sacred dragon monument forcefully, but found that with his current physical strength, it was impossible to shake the sacred dragon monument at all.

Jiang Chen frowned slightly, and immediately activated the Azure Emperor Longevity Art.

And at the moment Jiang Chen urged the Azure Emperor Longevity Art, I saw the Holy Dragon Stele, which had not been moving, but suddenly trembled slightly.

“The Azure Emperor’s Longevity Art can actually have a reaction with the Sacred Dragon Stele.”

Jiang Chen was overjoyed in his heart, and quickly urged the Azure Emperor’s Longevity Art with all his strength, and the origin of the realm god in his body was also frantically rushing towards the sacred dragon stele.

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