Chapter 2174 This Damn Immortal Heavenly Skill

Great Wilderness Ancient Land, Great Wilderness Mountain.

This was originally the location of the Great Desolate Divine Sect, the only god king force in the Great Desolate Realm.

A few months ago.

The Cangyou God King was born and founded the Cangyou Temple in the Great Desolate Realm, and with the power of thunder, the Great Desolate Sect was destroyed and occupied the Great Desolate Mountain.

Today’s Great Desolate Mountain has become the site of the Cangyou Temple.

In the Cangyou Temple, in an empty and silent Great Hall.

I saw a monstrous dark figure sitting cross-legged in the middle of the Great Hall, shining with an extremely strange light.

This dark shadow is naturally the master of the Cangyou Temple, the Cangyou God King.

After the brilliance of God King Cangyou flickered for a while, he finally opened his eyes suddenly, and his complexion instantly became extremely difficult to look at.

“This damn immortal creator of Heavenly Art!”

God King Cangyou cursed secretly, and a look of helplessness appeared in his eyes.

Indestructible Heavenly Art, this is undoubtedly a heaven-defying extremely powerful Cultivation Technique.

But if he was given another chance to choose, he would never choose cultivation Cultivation Technique anyway.

Back then, God King Cangyou was lucky enough to obtain Immortal Art in the Divine Realm Continent. Naturally, he could not resist the temptation of this Cultivation Technique, and cultivated this Peerless Cultivation Technique, which is known as the immortal and immortal.


When he cultivated such a Cultivation Technique to the extremely advanced Realm, when he condensed the immortal body.

Only then did God King Cangyou discover that someone in the underworld had controlled him, and that the other party could take away everything that belonged to him at any time through the Immortal Heavenly Art.

This so-called indestructible heavenly power is basically a conspiracy by those who create an indestructible heavenly power.

He cultivated the immortal power, and even cultivated himself into a god seed, which could be absorbed by the other party at any time and turned into other people’s nourishment.

God King Cangyou was very unwilling.

He wanted to get rid of the control of the immortal heavenly power, tried various methods, but still failed.

To the end.

God King Cangyou even wanted to seek relief by death.

But he cultivated the immortal power, the power of immortality was born in his body, and even the immortal body was condensed, and as a result, he couldn’t die if he wanted to die.

He had deliberately rushed into a large sect of the god king, and was pierced by the sword formation of the god king Sect, but the damn immortal body still allowed him to survive.

And every time he died, his immortal body would become stronger.

The God King Cangyou didn’t even dare to die!

Because he knew that he had died more often, and once he became stronger to a certain extent, he would be destined to become that person’s nourishment.

The God King Cangyou was extremely desperate.

In desperation, God King Cangyou chose to escape.

He escaped from the Continent of God’s Domain and escaped into the eternal void, along the way to the blue and secluded world of the wasteland to the south of the eternal void.

God King Cangyou originally thought.

As long as you escape far enough, you may be able to get rid of the torture of the immortal power, but the result is whimsical.

After he broke through the Divine King Realm in the Cangyou Realm, the feeling of being controlled became more and more intense.

He has a hunch.

If the cultivation continues, he will probably be swallowed by the creator of the immortal heavenly power soon!

The God King Cangyou was mad.

At this moment, the Great Desolate Divine Sect learned the news that he had broken through the Divine King Realm, and that Great Desolate Divine King led people into the Cangyou Realm.

God King Cangyou wanted to die with all his heart, but the Great Desolate God King couldn’t kill him, so he finally chose to seal him.

This seal is hundreds of millions of years old.

God King Cangyou originally thought that after so many years, he might be able to get rid of this damn immortal creator of Heavenly Art.

But not long ago, that feeling appeared again!

The world thinks that he is in charge of the immortal Cultivation Technique indestructible heavenly power, but is the immortal and indestructible god king realm power.

But does anyone know.

His Cangyou Divine King was nothing more than a god-seed kept in captivity by others.

“What an immortal creator, since he is destined to be unable to get rid of you, he can only fight with you!”

God King Cangyou took a deep breath, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

In the past, he was worried about being swallowed, and he had not dared to Ascension strength.

This time.

God King Cangyou didn’t intend to escape, he no longer thought about when the creator of the immortal heavenly power would swallow him.

He wants to be crazy. Ascension strength, seize every opportunity. Ascension strength!

He believes that as long as the strength is strong enough, he may not be able to compete with the creator of the immortal heavenly power!

It is precisely because of this.

Only God King Cangyou will enslave the entire great wilderness world.

He wants all the geniuses in the Great Wilderness Realm to cultivate the Immortal Heavenly Kungfu, and cultivate them all into their own gods, for their own Ascension Cultivation Base!

At this moment, a ghostly black shadow suddenly flashed in from outside the Great Hall and appeared in front of the Cangyou God King.

God King Cangyou glanced at Black Shadow faintly: “Let’s talk, how is the situation outside now?”

“Hallmaster, Hanyuezong is calling for practitioners in the Great Wilderness Realm to fight together against the Cangyou Temple.”

“Including those Sect remnants that were destroyed by us, have responded to the call of the Cold Moon Sect to go to the Cold Moon Sect.”

The shadow said respectfully.

“very good!”

“Han Yuezong’s move can just cause this seat to wipe out those who resisted the Cangyou Temple, but it can save a lot of trouble.”

“In that case, I will give them a few more months.”

Divine light flashed in the eyes of God King Cang You.

He coldly said: “The order is passed down, all the world gods of the Cangyou Temple, Venerable, will go with this seat to calm down the Hanyue Sect in three months!”

Han Yuezong.

Since Jiang Chen forced the Queen of Cangyou to retreat, Ji Wushuang and Haoyue Venerable have begun to call on the practitioners of the Great Wilderness to fight against the Cangyou Temple.

The Cangyou Temple enslaved the Great Desolate Realm, which originally caused dissatisfaction from many forces.

Countless forces that decided to fight to the death have responded one after another.

Including the Qingming Sword Sect that had been destroyed by the Cangyou Temple, some of the surviving people in their Sect all came to the Cold Moon Sect together.

Just one or two months.

The Cold Moon Sect has almost gathered half of the powerhouses in the great wilderness.

Regarding these things, Jiang Chen naturally didn’t pay attention to it at all, and cultivated in Han Yuezong Closed Door Training.

Although God King Cangyou said that his strength was not weak and he had cultivated the extremely weird Immortal Heavenly Art, Jiang Chen didn’t take it too seriously at all.

Compared with the Human Palace and the ancient holy dragons of the Gods Domain Continent, a Cangyou God King is really nothing.

For Jiang Chen now, the most important thing is cultivation.

He wants to absorb the power of the Great Dao Sword Pond, break through the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, and then prove the Dao as the Sword God King as soon as possible.

With the terrifying potential of his four-star realm god, once he breaks through the God King realm, he can directly reach the God King Fourth Stage and even the God King Fifth Stage.

By the time.

Even in the face of the powerful presence of God King Sixth Stage Heaven and even God King Seventh Stage Heaven, he is fully qualified to fight!

It can be said.

Only by breaking through the Divine King Realm, he is barely qualified to contend with the top powers of the Divine Realm Continent!

Tianyou Temple.

Jiang Chen sat cross-legged in the Dao Sword Pond, frantically absorbing the power of the Dao Sword Pond. The origin of the sword in his body also grew rapidly at a terrifying speed…

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