Chapter 2173 The Mystery A Million Years Ago

“Chen’er, Cangyou God King is too strong, even the Great Desolate God King has been killed by him, you should leave the Great Desolate Realm as soon as possible.”

“I know that you have some friendship with the Eternal Temple. As long as you go to the Eternal Temple, even the Cangyou Divine King would not dare to attack you easily.”

Ji Wushuang took a deep breath and quickly persuaded Jiang Chen.

Although Ji Wushuang didn’t know how strong Jiang Chen’s combat power was, it was definitely not an easy task to contend with the power of the Divine King Realm with the Divine Realm Realm.


Divine King Cangyou is not an ordinary Divine King Realm great power.

If Jiang Chen stays in the Great Wilderness Realm, it is undoubtedly very dangerous.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said, “Okay, as long as mother is willing, I will take you to the Eternal Temple.”

Upon hearing this, Ji Wushuang couldn’t help but twist her eyebrows tightly.

She suffered from the grievances of Elder, the Supreme Supreme Being of the Cold Moon Sect, so naturally she couldn’t just watch the death of the Cold Moon Sect.

But Ji Wushuang knew very well.

If she didn’t leave, Jiang Chen would definitely not leave her easily, and his heart would struggle for a while.

“Mother, don’t have to be so entangled. I was once a member of the Cold Moon Sect. Once the crisis of the Cold Moon Sect is resolved, we will leave again.”

As if seeing through Ji Wushuang’s thoughts, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but chuckle.

Ji Wushuang smiled bitterly: “Chen’er, that is the Cangyou Divine King who can kill even the Divine King, can you really deal with it?”

“Mother, from the Profound Spirit Continent to this God Realm world, have I ever let you down?”

Jiang Chen smiled proudly, his faint voice seemed domineering: “Don’t worry, I walked this way, it’s not that the Divine King Realm has never been killed!”

Ji Wushuang was startled slightly, and found that it was really the case.

Whether he was in the Profound Spirit Continent or came to the world of God’s Domain, Jiang Chen almost always made the impossible into the possibility, and he never disappointed people.

Thinking of this, Ji Wushuang didn’t feel much anymore.

She was blessed by Elder, the Supreme Supreme Being of the Cold Moon Sect, and obviously didn’t want to see that the Cold Moon Sect suffered the poisonous hand of the Cangyou Temple.

Since Jiang Chen is sure to deal with God King Cangyou, it is naturally best to resolve the crisis for Han Yuezong.

Ji Wushuang no longer struggled with the matter, and looked at Jiang Chen with some doubts: “Chen’er, didn’t you go to the Divine Realm Continent? Why did you suddenly return to the Great Wilderness Realm?”

God’s Domain Continent is located in the center of the Eternal Void, and the Great Desolate Heaven is only the southernmost edge of the Eternal Void.

It should be impossible for Jiang Chen to know the great changes that have taken place in the Great Wilderness World. How could he suddenly return to the Great Wilderness World at this time?

“Back then, the Cangyou God King used the immortal heavenly power to make arrangements, and I had already anticipated that the Great Wilderness Realm would undergo tremendous changes. One of the purposes of returning to the Great Wilderness Realm this time was to resolve this matter.”

When Jiang Chen said this, he paused slightly, and then looked at Ji Wushuang and said, “In addition, there is one more thing related to his mother.”

Ji Wushuang frowned slightly: “It’s related to me?”

“I met a Ji clan in God’s Domain Continent, who has the same bloodline as you…”

Jiang Chen didn’t conceal anything, and told Ji Wushuang about the Ji clan.

Ji Wushuang was also silent for a while when he heard the words.

After a while.

She said astonishingly: “Chen’er, you guessed right, the human race of the Profound Spirit Continent should be related to the two people who lived in the Palace of Humans a million years ago.”

Jiang Chen was shocked: “Mother, you already know about this?”

“I didn’t know before.”

“However, when I was breaking through the realm of the gods some time ago, some fragments of memory suddenly appeared in my mind.”

“I didn’t quite understand it at first, but now I can hear you explain it, but I vaguely understand it.”

Ji Wushuang said quietly.

When Jiang Chen heard Ji Wushuang’s words, a touch of unconcealable horror suddenly appeared on his face: “Mother, is the memory fragment in your mind about those two million years ago?”

“If I expected it to be right, it should be them…”

Ji Wushuang nodded, and immediately stretched out his hand to face Jiang Chen volley a little, and transferred some memory fragments into Jiang Chen’s mind.

It was a tragic battle.

In the center of the battlefield, two peerless figures, a man and a woman, were besieged in the center with a group of powerful men.

They are surrounded by enemies and are in desperate situation.


Those two peerless figures cut off the Cultivation Base of a group of strong men with supreme magical powers and sent them to the lower realm…

When Jiang Chen saw these memory fragments, many doubts in his heart were also easily solved.

Although this fragment of memory is extremely vague, it is impossible to see the faces of the two peerless figures at all, but Jiang Chen can also be sure that they are the two who lived in the Palace of Humans a million years ago.

As for the Xuanling Continent Human Race, in all likelihood, it was established by the two people who were sent to the lower realm plane.

The reason why they were able to appear in the Profound Spirit Continent was that they were cut off from the Cultivation Base by those two!

“Mother, since the Profound Spirit Continent Human Race was established by those two people, where did they go? Do you have any memories of them?”

Jiang Chen suppressed his horror and couldn’t help but continue to ask.

“No, there are only these fragments in my memory.”

Ji Wushuang shook his head, then took a deep breath and said, “If I want to know more, maybe I have to go back to the Ji clan you mentioned.”

“Okay, when the matter of the Cangyou Temple is resolved, I will take you back to the Ji Clan.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flashed with brilliance.

Although the memory fragments of his mother Ji Wushuang solved many doubts in his heart, it also gave him more doubts.

What happened to the two Cultivation Bases that had cut off many followers and sent them to the Profound Spirit Continent?

and also……

His mother, Ji Wushuang, what exactly is her identity? How could she have memories of the two people in the Palace of Human Beings in her mind?

“Let’s talk about this later, now our top priority is to deal with the Cangyou Temple.”

“The Cangyou God King is too weird. It took less than half a year since he was born to build a force that is stronger than the Great Desolate Divine Sect, which is not so easy to deal with.”

“We may be able to call on those forces in the Great Desolation Realm that do not want to be enslaved by the Cangyou Temple to jointly deal with the Cangyou Temple.”

Ji Wushuang groaned slightly.

Jiang Chen faintly smiled and said: “In fact, it doesn’t need to be so troublesome. As long as the Cangyou God King dies, the mere Cangyou Temple can be destroyed with a finger.”

“Leave this matter to me and Haoyue Venerable. You can just deal with God King Cangyou.”

Ji Wushuang’s eyes flickered slightly.

Although she believed that Jiang Chen had the ability to fight against the power of the Divine King Realm, the Divine King Cangyou was definitely not a normal Divine King Realm power.

He cultivated the immortal power, and the previous generation of God Kings of the Great Desolate Sect was unable to kill it, so he could only choose to seal it in the end.

How can such a character be so easy to kill?

This battle with Cangyou Temple could be overwhelmed with a little carelessness, and they had to go all out to do it.

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