Chapter 2175 Cangyou God King, come up for a fight

“Ding! You absorb the kendo energy in the sword pool of the avenue, and the god of the kendo world gains 10000000*100 experience!”

“Ding! You absorb the kendo energy in the sword pool of the avenue, and the god of the kendo world gains 10000000*100 experience!”


Under Jiang Chen’s continuous cultivation.

Time is also like running water, passing quickly.

The river in Jiang Chen’s body opened up by the gods of the kendo world has also become wider and wider.

To the end.

The origin of the vast world gods was completely unable to be contained by that river, directly overflowing from both banks, turning Jiang Chen’s entire Dantian into an ocean.

at the same time.

A pleasant reminder sound also sounded in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“Ding! You succeeded in breaking through the four-star Tianzun!”

Jiang Chen opened his eyes abruptly, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

For the entire three months, after absorbing nearly 90% of the energy of Dao persistence, he finally succeeded in breaking through the four-star Tianzun!

“Finally, it is a breakthrough four-star Tianzun.”

Feeling the vast Realm God Origin Sea in his body, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but let out a low whisper.


Jiang Chen glanced at the little energy left in the Dao Sword Pond, and couldn’t help being speechless for a while.

He used the power of ten ways to break through the four-star realm gods, and the energy required for each Ascension a Realm is really terrifying.

This Dao Sword Pond, which claims to allow the genius of the ordinary world gods to reach the peak of Tianzun, only allowed him to break through from the early stage of the earth to the early stage of the heaven.

Now that he breakthrough Tianzun realm, he wants Ascension next, and the energy he needs will only be more terrifying.

This can be seen.

It is not an easy task for him to reach the peak of Tianzun from the early stage of Tianzun, and then prove the Taoist King.

After shaking his head, Jiang Chen stopped thinking about it.

Stepping from the Earthly Sovereign Realm to the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, his strength has also reached a whole new level.

With his current strength, if he were to face Ji Qianye’s peerless Tianjiao from God’s Domain Continent again, he should also have some strength to resist.

“It’s been three months, and I don’t know what’s going on outside now?”

Thinking that he had been cultivating in Tianyou Hall for three months, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but frowned and stood up from the Great Sword Pond.

Before entering the Tianyou Temple cultivation, Jiang Chen handed his mother Ji Wushuang a jade charm with his own spiritual thoughts, so that his mother could wake him up at a critical moment.

But for three full months, Ji Wushuang had never used jade symbols.

Could it be that God King Cangyou hasn’t done anything in the past three months?

With some doubts, Jiang Chen left Tianyou Hall in a flash and appeared in Hanyue Sect.

He slightly sensed Ji Wushuang’s breath, and then appeared directly in a Great Hall in the center of the Cold Moon Palace.

In the Great Hall, more than a dozen Daoist shadows gathered at this moment.

Moreover, almost everyone’s breath has reached the realm of realm gods.

These people are obviously Venerable, a well-known world god in the Great Wilderness World. Many people have even had a relationship with Jiang Chen in the Great Wilderness Tianjiao Association.

Jiang Chen even saw Mo Jinglei, the god son of the Great Desolate Sect.

Obviously, although the Great Desolate Divine Sect was destroyed, some fire still remained.

The god son of the Great Wild God Sect not only did not fall, but he had an extraordinary chance, and he has become a two-star Venerable with the breakthrough of the gods.

Ji Wushuang looked at Jiang Chen who appeared in the Great Hall, her beautiful eyes lit up: “Chen’er, are you here?”

In the Great Hall, everyone’s eyes were all looking at Jiang Chen.

For Jiang Chen, these Venerable gods of the Great Wilderness are naturally no stranger.

The Great Desolate Tianjiao Club.

Jiang Chen was born, representing Han Yuezong to participate in the Great Wilderness Tianjiao Meeting, and overwhelming all the geniuses in the Great Wilderness Realm, becoming the world’s first natural arrogant of the Great Wilderness Realm.

They also know.

Han Yuezong dared to summon them to fight against the Cangyou Temple, mainly because of Jiang Chen’s return.

It is said that Jiang Chen now has the terrifying ability to contend with the great power of the Divine King Realm.

Jiang Chen ignored the gazes of the people, but asked with a puzzled look: “Mother, has the God King Cangyou haven’t moved during this period of time?”

“Shortly after you Closed Door Training, God King Cangyou has clearly stated that he will step down Hanyue Sect in three months.”

“If I guess right, he is giving us the Cold Moon Sect time, let us gather the people who resisted the Cangyou Temple, so that he can catch them all at once.”

“Counting the time, it should be almost the same now.”

Ji Wushuang said solemnly.

Three months have passed, and the decisive battle between them and the Cangyou Temple is about to begin.

When Jiang Chen heard this, his sword eyebrows couldn’t help but raised slightly.

This Cangyou God King is really not ordinary self-confidence.

Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly sensed something and couldn’t help but smile faintly: “It seems that I came out at the right time, that guy is coming.”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell and appeared directly above Han Yuezong.

His eyes instantly penetrated the endless space and landed on a void a million miles away.


The God King Cangyou is taking dozens of Daoist shadows towards the direction of Hanyuezong.

Not long.

The group of people had already appeared menacingly in the air outside Hanyue Palace.

Among these dozens of people, half of them were dead spirits filled with dead spirits. The strongest aura was even comparable to the Heavenly Venerable Realm, and it was obviously brought by the Cangyou Divine King from the Cangyou Realm.

Jiang Chen even found a familiar figure in this group of undead, surprisingly the profound soul he had conquered in the Cangyou realm.

In addition to these undead.

The remaining half of the people were almost all the world god Venerable of the Great Wilderness World, and they had obviously chosen to surrender the Cangyou Temple.

Seeing the powerful lineup of the Cangyou Temple, Ji Wushuang and others who appeared behind Jiang Chen, their expressions became extremely solemn in an instant.

Although during these three months, the Cold Moon Sect gathered more than a dozen world gods Venerable in the Great Desolate Realm.

But compared with Cangyou Temple, they are undoubtedly at a disadvantage in terms of quality and quantity.

Jiang Chen looked at the Divine King Cangyou who appeared in front of him, and couldn’t help but said indifferently: “Divine King Cangyou, you are finally here.”

“Jiang Chen, your talent is extremely rare even if it is placed in God’s Domain Continent.”

God King Cangyou looked indifferent: “This seat gives you one last chance. If you are willing to surrender to this seat, this seat will spare you not to die!”

The talent of this kid in front of him is extremely enchanting. If he can conquer him and let his cultivation immortal heavenly power, he will surely be able to become a supreme god.

By the time.

He absorbed Jiang Chen’s power again, and his strength must be able to explode quickly.

“It seems that you really didn’t come from the great wilderness.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes narrowed slightly: “Cangyou Divine King, don’t talk nonsense. Today I want to see if your so-called immortal heavenly power can really be immortal like the rumors!”


Jiang Chen rose into the sky, went straight into the tens of thousands of miles of Qingming Void, proudly said: “Cangyou God King, come up for a fight!”

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