Chapter 2158 Killing The Void Demon God, Like Butchering A Chicken And A Dog


Although Jiang Chen had shown great talent and strength at the beginning, he was still a hairy boy in Cultivation Base who was only in the Celestial God Realm.

Now in just a few years.

This guy’s Cultivation Base not only made a breakthrough from the Heavenly God, but also reached the second level of the Realm God Realm, the Divine Realm!

Of course, this is secondary.

What shocked Mo Silent the most was the terrifying power that Jiang Chen showed.

With the Cultivation Base of the Divine Realm, kill the Tier 1 Void Demon God with one sword, and severely damage the Tier 2 Void Demon God with one sword!

Even with Mo’s silent experience, such a monster exists, it is the first time I have seen it.

“Jiang Chen, why are you?”

Mo Wusheng came back to his senses, taking advantage of that Tier 3 Void Demon God was stunned, he flashed directly beside Jiang Chen, and his old eyes couldn’t help but reveal a look of surprise.

Now, one of the five major Void Demon Gods of the Void Demon Race has been beheaded by Jiang Chen, and the remaining Tier 2 Void Demon God was also severely injured by Jiang Chen, and the strength of the Void Demon Race was greatly reduced.

But they have a powerful new force like Jiang Chen.

With Jiang Chen’s existence, they might be able to withstand the attack of the Void Demon Race.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “Something happened to pass by the South Main Hall of your Eternal Temple. I just heard that you were attacked by the Void Demon Race, so I will help you by the way.”

“Thank you, if you didn’t show up, I am afraid that the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple today will be gone.”

Mo silently smiled bitterly, and then his face solemnly said: “Be careful, the person headed opposite is the patriarch of the Void Blood Demon clan, and the strength has reached the peak of the third-order demon god.”

At the peak of the third-order demon god, in this eternal void, unless the god king Fourth Stage is able to make a move, I am afraid that no one will suppress it at all.

Although Jiang Chen’s appearance has greatly reduced their pressure.

But they want to block the Void Demon Race, I am afraid it is still not an easy task.

“Is the Tier 3 Void Demon God Peak…”

Jiang Chen raised his head and glanced at the headed blood shadow, his eyes narrowed involuntarily.

He could naturally feel that the powerful aura emanating from this blood shadow, even the Void Giant Whale King he encountered in the Void Sea not long ago, is far from comparable.

With his current combat power, although he is not afraid of this guy, it is probably not an easy task to defeat him.

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly, and then he turned his head and glanced at Mo Silent, who was slightly pale and pale: “Senior, can you still hold that guy?”

“Although that guy is very strong, he wants to completely defeat me, but it is not something that can be done with one or two moves.”

Mo Silently stunned for a moment, but still said confidently.

Although he is not the peak opponent of the Tier 3 Void Demon God opposite, he still has the strength of the God King Third Stage Heaven. With some hole cards, there is still no big problem to contain that guy for a while.

“Good! As long as the senior can contain his ten breath time, I can kill the remaining three Void Demon Gods!”

A sharp light flashed in Jiang Chen’s eyes.

Today, the Void Demon Race still has four Void Demon Gods. The thunder-robed youth and the red-haired old man on their side have suffered heavy losses and hardly have much combat power.

He directly dealt with that Tier 3 Void Demon God, and the battle might be stalemate.

If Mo Wusheng could contain the third-order Void Demon God for a moment, he would be able to kill all the other three Void Demon Gods with the momentum of thunder!

By the time.

He joins hands with Mo Wusheng again to defeat that Tier 3 Void Demon God, it will be much easier.

“Okay, I’ll contain that guy, just do it!”

Mo Silent’s words fell, and immediately his whole body’s aura burst to the extreme in an instant.

“court death!”

Seeing that Mo Wusheng actually took the initiative to take the initiative, the Tier 3 Void Demon looked cold, and directly brought a monstrous blood-colored fist on his fist, and blasted his fist at Mo Wusheng.

And while Mo Wusheng fought the third-order void demon god, Jiang Chen disappeared in a flash.

The next moment…

His figure has appeared above the head of the second-order Void Demon God, and the Seven-Star Heaven Sword Art is also instantaneously activated, evolving a Star Giant Sword, directly cutting down from the void.

Looking at the Star giant sword that fell from the sky, the look of the second-order demon god instantly became horrified.

The power of the Demon God in his body exploded with all his strength, turning into layers of blood-colored light curtains, trying to block the slashed Star giant sword.


With the strength of his Tier 2 Demon God, how could he withstand the God King Sword Art that Jiang Chen exerted with all his strength.

I saw those blood-colored light curtains under the Star Great Sword, like paper, constantly bursting in the void.

The Tier 2 Void Demon God didn’t have time to react, and was annihilated by the brilliant sword glow of the Star Giant Sword, and the whole person was completely strangled into nothingness.

One sword killed the second-order void demon god, Jiang Chen’s golden ancient sword flashed, and another sword swung at one of the first-order demon gods.

The first-order demon god did not have any resistance at all, so he was beheaded by Jiang Chen with a single sword.

With Jiang Chen’s current strength, killing such an ordinary Tier 1 Void Demon God is almost like slaughtering a chicken and a dog!

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