Chapter 2157 I’m Here To Kill You

“The final blow, just ruin it!”

Xueying looked down at Mo Wusheng and the others indifferently, and didn’t intend to give them the slightest chance to breathe.

He directly greeted the four Void Demon Gods beside him again, and jointly blasted the chaotic light curtain below.

“Boom boom boom…”

The five Void Demon Gods once again joined forces, and the guardian array of the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple was finally unable to withstand such a terrifying power, and it made a clear sound like a broken mirror in mid-air.

The chaotic light curtain shattered, and many people in the Eternal Temple trembled, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of their mouths, falling from the sky above the Eternal Temple.

Even when Mo Silent waited for the three god-tier kings, there was a pale look on his face.

“Elder Mo, the power of these five void demon gods is too terrifying, and our power alone can’t resist it.”

Lei Pao’s middle-aged complexion was ugly to the extreme.

Originally, they thought that with the help of the palace guardian array, they should be able to resist the Void Demon Race one or two.

But I didn’t expect these five void demon gods to join forces, and just two blows would smash the palace guard array to life.

Although since the first attack of the Void Demon Race, the South Main Hall has already summoned the powerhouses of the many branch halls in the south of the Eternal Void.

But in the entire Eternal Void South, there are only their three Divine King Realm powers.

In the three god-tier realm, except for Mo Wusheng who has the power of the third stage of the god, the middle-aged Lei robe and the red-haired old man are both the first stage of the god.

And the five great void demon gods on the opposite side not only have a third-order demon god peak, but also a second-order demon god and three first-order demon gods.

It can be said.

Whether it is the quality or quantity of the top powerhouses, they are at an absolute disadvantage.

“Kill, break through the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple!”

One blow destroyed the guardian formation of the South Main Hall, and the Tier 3 Void Demon God headed without hesitation, directly took the lead and killed the Eternal Temple.

Facing the full attack of the five Void Demon Gods, Mo Wusheng couldn’t resist it at all.

It’s just a moment.

They were completely defeated under the siege of the five Void Demon Gods.

After Mo Wusheng fought recklessly with the third-order demon god, the whole person flew upside down in embarrassment for a distance of thousands of feet.

He glanced at the two middle-aged Leipao who were also extremely tragic, and couldn’t help but take a deep breath and said: “Retreat, I’m afraid this South Main Hall can’t be held.”

The Void Demon’s offensive is too fierce.

With their strength, they couldn’t insist on the arrival of reinforcements at all.

If they continue to fight, I am afraid that the South Main Hall of their eternal temple will really be wiped out.


They wanted to retreat, but the five great Void Demon Gods of the Void Demon Race didn’t plan to have any chance with them at all, and directly killed them with all their strength.

Under the siege of the five Void Demon Gods, the three of them quickly became dangerous.

Especially the middle-aged Lei Robe who was besieged by a Tier 2 Void Demon God and a Void Tier 1 Demon God, there was no power to fight back at all.

I saw that after he abruptly withstood the punch of the second-order virtual demon god, the whole person was vomiting blood, and he flew out of a distance of thousands of feet in embarrassment.

Before he was relieved.

Another Tier 1 Void Demon God evolved a blood-red sword with a thousand feet of blood and blood, and slashed it against the middle-aged Lei Robo.

“Die to me!”

Looking at the middle-aged thunder robe who had no time to dodge, a grim smile appeared on the face of the Tier 1 Void Demon God.

The blood and blood red knife cut through the void and instantly annihilated Lei Mang’s middle-aged body.

The middle-aged Lei Pao gritted his teeth, and when he was about to evolve the King of Gods to fight back, a golden Sword Ray appeared without warning, and slashed on the blood-red knife that was smashed in the face.


The blood red knife was under the golden Sword Ray, almost collapsed at the touch of an eye, and collapsed into nothingness in the blink of an eye.

After Sword Ray extinguished the blood red knife, he cut through the space directly and appeared ghostly at the center of the eyebrows of the first-order void demon god.

this moment.

The Tier 1 Void Demon God seemed to have been imprisoned by an inexplicable force. He couldn’t move, he could only watch the golden Sword Ray pierce through his eyebrows with a look of horror.


Sword Ray penetrated the eyebrows of the Tier 1 Void Demon God, and a horrible golden Sword Qi suddenly spread from his eyebrows.

It’s just a blink of an eye.

The body of the Tier 1 Void Demon God was completely strangled into nothingness by the golden Sword Qi.

In the sudden scene, it was also the middle-aged Lei Robe and the second-order demon god who were instantly stunned in place.

After a while.

Lei Pao’s middle-aged face also couldn’t help showing a look of ecstasy.

A Sword Ray killed a Void Demon God. Could it be that the reinforcements sent by the War Demon Alliance arrived?

Opposite the middle-aged Lei Pao, that Tier 2 Void Demon God couldn’t help but show a vigilant look on his face.

Killing a Tier 1 Void Demon God with one sword is definitely a great power of the Divine King Realm, and it is also a great power of the Divine King Realm that is not inferior to him.

The two came back to their senses, and they all looked at the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple below in unison.


A black-clothed young man holding a golden ancient sword was slowly walking into the air.

When they saw the black-clothed young man stepping through the air, there was an incredible horror in their eyes.

They obviously didn’t expect it.

This guy who killed a Void Demon God with a single sword turned out to be a hairy boy in Cultivation Base!

“Boy, who are you?”

The second-order Void Demon God stared at Jiang Chen, his eyes full of vigilance.

Slay the Void Demon God with a sword in the earthly realm!

If it was the black-clothed youth who had just shot the sword, then the talent of the black-clothed youth is really terrifying.

“I’m here to kill you!”

Jiang Chen’s indifferent voice fell, and the golden ancient sword in his hand directly drew a golden arc in mid-air.

The next moment…

A dazzling sword light broke through the world and directly slashed towards the second-order void demon god.

“Blood Demon Sword!”

Feeling the horror of Jiang Chen’s sword, the second-order Void Demon God’s pupils shrank, and the power of the Demon God in his body exploded with all his strength, directly transforming into a bloody heavenly sword that lay across the void, colliding with the golden sword light.


This mighty blood-colored sky sword was directly split in half by the golden sword light at the moment it touched the golden sword light.

The terrifying golden sword light, with indestructible power, slashed on the body of the second-order void demon god.


A mouthful of dark golden demon blood spurted out of that second-order void demon god’s mouth, and the whole was cut a distance of thousands of feet by that golden sword light.

He looked up at the black-clothed youth who was standing with a sword, and there was also an unconcealable panic in his eyes!

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