Chapter 2159 Repelling the Void Demon Race

“Do not!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen had killed two Void Demon Gods in an instant, there was also an unconcealable panic in the eyes of the remaining Tier 1 Void Demon God.

The souls in his heart are all venting, and the whole person is like a frightened bird, fleeing in panic.


With the strength of this guy’s only Tier 1 Void Demon God, how can he escape under Jiang Chen’s nose?

This first-order Void Demon God had just stepped a few steps away, and a shocking Sword Ray cut through the space and slashed at him.

This sword is extremely dazzling, as if it divides the entire eternal void into two halves with one sword.

Under this kind of power.

The Tier 1 Void Demon God didn’t have any resistance at all, and completely turned into nothingness under Sword Ray.

After Jiang Chen killed three Void Demon Gods with a single sword, he couldn’t help looking up at the battle in the Ten Thousand Zhang Void.

Although Mo Wusheng also has the Cultivation Base of the God King Third Stage Heaven, facing the existence of the peak of a third-order demon god, it also seemed very difficult.

Especially in this eternal void, every time he consumes a bit of great power, it is difficult to be replenished.

On the other hand, the Void Demon God is able to absorb the energy of the eternal void and continuously supplement its own consumption.

Under this decay, it is even more difficult for Mo Wusheng to contend with the third-order void demon, and can only rely on some trump cards, Magic Treasures, to support it hard!

Seeing Mo Wusheng who was beaten so helplessly to fight back, Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate at the moment. He directly swung the golden ancient sword, and struck the third-order Void Demon God with a sword.


The Tier 3 Void Demon God was about to chase down Mo Silent, preparing to completely defeat him, but instinctively felt a hint of dangerous aura from behind him.

His complexion changed, but Mo Silent was abandoned, and a bloody fist shot out on his backhand.


The blood-colored fists instantly collided with a Sword Ray that broke through the air. The terrifying storm of destruction also instantly spread to the surroundings centered on the confrontation.

The third-order Void Demon retreated a few steps on the Void.

He raised his head and looked at the figure that appeared in his line of sight, his expression also frightened: “Boy, it turned out to be you!”

Although the black-clothed youth suddenly appeared, a sword killed a Void Demon God of the Void Blood Demon Clan, completely disrupting the plan of the Void Blood Demon Clan, but the Void Blood Demon Clan still had three Void Demon Gods after all.

As long as the three of them can block the black-clothed youth for a moment, and when they kill the existence of the god king Third Stage, this black-clothed youth shouldn’t worry about it.

But he didn’t expect it.

The combat power of this black-clothed youth could be so strong.

He played against Mo Silent in just a few breaths, and the young man in black slayed all the remaining three Void Demon Gods of his Void Blood Demon clan!

Today, the five great Void Demon Gods of the Void Blood Demon clan have been chopped four by this black-clothed young man, leaving him alone.

Now let’s not talk about destroying the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple, and letting the Void Blood Demon’s status in the Void Demon Race to a higher level. Even if you keep its current status, I am afraid it will not be an easy task.

“Ah…boy, you’re bad to my emptiness. Blood Demon family event, I’m going to kill you!”

The Tier 3 Void Demon God raised up to the sky and uttered a terrifying rage, and the power of the dark red Demon God surged, with a terrifying aura of constant pressure for thousands of miles, and slew towards Jiang Chen.

Facing a violent Tier 3 pinnacle Void Demon God, Jiang Chen did not dare to be careless.

He directly urged the vision of the Taixu Sacred Dragon Diagram, and confronted the third-order Void Demon God.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

The two blasted several moves in the void, even if Jiang Chen spurred the Third Stage vision of the Void Sacred Dragon one after another, they couldn’t get any advantage in the other’s hands!

“The strength of this guy is really strong.”

Jiang Chen slowly took a deep breath, and forced down the churning breath in his body.

The Tier 3 Void Demon God in front of him, although not comparable to the enchanting genius of Ji Qianye’s Third Stage Heavenly King, is also much stronger than the Third Stage Heavenly God King’s Divine King.

Even if he wanted to defeat him with his current strength, it was by no means an easy task.

“This kid… how could he have such combat power?”

On the other side, the Tier 3 Void Demon God was extremely shocked in his heart.

The Cultivation Base, in the mere respectable realm, has a terrifying combat power that is not inferior to his third-order pinnacle Void Demon God.

this moment.

He finally understood why this black-clothed youth could lightly kill the Void Demon God of the Blood Demon clan.

The combat power of this black-clothed youth is definitely not something that the ordinary Void Demon God can contend.

Thought of this.

This third-order Void Demon God was horrified, but a retreat was born in his heart.

With his strength, it is not an easy task to solve the black-clothed youth in front of him, not to mention that there is a God King Third Stage next to him, Mo Silent, eyeing him.

Today, it is obviously impossible for the Blood Demon clan to break through the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple.

If the delay continues, the Void Blood Demon clan will really be wiped out.

“Boy, I remember you in the bloody sky, you wait for me!”

This Tier 3 Void Demon God glanced at Jiang Chen coldly, and immediately immediately disappeared into the eternal void with the army of the Void Blood Demon clan.

When Jiang Chen saw this, he didn’t stop him.

The strength of this blood evil sky is very strong. If he wants to keep it, I am afraid that he can only integrate the ancient sword into the Divine Body Vision Human Emperor Sword, and burst out a strong blow.


If this strike is used, he will also fall into a state of weakness for a period of time.

His relationship with the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple is not too close. It would be good to be able to help them repel the Void Demons today, and naturally there is no need to work hard for this.

Seeing the Void Blood Demon clan retreat, Mo Wusheng was also suddenly relieved.

He flashed over to Jiang Chen’s side, and couldn’t help but said with gratitude: “Little friend Jiang Chen, for today’s matter, I thank you very much on behalf of the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple.”

If Jiang Chen hadn’t appeared in time today, I’m afraid the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple would really not be able to keep it.


People who have seen Jiang Chen, such as the Hallmaster of the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple and the Four Great Tianjiao of the South Main Hall, have been unable to recover from the shock for a long time.

Especially the four great arrogances of the South Main Hall, a bitter smile appeared in his heart.

Even though Jiang Chen defeated them at the eternal grand ceremony, they could at least barely contend with Jiang Chen one or two times.

Now, after a few years, Jiang Chen has been able to easily slaughter the Void Demon God who is comparable to the Divine King Realm.

Even the Supreme Southern Main Hall, Elder Mo Silent, is not the opponent’s Tier 3 pinnacle Void Demon God, and he can’t ask for any advantage in Jiang Chen’s hands!

Jiang Chen’s talent is simply outrageous.

Even if they exhausted their entire lives, I am afraid they might not be able to achieve what Jiang Chen has achieved today.

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