Chapter 2156 The Danger Of The South Main Hall

The Eternal Temple, outside the South Main Hall.

Thousands of figures with extraordinary auras stood proudly above the void of the South Main Hall.

The first person is a black-robed old man with a withered face.

This black-robed old man is no one else. It is the Supreme Elder of the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple, the King of Ghosts and Swords.

Beside Mo Wusheng, there was a red-haired old man and a middle-aged lei robe.

Although the aura of these two people is slightly inferior to that of Mo Wusheng, the whole body is filled with the palpable Dao Divine Might, and it is obvious that they have also achieved Da Dao’s Divine King Realm power.

Behind these three god-tier kings, there are the main hall of the South Main Hall Monan Cang and many powerful South Main Hall.

And in the eternal void hundreds of miles away from them, there is a dense black shadow standing up.

In particular, the black shadows with monstrous auras at the head, even if they were compared to the three god-tier kings on the side of the South Main Hall, would not be inferior in the slightest.

The two parties confronted each other in this way, so that this eternal void was filled with a breath of blood and death.

“Elder Mo, this time the Void Demon Race has dispatched five Void Demon Gods. It seems that they are really planning to destroy the South Main Hall of our Eternal Temple.”

The middle-aged Lei Pao stared closely at the leading Void Demon Gods, his expression was extremely solemn.

This past two months.

The Void Demon Race has launched three attacks on the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple.


In the first two attacks, the Void Demon Race seemed to be only testing, and there was no Void Demon God level powerhouse.

Now that the Void Demon Race has gathered five Void Demon Gods, it is obvious that they will die in the South Main Hall of their eternal temple.

“This time the Void Demon Race is coming fiercely. With the power of our South Main Hall, I am afraid it will be difficult to stop the Void Demon Race. We must ask for help quickly.”

Another red-haired old man also said solemnly.

Mo Wu said indifferently: “Don’t worry, you have already contacted the War Demon Alliance of God’s Domain Continent. There should be strong people coming to help soon. We only need to delay some time.”

This time, the void demons seemed determined to destroy the Eternal Temple.

In addition to the East Main Hall, the other three main halls of the Eternal Temple have all been attacked by the Void Demon Race.

The East Main Hall wanted to guard against the attacks of the Void Demon Race, and did not dare to send too many strong men, and the reinforcements sent also went to the North Main Hall, where the situation was more dangerous.

Their South Main Hall can only rely on themselves now, and then wait for the help from the powerhouse of God’s Domain Continent.

after all.

The Eternal Temple is a nail nailed into the Eternal Void, and it is also the first line of defense for the Void Demon Race to attack the God’s Domain world.

Just as the three of Mo Wusheng communicated, the people of the Void Demon Race began to move.

I saw that the five great void demon gods headed by them, directly carrying the monstrous blood evil devil energy, stepped into the air together.

Mo Silent’s eyes narrowed: “Sacrifice to the formation!”

The Void Demon Race dispatched five Void Demon Gods this time, and they currently only have three Divine Kings, and it is simply difficult for them to compete head-on with them.

Now it is the only way to deal with the Void Demon Race with the help of the Great Hall of the South Main Hall.

Mo silent fell, and directly struck out a golden mudra tactic with both hands.

And behind him, many Nanzhudian powerhouses, including the two Divine King Stages, all shot one after another.

“Boom boom boom…”

A stream of colorful energy instantly rose above the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple, and finally turned into a chaotic light curtain, covering the entire South Main Hall.

“Everyone, make a quick fight, and make sure to break through the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple before the support of God’s Domain Continent arrives!”

“Whether our Void Blood Demon clan can rise again, is today!”

On the side of the Void Demon, the blood shadow headed by the Killing Intent shouted angrily, then raised the palm of Blood Demon’s aura, and slapped the chaotic light below fiercely.

With the palm of the Void Demon God took a picture.

A bloody energy of Killing intent spread out quickly, as if there was an invisible palm, hitting the chaotic light curtain heavily.


Only a loud bang was heard, and ripples suddenly spread on the mask. The loud bang, like thunder, resounded in this space.

“This person is so strong, I am afraid that he has reached the peak of the third-order Void Demon God!”

Looking at the terrifying blow of the blood shadow, Mo Wusheng’s eyes couldn’t help but sink suddenly.

The energy contained in the eternal void is extremely special, and there is almost no power of heaven and earth contained in the world of God’s Domain.

The Void Demon Race was born in the Eternal Void, living on this kind of energy all the year round, and the cultivation system naturally has an essential difference.

The Void Demons devour the energy of the eternal void, and give birth to different attributes of devil energy in the body.

With the strength of Ascension, the demonic energy of the Void Demon Race will continue to advance.

Once at the level of the Void Demon God, the demon energy in its body has also evolved into a very terrifying power, known as the power of the Demon God.

The power of this demon god’s power is not inferior to the great power of the great master of the gods of the world of the gods.

Especially in this eternal void, the combat power of the Void Demon God is even more powerful than that of the Divine King Realm.

after all.

The Void Demon God fights in the Eternal Void and can absorb the energy of the Eternal Void to supplement the consumed power of the Demon God, while the God King Realm is unable to absorb the power of the heavens and the earth to supplement the consumed power of the Great Dao!

It can be said.

In the case of equal strength, the God King Realm will fight against the Void Demon God in the Eternal Void, and it will almost certainly be defeated!

not to mention……

In the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple, there is no powerhouse of the God King Third Stage Heaven Peak at all.

Even if he is the highest in Cultivation Base, he is just the strength of the early stage of the God King Third Stage.

If it weren’t for this palace guardian array, I’m afraid their entire Eternal Temple South Main Hall might not be able to compete with the one in front of them.

“Tsk tusk… it’s worthy of being the guardian array of the Eternal Temple, it’s really strong.”

Seeing that the chaotic light curtain in front of him was luxurious and undamaged after taking a blow from him, the blood shadow couldn’t help but exclaimed.

There was a flash of blood in his eyes, and he sternly said: “Everyone, let’s take action together and break this formation.”

Following the words of Blood Shadow, the other four Void Demon Gods beside him also shot at the same time.

The power of the five terrifying demon gods, like the resurrection of the ancient demon gods, with a terrifying aura of constant pressure, slammed heavily on the chaotic light curtain.

“Boom boom boom…”

Five loud noises blasted into the sky one after another, and the terrifying impact swept through the chaotic light curtain towards Mo Wusheng and others.

Some of the weaker people in the Eternal Temple trembled, and their faces instantly became extremely pale.

Five Void Demon Gods joined forces to strike, which also included a powerful presence at the pinnacle of a Tier 3 Demon God. The power of this level is probably no less inferior to the full blow of the Tier 4 Demon God.

Even if they sacrificed to the Great Hall of the South Main Hall, it was hard to resist.

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