Chapter 2155 Rescue South Main Hall

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and couldn’t help asking in a deep voice, “Two Dages, what is going on?”

“This matter has nothing to do with you, leave quickly.”

The two guards of the Eternal Temple waved their hands and directly ordered Jiang Chen to chase away guests.

Jiang Chen’s brows couldn’t help but twisted together tightly.

When he was intercepted and killed by Ji Qianye, he had no choice but to mobilize the mysterious jade plate his master gave him, and escaped into the eternal void on the east side of God’s Domain Continent.

Although the eternal void on the east side of the God’s Domain Continent can also be circled to the eternal void on the south side, the distance between the two is far too far.

Even with Jiang Chen’s current speed, I am afraid that it will be difficult to achieve within a few years.

He wants to quickly enter the eternal void south of the Gods Domain Continent, the only way is to directly transmit it to the South Main Hall through the East Main Hall of the Eternal Temple.

Now the main hall of the East has no idea what happened, and even the practitioner is not allowed to enter it.

For Jiang Chen, this is undoubtedly a very headache.

“Two Dage, Jiang Chen, there are very important things that need to be entered into the Eternal Temple, and I hope the two can make it easier.”

As Jiang Chen said, he directly took out the Supreme Eternal Order that he had received in the South Main Hall.

The Supreme Eternal Order is the highest eternal order of the Eternal Temple.

It is said that those who hold the Supreme Eternal Order have the same status as the main hall Elder in the Eternal Temple.

Jiang Chen now only hopes that they can see this supreme eternal order and let him enter the main hall of the eternal temple.


Jiang Chen had only two choices, either from here to the eternal emptiness south of the Continent of the Gods, or just forcibly enter the main hall of the Eternal Temple.

“The Supreme Eternal Order!”

Seeing the Supreme Eternal Order in Jiang Chen’s hand, the expressions of the two guards of the Eternal Temple couldn’t help but change slightly.

Their gazes looking at Jiang Chen also became more respectful: “Your Excellency has the Supreme Eternal Order, and the status is equal to Elder, the main hall of the Eternal Temple. Naturally, you can enter the Eternal Temple without restrictions. Please enter it inside.”

“Thanks a lot.”

Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked curiously: “I don’t know what happened in the main hall of the Eternal Temple, why are the practitioners who are banned from entering it?”

“It is said that the Void Demon Race is ready to move, and there seems to be signs of attacking the Eternal Temple, and the Eternal Temple has to enter the first-level state of preparation.”

A guard replied.

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but stunned slightly.

At the beginning, Niu Gan went to Void Sea to unite Void Sea and Void Beast to attack the main hall of the Eternal Temple.

If he didn’t happen to meet Niu Gan and destroyed his conspiracy, maybe the East Main Hall of the Eternal Temple might really be attacked by the Void Demon Race.

As for the East Main Hall of the Eternal Temple, it seems that some news has already been received, and it has entered a state of preparation for battle.

Jiang Chen shook his head, throwing away his happy thoughts.

He looked directly at the two guards and explained Own’s intentions: “I want to use the teleportation array of your East Main Hall to go to the South Main Hall. I wonder if it is convenient now?”

“This matter is not for me. I will take you to see the Lord Commander. He is responsible for all the affairs of the Eastern Main Hall.”

One of the guards finished speaking and took Jiang Chen directly into the eternal temple.

Not long.

He took Jiang Chen to a Great Hall in the center of the Eternal Temple.

Inside the Great Hall.

A burly middle-aged man in black armor was staring at the vast map in front of him, not knowing what he was thinking about.

Jiang Chen glanced slightly over the middle-aged black armor body, and he felt the divine might faintly emanating from his body.

This middle-aged black armor is obviously a powerhouse of the Divine King Realm who has mastered the Great Dao!

Jiang Chen was suddenly taken aback.

When he was in the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple, Jiang Chen only felt the aura of an old monster of the Divine King Realm, and even the Hall Master of the South Main Hall did not reach the Divine King Realm.

And the black armored middle-aged in front of him, it seems that he is just some leader of the East Main Hall of the Eternal Temple, and he has the strength of the Divine King Realm.

This can be seen.

The strength of the East Main Hall of the Eternal Temple is probably much stronger than that of the South Main Hall.

When Jiang Chen was looking at the middle-aged black armor, the middle-aged black armor obviously also sensed the existence of the two Jiang Chen.

He raised his head to look at the two of Jiang Chen and said sharply: “Zhang Xu, the Eternal Temple is now in the first-level state of preparation, how dare you bring practitioners into the Eternal Temple?”

“Master, Lord Jiang Chen holds the Supreme Eternal Order, otherwise his subordinates would never dare to bring him to you.”

The guard said quickly.

The middle-aged black armor was slightly taken aback.


He quickly thought of something, and he couldn’t help but look surprised and authentic: “You are at the eternal grand ceremony of the South Main Hall, and a man has overwhelmed all the Tianjiao Jiang Chen in the South Main Hall?”

“Yes, it’s Jiang Chen underneath. I didn’t expect the commander to have heard of my name.”

Jiang Chen nodded, and a look of astonishment appeared in the eyes of the middle-aged black armor.

“Your performance at the Eternal Grand Ceremony back then caused the four main halls of the Eternal Temple to be shaken. Naturally, I also heard about it.”

The middle-aged black armor smiled slightly, and then asked: “Didn’t you go to God’s Domain Continent, why are you here?”

“It’s a long story.”

Jiang Chen shook his head and said directly to the black-clad middle-aged cupped fist: “Master Commander, I would like to borrow your teleportation array from the East Main Hall to go to the South Main Hall. I hope you can make it easier.”

“Are you going to the South Main Hall?”

The middle-aged black armor frowned slightly: “You want to use the teleportation array to go to the South Main Hall, I naturally have no problem. But now the South Main Hall is being attacked by the Void Demon Race, are you sure you want to go there?”

Jiang Chen was taken aback suddenly: “The South Main Hall was attacked by the Void Demon Race?”

“Now the four main halls of the Eternal Temple, except for the East Main Hall, almost all have been attacked by the Void Demon Race. The East Main Hall has sent many powerful people to the other three main halls for rescue.”

“Really because of this, the East Main Hall will enter the first-level state of preparation.”

The middle-aged black armor didn’t conceal the least, and directly told the situation in the Eternal Temple.

When Jiang Chen heard the words, he couldn’t help taking a breath.

It seems that the Void Demon Race’s attack on the Eternal Temple is indeed premeditated.

If he didn’t happen to meet Niu Gan this time and destroyed the plan of the Void Niu Demon Race, I am afraid that the main hall of the East will also be attacked by the Void Niu Demon Race.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath.

If he wants to return to the Great Desolate Realm, he must first go to the South Main Hall.

not to mention……

The Void Demon Race is the common enemy of the practitioners of the Divine Realm, and he has some connections with the South Main Hall of the Eternal Temple.

Now that the South Main Hall is being attacked by the Void Demon Race, how can Jiang Chen sit idly by?

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but raised his head and said solemnly to the middle-aged black armor: “Master, no matter what, I will go to the South Main Hall. Please also Master to open the teleportation array for me.”

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