Chapter 2135 The Shock Of The Ji Clan In The Middle Domain

“Divine Body Vision Human Emperor Sword!”

The old man in Tsing Yi stared steadily at the sky that had turned into nothingness above his head, and his expression also appeared horrified.

If he had doubts about Jiang Chen’s identity before, now he is almost certain that this guy is definitely the descendants of those two back then.

“I don’t know what happened to Ji Qianbai.”

The old man in Tsing Yi took a deep breath, his expression extremely gloomy.

Although that kid is only the Cultivation Base of the realm, his combat power is extremely enchanting.

The horror sword he had just exploded with the Emperor Sword of the Divine Body Vision Man, even with the Cultivation Base of his Divine King Third Stage Sky, could not be easily blocked.

Although Ji Qianbai’s talents and strength are not weak, under this sword, I am afraid that even if they do not die, they will be seriously injured.

As the only two three-star Heavenly Venerable evildoers of the young generation of the Ji Clan in the Middle Region, Ji Qianbai is undoubtedly very important to the Ji Clan in the Middle Region.

If the two of them were to fall, this would also be a great blow to the Ji Clan of the Central Region.

Under the gaze of everyone.

Everything in the void gradually returned to peace.


I saw two blood-stained figures, directly smashing down from the endless void, and it was Ji Qianbai and Ji Chiyun.

The old man in Tsing Yi’s complexion changed, and he hurriedly flew into the air, catching the two of Ji Qianbai who had passed out.


Although the two of them tried their best, under the sword just now, the end was still very miserable.

Not only did their bodies almost collapsed with a sword, but their internal organs were also severely damaged, and almost all of them were left with half their lives.

If the two were not for the peerless arrogance of the Ji Clan in the Central Region, they had a not weak life-saving trump card in their hands, I am afraid they would really fall directly into the hands of that kid.

The old man in Tsing Yi took out two Medicine Pills to Ji Qianbai and the other two to swallow them, stabilizing their injuries.

He took a deep breath and looked at Ji Xuanyi deeply: “Ji Xuanyi, you won this competition!”

After speaking, the old man in Tsing Yi did not give Ji Xuanyi a chance to speak, and directly condensed a cyan giant sword, and quickly disappeared above the Ji clan with Ji Qianbai and two.

Ji Xuanyi glanced at the direction in which the old man in Qingyi disappeared, and couldn’t help but smile at Jiang Chen who had landed from the void: “Jiang Chen, thank you very much today.”

“It’s just a matter of effort.”

Jiang Chen waved his hand, and then said directly: “Clan Chief Ji, if there is nothing else, I will continue to cultivate in Tianyuan Palace.”


Ji Xuanyi nodded, and then said in a slight thought: “Jiang Chen, after today, if you have the blood of the Jiang and Ji clan at the same time, I am afraid that you will be known by the Imperial Palace. You must be psychologically prepared.”

“I see.”

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, then looked at Ji Xuanyi and said, “If I continue to stay here, will I cause you trouble next?”

Millions of years ago, because of the existence of those two people, the Palace of Human Emperor had undergone an earth-shattering change.

He has the blood of the Ji and the Jiang clan at the same time. People in the Palace of the Human Emperor and the Ji clan in the Central Region will probably guess that he is related to those two, so naturally they won’t let him go easily!

“Millions of years ago, the daughter of the Tianjiao of the Ji clan came from the line of the Ji clan of the Eastern Region.”

“We left the Middle Territory Ji Clan back then and came to this Eastern Territory land in order to find traces related to her.”

“Now you should have her bloodline in your body, that is our clan. If we were afraid of trouble, why did we break with the Ji clan in the first place?”

Ji Xuanyi smiled confidently: “Don’t worry, I dare to ask you to help the Ji clan, so I didn’t intend to let you hide it. Moreover, the Ji clan of the Eastern Region is not as weak as you think. As long as you are here, no one can touch you. !”

Millions of years ago, they left the Human Palace and broke with the Ji Clan in the Central Region.

If it weren’t for some trump cards enough to make the palace jealous, how could they come to the land of the Eastern Region unharmed?

He exposed Jiang Chen to the people of the Ji clan in the Middle Region, but actually he deliberately took advantage of them to pass the news of Jiang Chen back to the Palace of Human Emperors, to see what kind of reaction the people of the Palace of Human Emperors would be like. .

After talking with Ji Xuanyi for a few words, Jiang Chen didn’t stay outside too much, and went straight back to Tianyuan Hall to continue cultivation.

He is very clear.

After the people of the Ji clan in the Middle Territory brought his news back to the Palace of the Human Emperor, the Palace of the Human Emperor could not be without the slightest movement.

He can only use his Ascension strength now to better cope with the next situation.

Now he has the Great Dao Sword Pond left by Ji Tianyuan. As long as he absorbs the energy of the Refining Dao Sword Pond, he can quickly break through the four-star Tianzun.

By the time.

Even if he is a strong man facing the God King Fourth Stage, he may not have the power to fight!

It was at the same time that Jiang Chen used the cultivation of Dao Sword Pond with all his strength.

The Middle Territory of God’s Domain Continent.

An ancient world exuding the atmosphere of the ancients.

I saw a bright cyan Sword Ray from far to near, quickly flashing through the air.

In the cyan Sword Ray, there is an old man in Tsing Yi with two unconscious young men, and they are the three old men in Tsing Yi who are going to the Eastern Ji Clan.

After a while.

The cyan Sword Ray cuts through the sky like a shooting star, sinking into an ancient sacred mountain surrounded by clouds and landing in front of one of the palaces inside the sacred mountain.

He took a deep breath and said directly into the palace: “Cangmu, come out quickly.”

“Ji Qingjian, didn’t you lead the team to the Ji Clan of the Eastern Region? Why did you suddenly come to my life spirit palace?”

At this moment, a sound like a spring breeze rang from the palace.

The next moment.

An old man in a white robe with a childlike appearance also emerged out of thin air in front of the old man in Tsing Yi.

Ji Qingjian gave a wry smile, and immediately placed both Ji Qianbai in front of the white-robed old man: “Something went wrong during this trip. Both of these little guys were seriously injured. Look at them.”

The white-robed old man’s eyes swept over Ji Qianbai’s body, and there was also an incredible shock in his old eyes.

“Qing Jian, how could there be a young disciple of the Ji Clan in the Eastern Region who beat the two of them like this? Couldn’t it be the old guy in the Eastern Region who made the shot?”

Ji Qingjian shook his head and said: “This is a long story. You can heal the two of them first. I have important matters to report to the patriarch, so I will leave first.”

Ji Qingjian’s voice fell, and his figure flashed towards a Great Hall in the center of the Ji clan.

Not long.

Five Daoist shadows including Ji Qingjian gathered in the Great Hall.

“Qingjian Elder, you took Ji Qianbai and two of them to the Ji Clan of the Eastern Territory to compete, but the two returned with severe injuries. What’s going on?”

The first man with a gloomy eagle face looked at Ji Qingjian, and his cold voice also resounded in the Great Hall.

Ji Qingjian slowly said: “The patriarch, there has been an enchanting evildoer in the Ji clan of the Eastern Region, a heaven-defying evildoer who has both the bloodline of the Ji clan and the bloodline of the Jiang clan!”


Following Ji Qingjian’s words, the expressions of several people in the Great Hall couldn’t help but change drastically!

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