Chapter 2136

Ji Qingjian’s astonishing words caused the entire Great Hall to fall into a brief silence.

After a while.

Ji Xuanying, the patriarch of the Ji clan on the first seat, just forcibly suppressed the shock, staring at Ji Qingjian, “Qingjian Elder, what you said is true.”

Ji Qingjian didn’t conceal it either, and immediately told what happened in the Eastern Region.

I heard that a mysterious young man appeared in the Ji Clan of the East Territory. Not only did he have the blood of the Jiang Clan and the Ji Clan, but he also obtained the inheritance of the Tianyuan Temple. Using the Cultivation Base of the Earth-Zun realm, he used the Cultivation Base of the Divine Body to cast the Emperor Sword of the Divine Body to severely damage him. After the two of Ji Qianbai, the Great Hall fell into a dead silence again.

“What do you think of the mysterious young man from the Ji Clan of the Eastern Region?”

After Ji Xuanying was silent for a while, he finally broke the silence in the Great Hall.

“The patriarch, who can have both the bloodline of the Ji clan and the bloodline of the Jiang clan, must be the descendants of those two millions of years ago. It seems that those two really did not fall back then.”

A black-robed old man slowly said: “This matter is of great importance. I suggest you notify the Jiang people and let them handle it.”

The other few people did not speak, obviously tacitly acquiescing to the meaning of the old man in black robe.

“The current situation of the Jiang clan is also extremely complicated. If this matter is let the Jiang clan know, it may not be a good thing.”

Ji Xuanying waved his hand, and immediately flashed a cold light in his eyes: “The existence of the kid from the Eastern Ji clan is not a good thing for us in the Central Ji clan. We must solve it as soon as possible!”

“Patriarch, the Ji Clan of the Eastern Region is not so easy to deal with, we want to solve that kid, I am afraid it is not an easy task.”

Ji Qingjian was silent for a while.

The Ji Clan of the Eastern Territory, intersected with the real Cangming.

Millions of years ago.

When the Ji Clan of the Eastern Territory and the Ji Clan of the Middle Territory broke, it was because of the strong existence of the Cangming True Person, the Human Emperor Palace and the Ji Clan of the Middle Territory could only let them leave the Middle Territory.

Not to mention the real Cangming, the Ji Clan of the Eastern Region also has an old fellow of God King Fourth Stage.

If it matches the divine object of the Ji Clan of the Upper East Region, even the powerhouses of the God King Fifth Stage Heaven or even the God King Sixth Stage Heaven will not be able to easily get him.

not to mention……

The kid of the Ji clan of the Eastern Territory is not a weak person himself.

He can severely inflict both Ji Qianbai and Ji with a single sword, and his combat power is probably comparable to the God King Third Stage Heaven.

Even if it is the Ji clan in the Middle Territory, it is probably not an easy task to send someone to kill that kid in the Eastern Territory.

“If you want to blatantly go to the Eastern Territory Ji Clan to kill that kid, it’s naturally impossible.”

A gloomy smile flashed in Ji Xuanying’s eyes: “But the light is not good, we can come to the dark. We only need to send one person to lurk in the Eastern Region, and when the kid leaves the Ji clan, he will be killed directly! ”

Ji Qingjian hesitated slightly and said: “The patriarch, the appearance of that kid also means that the two million years ago are likely to be alive.”

Ji Xuanying’s complexion changed, and then she said coldly: “That just happened to kill that kid, and see if we can lead those two out!”

Millions of years ago.

In order to stabilize his position in the Ji clan, he secretly colluded with some members of the Jiang clan.

It can be said.

The change that happened a million years ago was planned by him and others.

In any case, he must not let those two people and those related to them live!

Ji Qingjian was silent for a while and said: “That kid can hit Ji Qianbai and Ji Qianbai with a single sword. His combat power is probably no less than that of the God King Third Stage. Who is the patriarch planning to send to the Eastern Region?”

With that kid’s combat power, if you want to send someone to kill him secretly, you need at least a strong man of God King Fourth Stage.

Today’s Ji clan, several ancestors have been practicing Closed Door Training and hardly know anything about the world. Unless the Ji clan comes to life and death, they won’t show up at all.

Except for those ancestors, the Ji clan now has almost no god king Fourth Stage or more.

A cold light flashed in Ji Xuanying’s eyes and coldly said, “Then let Ji Qianye go to the Eastern Region.”

Ji Qingjian’s face changed slightly: “You want Ji Qianye to go to the Eastern Region?”

Ji Qianye, the first arrogant of the Ji clan in the world, is also the god son of the Ji clan today. Hundreds of years ago, he used the three-star heaven to prove the god of Taoism, breaking through the third stage of the gods in one fell swoop!

Although he is only the Cultivation Base of the God King’s Third Stage, his combat power is more than that of the God King’s Fourth Stage, and he is even better!

Except for the few unborn ancestors, Ji Qianye’s current combat power can even be called the first person in the Ji clan.

“Patriarch, you asked Ji Qianye to go to the Eastern Region, isn’t it a bit too risky?”

Ji Qingjian frowned tightly.

Although Ji Qingjian didn’t doubt that Ji Qianye had the ability to kill that kid, if Ji Qianye really did something in the Eastern Region, it would be enough to hurt their Ji family’s vitality and even affect the battle for the secret realm of the Emperor.

“I have decided, no need to say more!”

Ji Xuanying waved his hand, and immediately disappeared into the Great Hall out of thin air.

It didn’t take long.

In a Great Hall deep in the Ji clan, a black-clothed young man with a cold expression appeared above the Ji clan.

“East Territory Ji Clan, Tianjiao who possesses the emperor’s luck, is really interesting. I will go to the meeting while the emperor’s secret realm is still open for a while.”

The black-clothed youth murmured to himself, and disappeared in the same place in a flash.

at the same time.

Ancient sacred dragon tribe, sacred dragon palace.

An old man in Tsing Yi dressed in a blue robe stood proudly in a Great Hall with his hands in his hands.

If Jiang Chen appeared here at this moment, he would be able to recognize the identity of the old man in Tsing Yi at a glance.

The old man in Tsing Yi is no one else. It is the Qingyuan God King who once appeared in the ancestral land of the Golden Winged Eagle Clan, and is also the current Elder of the ancient Sacred Dragon Clan.

“Big Elder, are you looking for me?”

At this moment, a cold and arrogant voice suddenly came from behind the Qingyuan God King.

The God King Qingyuan turned around, his eyes directly falling on the figure that slowly walked in from the outside of the Great Hall.

This is a young man in white with sword eyebrows and star eyes, looking very perfect.

He walked head-on like this, and a faint coercion spread out from all over his body, giving people a feeling of not dare to watch.

“Jiuhan, the person wanted by my ancient Sacred Dragon Clan has now appeared in the Eastern Region. I plan to let you go to the Eastern Region in person and bring him back to the ancient Sacred Dragon Clan. I wonder if you are willing to go.”

God King Qingyuan looked at the white-clothed youth in front of him and couldn’t help but smile.

The white-clothed youth said without expression: “Big Elder can rest assured that Jiuhan will definitely catch him back to the ancient holy dragon clan.”

The Qingyuan God King exhorted: “This son is now in the Eastern Region Ji Clan, and the Eastern Region Ji Clan is a part of the split from the Human Palace Ji Clan. The strength should not be underestimated, and you must not be careless before going on this trip.”

“Jiuhan understands.”

The words of the white-clothed youth fell, and his figure disappeared directly and strangely in front of the Qingyuan Divine King.

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