Chapter 2134 Take me a sword, even if I lose

“Green Sword Elder, you are the genius of the Ji Clan in the Middle Territory. As long as our Ji Clan in the East Territory can defeat either of them, even if we win.”

“Nowadays, one person is not an opponent, so you still have to fight two against one. Are you members of the Ji Clan in the middle area, not wanting face.”

Seeing Ji Qianbai’s move, Ji Xuanyi couldn’t help but sneered contemptuously.

The old man in Tsing Yi coldly snorted: “Ji Xuanyi, if you say that you are breaking the rules, it is also the violation of your Eastern Ji clan first. This is not a member of the Ji clan who fought for your Eastern Ji clan?”

Millions of years ago.

After Ji Xuanyi and their line left the Central Territory Ji clan and came to the Eastern Region, the Central Territory Ji clan still paid great attention to Ji Xuanyi and their line.

Regarding the situation of the Ji family in the Eastern Region, the Ji family in the Middle Region is naturally very clear.

Although the old man in Tsing Yi didn’t know why the Eastern Region popped up such a heaven-defying peerless evildoer out of thin air, this guy is definitely not a member of the Eastern Region Ji Clan.

“Qingjian Elder, with your eyesight, it shouldn’t be difficult to sense the blood in his body, right?”

Ji Xuanyi smiled faintly: “He has the blood of my Ji clan in his body, why can’t he be a Ji clan?”

The old man in Tsing Yi was slightly startled, and immediately his eyes locked on Jiang Chen in the void.

After a while.

The old man in Tsing Yi finally discovered something, his expression changed drastically.

He never thought of it.

This enchanting genius sent by the Ji Clan of the Eastern Region not only has the blood of their Ji Clan, but also has the blood of the Jiang Clan!

Could it be…

In that incident millions of years ago, the two shocking evildoers of the Human Emperor Palace really did not fall, and they were also found by the people of the Ji Clan in the Eastern Region?

The Palace of the People was undergoing major changes in those days, and the Ji clan also had differences as a result.

Ji Xuanyi and their line firmly believed that the two did not fall, and even broke away from the Ji clan and moved to the Eastern Region.

Now that there is a person in the Ji clan of the Eastern Region who has both the blood of the Jiang clan and the Ji clan, it is very likely that he has a close relationship with the two at the beginning.

If those two are really still alive, this would be a big deal for the Zhongyu Ji clan and even the entire Human Palace.

The old man in Tsing Yi took a deep breath and suppressed the horror in his heart.

For him, it doesn’t matter whether he can bring the divine object of the Ji Clan of the Eastern Region back to the Central Region this time.

He must now bring Jiang Chen’s news back to Zhongyu as soon as possible.

Just when the old man in Tsing Yi was horrified.


Seeing Ji Qianbai’s appearance, Ji Chiyun’s complexion suddenly became a little unpleasant: “Ji Qianbai, you leave me alone. I’m only enough to deal with him, and you don’t need your help!”

He is a great genius of the Central Territory Ji family. If he deals with the Eastern Territory genius who is one Realm lower than his own Cultivation Base, he will have to help others. Wouldn’t it make people laugh out of their teeth?


“At this time, are you someone’s opponent, don’t you have any points in your heart?”

Ji Qianbai glanced at Ji Chiyun coldly: “We came to the Eastern Region this time, but we made an oath. You should be very clear about the consequences of failure!”

Just now Ji Chiyun successively used the Golden Crow’s dual vision of Heaven-killing Skill, but it was cut through by a few swords that Jiang Chen downplayed.

Based on this alone, it is not difficult to see that the strength of the opponent is far above them.

The two of them joined forces, perhaps barely able to fight. If you fight alone, I am afraid you will definitely lose.

“Okay, don’t waste your time there, you two, let’s go together.”

Jiang Chen glanced at the two of them impatiently, and said indifferently: “One sword, as long as you two can pick me up with one sword, even if I lose!”

“Your Excellency is really not ordinary arrogance.”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s arrogant words, even Ji Qianbai, who was always calm, couldn’t help but sink slightly.

He stared at Jiang Chen with an angry smile: “In that case, I, Ji Qianbai, want to see how you can defeat both of us with a single sword!”

Both of them are the top geniuses of the Ji Clan of Zhongyu, even if you look at the whole Zhongyu, they are also ranked high.

To know.

Even if their Ji clan’s first enchanting evildoer, who has already proven to the god king, would not dare to defeat them both with a single sword when he was in the Heavenly Sovereign Realm.

Even though this kid is heaven-defying extremely powerful, it is impossible to defeat them both with the sword of the earthly realm.

“Then you just keep your eyes open!”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, and the whole person was instantly enveloped by a bright golden light.

The next moment.

These golden divine lights gathered behind Jiang Chen and turned into a divine vision man’s imperial sword.

Immediately afterwards.

I saw that the golden ancient sword in Jiang Chen’s hand trembled slightly, turning into a golden light and submerged into the divine body visionary imperial sword behind it, causing the brilliance of the divine body visionary imperial sword to double in an instant.

“This is… Human Emperor Sword?”

“You…you actually condensed the Divine Body Vision Human Emperor Sword, how is this possible?”

Looking at the divine body vision behind Jiang Chen that made them extremely familiar, an unbelievable horror finally appeared in the eyes of Ji Qianbai and the other two.

Human Emperor Sword, this is the strongest Divine Armament of Human Emperor Sword.


Since the Great Tribulation of the Ancient Times, the Human Emperor Sword has completely disappeared from the Divine Realm Continent.

However, a rumor has been circulating in the Palace of Human Emperor.

It is said that the Jiang imperial family possesses the peerless genius of human emperor luck, the divine body vision can condense the human emperor sword, and use this to summon the real human emperor sword, thereby succeeding the human emperor.

Millions of years ago, the palace of the human emperor had undergone a great change because of the existence of an existence that condensed the vision of the human emperor sword.

Ji Qianbai didn’t think of it.

The genius found by the Ji Clan of the Eastern Territory was actually a member of the Jiang Clan, and he also condensed the Emperor Sword of the Divine Body Visionary Man!

Jiang Chen had no expression on his face, and he ignored the shock of the two of Ji Qianbai. He directly spurred the Emperor Sword of the Divine Body Vision Man, and slashed it out without any kind of politeness!

Looking at the Human Emperor Sword that was slashed towards them, Ji Qianbai and the others only felt inexplicably cold in their hearts.

Where did they dare to have the slightest hesitation, and they hurriedly urged the amount of Internal Energy to the limit.

The divine light behind Ji Qianbai skyrocketed, and directly urged the divine body vision with all his strength, evolving into a sacred mountain with thunder light and smashing into the oncoming human sword.

the other side.

Ji Chiyun also fully urged the Third Stage Cultivation Technique vision of Golden Crow’s Destroying Technique, and evolved ten Golden Crow Destroyed Golden Crows. With the power to burn everything, they rushed to Jiang Chen’s Divine Body Vision Man Emperor Sword.


Three terrifying forces collided in the void, and a terrible energy storm swept away.

that moment.

The heavens and the earth have faded, the sun and the moon are dull.

Wanli Tianqi completely turned into nothingness at this moment…

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